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Everything posted by binman

  1. I have said a million times. Our kicking is our biggest weakness
  2. Go dees. Thanks to all posters and huge thanks to Andy for keeping demonland going. I am always positive during the preseason. Exciting we get another one. By golly we will be fit! Go redleggers
  3. Time for the binman solution to take effect
  4. Time to implement the binman plan: https://demonland.com/forums/topic/47826-coronavirus-afl-mfc/?do=findComment&comment=1804224
  5. Unsurprising given the 'quote" was snippet of a 20 minute bit of commentary TMac did during the North Melbourne dees scratch match that was live streamed. And to find the replay you had to search around on youtube or follow the helpful embedded videos on on that games thread. Which only trainspotters would do (i am one - even went to the game!). Satyriconhome's snide and dismissive 'if you bothered to listen' comment is yet another example of his frequent rudeness to fellow posters.
  6. But zero crowd impact. Surely they don't consciously favor the home team. Crowd is the issue.
  7. On the above I also call out people who insult and unfairly denigrate people in other public forums, like at the football. And in case you need reminding demonland is a public forum.
  8. When you insult or denigrate fellow posters on a public forum it becomes everyone's business. And i reserve the right to call it out. If yoy want to insult or denigrate a poster and don't want to make it everyone's business PM them.
  9. Are you for real? Was a completely reasonable comment from RBG. Not for the first time you are well out of order.
  10. If we are there won't be many others on it i reckon. No one is going anywhere and all meetings and events are pretty much cancelled.
  11. No NRL player. An amateur player.
  12. Tomorrow's nights rating will be though the roof!
  13. Of course. But all hotels have large meetings spaces, conference rooms and smaller meeting rooms. And of course proper kitchens and no doubt medical facilities. All of the hotels have their own gyms. Probabaly not up to the standard nneed but AAMI park, Punt road and the g all have gyms etc. Gyms in the CBD will likely be closed so each club could could hire their own gym 24-7 (and cut a goo deal as gyms will otherwise likely close). You could also use marvel for training and it has any number of meetings spaces, i assume a gym and entertainment areas if it was felt that was useful. For us it would be no different (apart from living in a hotel of course), train at Goshs and do weights etc at AAMI. Completely clean the place and the next team gets their turn. repat at Punt road, the G, AAMI park and Marvel As i noted the 1200 people i have suggested be involved include all 800 odd players, coaching staff, medicos and staff like dietitians etc etc. All admin and FD staff could video conference as required. Doable
  14. As i have posted previously i reckon this is doable. Lets say they played at the MCG, or god forbid marvel. Or perhaps Adelaide Oval. Hotels must be completely empty and would love 1200 odd people (all players and coaching staff, medical teams etc) staying in them for six weeks. Completely book out say six hotels close to a playing venue (so you would only have 200 or so at any one hotel spread out over multiple floors and everyone their own room) and smash out the games. Say it was at the G you could book the Pullman and five other hotels in a the CBD (all within a 2-3km radius). Teams rotate training on the G and at Goshs, AAMI Park, Punt Road and Collingwood's ground. All in walking distance so no buses required (minimising transmission risk). No planes required for players after initial flights into Melbourne for the 8 interstate sides so minimising air travel and need to transit through airports. The CBD will be practically empty soon so players could get out and about a little bit. Book out some cinemas (which will be empty) and other entertainment options where players could spread out, so they have something to do. Plenty of parks to wander around for positive head space and nice hotel room to go back to. Relatively cost effective. Of course players and staff would be away from family but that's workable for six weeks. It could work
  15. Fair points. But even if you only tested all players once and then they self isolate outside of playing and training the risk of of spreading would be below - or at least no higher - than if they stop all together and are just part of the broader community and practicing distancing strategies.
  16. A god point Webber. As i have flagged before i am for continuing, but shifting towards holding off. I wonder if they do decide to play would it be feasible for all involved at a club who have to have direct contact (remmbering pretty much all admin can work from home) essentially self isolate when not playing a game or training. So that would be say 40 players and maybe 20 staff (coaches, ancillary staff, medical teams etc), so 60 people per team isolating themselves for say 6 weeks. For instance in hotel or the like. So say 1200 people essentially isolating themselves for 6 weeks. If that occurred the risk of spreading the virus to the broader community would be minimised (noting that it would be impossible to completely stop infections), taking away a key (valid) argument against playing. A query you might be able to answer. Taking your point about people being asymptomatic and still being infectious i assume if a person hs COvid 19 a test would show that. Is it feasible to test all AFL players? Donovan Mitchel tested positive without symptoms so i assume they tested all NBA players, or at least all of the Utah Jazz players. Another query. If you think games should not be played then logically - and for the same reason ie containment - training should be called off. As it has been in the NBA
  17. What's the difference? Are you serious? Frankly if you don't understand the difference then perhaps you should spend less time thinking about crackpot conspiracy theories and actually try to learn something. Maybe start with the difference between a drug that stops people catching a virus and one that treats the symptoms of a virus once caught. Sheesh. Double sheesh.
  18. I agree with Jaded. i think they should play. It would appear likely that by say by October at least half of all Australians will have been infected. The players are just as likely to contract the virus not playing footy, perhaps even more so than playing. So why not play. The rationale for not playing is the risk of players spreading it to other players (noting the scenario they are not playing in front of crowds). I understand that from a social distancing perspective. But if they can keep that to a reasonable level it will mirror what would occur if they didn't play. So no difference either way in terms of the rate of infection. Remember there is no stopping this. Just slowing it. Which is what they are trying to achieve. Flattening the curve. If they are successful in flattening the curve then play football. I'm not joking or being facetious but the public need such distraction ATM. And getting a season completed may prevent a club like the dees going to the wall.
  19. Leaving aside the fact that we lose the 'advantage' of as a softer draw a result of finishing 17th, playing each other team only once is, in my opinion, the optimal and best fixture. Love it. The best teams make the finals. Not those with luckiest draw. As it should be. The first few rounds take the crowd of the equation making it fairer still. So if we win it the flag this year there will be no debate about us being the best side.
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