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Everything posted by binman

  1. On Brown, and weed for that matter, it is a very long season. And as is the case every injuries will play a huge part in which club wins the flag. We are fit, in good shape injury wise. And playing well. And I'm firmly of the view that the next four games are critical for our chances of winning a flag. Why? We need to win all four. Failing to do so would be a huge missed opportunity. If we go 10 zip, before we have to play port and dogs, we are a lock for top 4. With what our percentage would be and how the ladder is shaping up, 15 wins will get us top 4. Meaning from 10 zip we will only need to win 5 of our remaining 12 games. Now is not the the time to make any major changes. Sure some minor management changes. But Iets bank these four wins and then at the mid season mark and around the bye we can give some players a chop out. Particularly the younger ones. Brown and weed will get their chance.
  2. Really? No club would give any player such an assurance. Let alone one who got shopped from a cellar dweller, has knees injuries and for whom we were seemingly the only serious suitor.
  3. Like nibbler, spargo is going nowhere. Both best 22 locks. All season. Both are critical factors in our system. Critical. On 360 last week goody was asked about improvement. He emphasised leadership - and when listing the leaders he included the usual suspects, max, Jack etc. And nibbler.
  4. I'm not convinced that we changed how we played or our game plan. In fact i would argue that we didn't. Why would we? Like the tigers we have system that we will back in against any opposition. And when you have that mindset you don't flirt with a new game plan. And more than that Goodies philosophy (and other system based coaches like Beveridge and Hardwick) as it relates to the game plan is a system that is predictable and based on repetition and role clarity. You don't mess with the system Was that David King opinion on that show the last bounce, or whatever it is? If so I'll watch it, and I'll listen to the clip EO linked above (thanks EO). Perhaps it is matter of semantics. By that i mean sure we made some adaptions. We put hard tag on Dusty for one. And we definitely played more tempo footy than we have thus far (though we have employed tempo footy in every game so far), with lots of patient build up and chipping it around - hence how many more marks and uncontested possessions we had. Is that changing the way we played? I would say not. The system and fundamentals remained exactly the same. A tweak yes, but not a significant change to how we play. And smart too as the tigers want pace on the game, so our tempo footy frustrated them and simultaneously allowed us to make sure our zones and structures were well set up. . On face value more handballs is not proof of a change to how we play. i would argue that it was a logical response to how the tiger play and the incredible pressure they put on the ball carrier. And it is [censored] that we used more handballs so that when we turned it over we would still have numbers around the ball that would provide coverage. We are territory team like the tigers, but unlike them we are more focused on connecting with players in transition (the tigers are just happy to take ground and back their players to win win one on ones). And we use handballs to give to a player in space to make the connecting kick. Its just that other teams put pressure on so fewer handballs are needed to get it to a player in space. So far from being a negative those handballs were a positive. Which team transitioned the ball better? Which team had more efficient inside 50s? Which is why it is weird furphy the comment i have heard a few times in the media (and from Hardwick in his post match presser strangely enough) about the tigers having plenty of inside 50s (60 to our 56) as evidence that they were no too far off the mark and that next time they were score more. Bollocks. They only had 18 scoring shots from their 60 inside 50s. That wasn't a function of bad luck, that was a function of how we played and our system smashing theirs. I don't rate King at all. He just regurgitates stats. And often draws strange conclusions from them - as he seems to have in this instance. And I have to wonder how closely he actually watched the game. The pressure was off the charts all game. Our system stood up. Our players stood up to that pressure. We are built for September finals pressure. The tigers are the ones who struggled with the pressure, not us. They looked like they ran out of ideas on how to transition the ball. And got frustrated. So any comment along the lines that the Tigers would break down our 'handball game' is stupid on two fronts. One, because we didn't employ a 'handball game'. We simply used handballs more than we have to respond to the tigers pressure. A clever adaptation by the players. And two, the tigers, despite their manic pressure, failed to exploit our high number of handballs and force turnovers. Their whole game is based on pressure on and around the ball carrier. They win so many of those contests. So often hey break down opposition possession chains. And they couldn't against us. The question King should be asking is will the tiger's game plan stack up against ours in Spetember?
  5. I read that initially as you and your friends going all super here and beating the living suitcase out of those tiger flogs. But I guess you mean the dees winning.....
  6. Neits played two decades plus ago. Since then we have learnt about the cause and the God awful symptoms of cte. Deliberate hits to the head have has no place in our game. And I'm pleased say neirher lever and may resort to it.
  7. Was furious about this at the game. Happens every week, and it infuriates me the AFL dont make the umpires protect him. Do they want him literally knocked out of the game? But Richmond are the worst. And agree on lynch. Sniper. Cant stand him. And i was even more furious watching the replay with both Darcy and Richardson praising lynch and riewoldt for making Max 'earn it' and richo saying 'as a forward you just have to do it'. They must live in a world where concussion does not exist.
  8. Gold. Aspen, whistler, and japan for the odd weekend getaway when the polo isn't on Hawk fans ski domestic. And blues fans whose vision stock has collapsed. Sheesh
  9. The perfect summary of where we are at. When did he play? I can't recall his name.
  10. The only problem this week is brendan goddard is filling in for delicious (cant stand goddard)
  11. Spargo coming up on abc footy (which is my favourite Sunday footy show the 12-1 slot)
  12. For a quiet young fella he is a real showman on game day. Built for big games on the g. How brilliant is it to have a player as exciting as kozzie in the team.
  13. You know what they say about the French.....
  14. I have a bit of a set against melk as a result of my frustration and disappointment with his attitude and lack of leadership last year. But you're right. He was pretty good. His kicking is elite. His kick to jones in the corridor (bad miss by Jones, but he looked a bit proppy), the one to max and the brilliant kick to tracc that set up the tmac goal in the square all showed that. And the goal he kicked at the punt road end on his left after the give from tracc was first cladd Kicking is our major weakness. He really needs to be in the side. I just hope he brings the forward pressure each week. He was just ok in that area against the hawks. As a seasoned veteran he needs to put his body on the line more.
  15. They won't risk either may or fritter if they are not right to go. Why would they? We are 5 zip and as big as this game is we need them both fit and firing over the next half dozen games. And we can cover both players. Weed wont be sub. Too one dimensional.
  16. To be honest, I don't think that is necessary.
  17. That's god awful. My wife's family are in Berlin. And it's going bananas there again too. A good mate is in Spain and same story. We are so lucky here. How is the vaccine roll out going in France?
  18. I hope the are not staying sat the mecure! On that, I can't believe that the federal government has not stepped in and set up out open air quarantine facilities in each state modelled on the one in the NT. Where thre has not been a single cross infection. Not one I mean how much more evidence do they need that hermetically sealed hotels with rubbish air cons and no air flow are simply not up for the job. No doubt they would say it is state responsibility but it is in the feds interest to sort it if they want to avoid border closures and get international travel back. And Scotty needs a win. Surely the Army engineers could be called on to build such facilities - hell Duntroon and Pucka must have facilities that could be adapted for the purpose. Duntroon is right next to Canberra airport and i'm pretty sure Puck has an air strip.
  19. Ironic given McGow's painful hubris. We should lock our borders to WA out of nothing but spite (joking by the way - sort of)
  20. And, assuming he isn't playing, quiet rightly saying something along the lines of: 'mate, we are not going to risk you coming back even a bit under done for one of the most intense home and away games all year. Not fair to you or the team. Focus on another solid VFL game and you will 100% be in the frame for a game against the roos the next week. Oh and work on your forward pressure. We want more tackles than goals....' Smart player management in my book.
  21. I think he was referring to Tom Sparrow
  22. Not necessarily. 22 players. One medical sub. And an emergency
  23. Bloody oath we should. It is frustrating they don't at least release the squads. There is talk that this club driven thing but that doesn't ring true. All clubs would have a handle on who their opposition's likely squad of 25 players would be.
  24. Makes sense. Particularly when the tall options - Weed and Brown, have shown an aversion to tackling and applying pressure. We simply have to apply maximum inside 50 pressure to beat Richmond. One to trap it inside our 50 when possible (and create scoring chances in doing so), but perhaps more importantly disrupt their exits from our 50. If they are allowed to waltz it our 50 it will become so much harder to set up ahead of the ball and slow down their transition. And we will get flogged. Which by the by, is why any talk of ANB or Spargo being dropped is pure poppycock.
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