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Posts posted by ox_5

  1. this is s--t by the club

    just lost one of two players over 27 who won a BnF 13 months ago, for absolutely nil

    why? because they stuck to their guns. Pig-headed stubborness and idiocy if you ask me. Nathan Jones has just written he is "shattered" as "one of his best mates" is gone. What sort of culture is Bailey setting up down there? We have a galaxy of stars, who when their contracts are up will remember the way those before them were treated and I doubt they will feel like expressing much loyalty to the club. Generally our list management has been great but this is going too far and it's dangerous for the club culture IMO. This is not a clever Brock McLean trade this is just a senseless loss that will cost us a couple of wins next year, which may be the difference between finals or not. Stupid Bailey, stupid.

    Are you dead set? A contract has been on the table for months, he has known the terms. He is the one who has been sussing out other offers, and we have offered him what we feel is our best offer.

    How were we to know he would up and leave for nothing? If he wanted to leave, most reasonable person would request a trade.

    Im glad we stuck to our guns! You bend the rules once, you bend them every time. The culture we are creating is one which is ruthless, one in which if you do not want to play at the greatest football club in the world, you can head your own direction. Of course Nathan Jones is going to say that, most of the boys are mates. They spend countless hours together during every week. But ya see, Jonesy is a professional footballer. He will get over it, they can still be mates, they can still sip lattes. It was Bruces decision to not line up with one of his best mates next year. So be it.

    The club were loyal, we offered him a contract. He didn't like the terms, or he didnt like the fact he isnt guaranteed of being best 22 and left. You tell me who the loyal one is?

    It will cost us wins will it? I doubt it. He hasn't won us a game for a very long time.

  2. To me, this is great news. Sure, he would probably be best 22, but I'm all for going with the kids. Bruce leaving gives us a chance to blood some more youngsters - Blease, Tapscott etc, maybe even Strauss can grab hold of his chance as our designated kicker off half back.

    I wont miss him, thats for sure. No more hospital handpasses to Scully, nearly putting the poor kid on a stretcher.

    The funny thing is, if he does go to the Hawks, they only offer 1 year deals to players over 30 also, and I would be very surprised they would change this for a player like Bruce. Crawf couldn't get one, why would Bruce.

    Theres a long way to go yet, I am sure that there are more people in his ear. With Nixon as his manager he will be sucking as many dollars as he can off the poor club who takes him in off the street.

    Dont let the door hit your backside on the way out Cam.

  3. It wasn't a rumour, he actually trained with us. But there were questions about a long-term injury he was hiding (stress fracture?) and he was given his marching orders.

    Don't quote me though ...

    It was always known that he was injury prone, and if memory serves me correctly I think he actually re-injured himself when training with us which ended any chance he had. Good to see he got through a full season in the VFL.

  4. However, what is it that you think specifically differentiates your draft from Jay Clark's "rubbish effort"? Especially since every single player in his top 25 are rather by you as being in the top 31 players in the draft.

    E25 was quite clear in saying that it was rubbish because there was no justification why he put players where he put them. 1 or 2 spots in a top 25 is actually quite a difference, and it has been justified by E25, instead of just naming names with no info.

    Was a very good effort by E25.

  5. I'm a left footer too and it's simply practice. It took me a while to get good on my right and can see how some might get discouraged from using it simply by how weird it feels. It takes quite a long time to get that "throwing a lump of meat at a ball" feeling to go away. I have the advantage that I'm pretty short, so my drop has less time to go wrong. I can imagine that the taller you get, the harder it would become to kick reliably.

    But isn't that the same feeling that right footers have when they first try to kick on their left? I guess at local level there are plenty of right footers who cant kick on their left also.

    For left footers, would it be also about the fact they get away with it so much as a junior? Everybody expects you to go onto your right (not knowing your a left footer) so you can step around on your left time and time again.

  6. I can back this up. When it comes to kicking with my right, I'm probably better off holding the ball over my head and screaming

    Can you shed some light on this eth38? Why is it that left footers have no idea how to use the right side of their body? From personal experience I have played with I think only 1 left footer who was clean on his right also, and in the AFL Pendlebury would be the stand out.

    Is Luke Tapscott a lefty as well???

    Nah he is a natural right, but he is a freak on both.

  7. Why wasn't ever Jeff White moved forward? Daniher's fault? We might have kept Jolly then. He just became the ever continuous shrinking ruckman the longer his career progressed. With all his skills he would have been the gun CHF. Frawley still growing as a premier defender. An heir apparent to Scarlett IMO.

    White was only a shrinking ruckman due to the shrinking centre circle. That rule ruined his advantage over taller ruckman, being his massive leap. That and the complications with his shin.

  8. Interesting. I can log out and view the 2011 thread, but log back in and it's gone. Obviously an issue with the Poll graphic as that is not shown to visitors.

    It definitely worked when it was first created because I voted on it using the same browser I'm using now. But when logged in now it wont load, I dont get the error, just doesnt load at all (Using Firefox)

    Also wont load using Safari on the mobile

  9. just always seemed to ruen it on in the big games.. remember that goal against the bombers in 2004 when whelan gave that massive hip on shoulder on hird then trapper on the boundary line slots it straight through the middle with ease..

    will miss you trapper..

    Then he did it again only moments later, absolute joy up watch when in full flight. Bloody shame that it wasn't more often.

  10. He doesn't, he kicks through the ball and we beat Collingwood. He probably had the same doubts creep in you have and we lost. James Brown says it best "Mind Power, It is what it is"

    We wouldn't even need to be talking about this if Bate had the vision that Bail did only moments earlier and spotted Ricky twenty metres free instead of 'not [censored] around with it' and bombing it aimlessly towards goals.

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