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Posts posted by ox_5

  1. Now your being cute Nasher, Serhat termel wasn't all that popular, some liked, some didn't & many liked others. Burt there wasn't a general consensus on any one player so much.

    And in this thread there is no general consensus. To quote the famous dee-luded, in this thread regarding Hale, "some liked, some didn't, & many liked others".

    Mass consensus my arse.

  2. Tell that to any politician in Canberra. They don't worry about what A person thinks this way or that,,,,,BUT when you get a Mass backlash after an event or If you get a strong list of people writing in their objections to an issue, and it's well supported, the management Will listen and consider the implications.

    You do realise what is happening in this thread, with mainly just you pushing it, is not actually considered MASS?

    We were never going to pay overs for Hale. The FD are not stupid. They dont need you to help them out in their decisions, and also dont listen.

  3. Dorry, I'm just got my PC back, a freinds been doing some work cleaning it up.

    Forum postors: No, the club won't make decisions based on what A forum postor decrees!

    But they will definitely listen to the MASS Popular Opinion when expressed passionately over a current debatable Decision, thats to be made On behalf of the club & it's mermbers.

    The members are the bosses of the club. They hire and fire the board, who in turn employ passionate people, to run & make decisions on a full time daily basis.

    So Yes, collectively, the members are the bosses.

    It's the same in politics or is supposed to be. When there is honesty & transparency.

    You actually reckon they have read this thread and listened, dont you?

  4. So .. Ok . I assume we aren't just giving Brad to the Toiges just facilitating that he got to where he wants to. Is there compensation of some fashion in all this ? Or is the likely pick (if so) just not worth worrying about ? Surely he just doesn't walk down the road for nothing ?

    If Brad wants to go to the Tigers we will get him there. He was going to be delisted anyway.

    If the trade happens, expect it to be similar to the Steven King to Saints for pick 99 deal.

  5. Do you take a cautious approach when your boss says keep the costs down?

    Okay...if I am reading what you are saying correctly...and using this example...

    The forum poster (who is the one saying they want to keep the costs down for Player X) is the boss of the football department? HA!

  6. I don't think you get it.

    We do trust the FD. But I'd say, that many of the membership have sent a loud message to the FD, that we do not want to overspend on this 'player'.

    I think the club has heard that message, & I'm sure they are just a tiny bit more cautious now.

    Lets hope we can do it our way.

    I actually cannot believe my eyes. You are surely joking?

    Let's hope we can do it our way? As in, let's hope the FD do what forum posters want? Surely not?

    I would much prefer the FD to do it their way, considering that's what they are paid to do. Im make a left field assumption that they have far better knowledge of all players in the league and their worth to our team than you do.

    Crikey...what a tool.

  7. Next rule change will be the goal if it hits the post and goes through bullcrap they were going on about. Leave the rules alone for once FFS

    They hit that on the head today so I doubt it.

    Advantage rule is good, 3 and a sub will be interesting.

  8. If we take a highly rated young key defender in this upcoming draft with an early pick I am sure I wont be alone in being disappointed. If he is best available, sure. But there is no way key defender of any mould is required. We have the makings of one of the best defences in the league, Grimes wouldn't get a spot in it.

    If we thought Grimes was worthy, he would be on our list. We passed on him on several occasions. Namely the PSD.

  9. Mick Malthouse will be a director of coaching at the pies.

    Essendon are also looking very likely to appoint Bomber Thompson or Mark Williams as a director of coaching.

    What the hell does a director of coaching do?

    Do we need one?

    Who knows what they actually do. Its just a title.

    We have Connolly in his role of General Manager of Football. Probably pretty similar.

  10. Firstly I'm unsure if this scenario...

    has occured before I.e player suspended from a final winning the season after ( and in which penalty to be served) Just becUse it surfaces now ought not detract from it's legitimacy. Should it ?

    Secondly the farcial attempted history revisions have no input to my view of Judds win. Iwould be questioning it whomever won if under this circumstance ... Even your Scully scenario.

    There is still no escaping the fact thT there are games that carry no Brownlow penalty and I'm sure thTs not really the spirit of the accolade.

    Okay, hopefully one last comment from my behalf.

    The spirit of the accolade is the fairest and best player during the home and away season. Finals = different season essentially. Simple.

  11. Strange no one cares to justify Judd escaping elligibty exemption . Simply suggesting as it occurred in an 09 final makes it ok despite actuallly having a penalty. Does the inconsistency not matter... Are finals fair go ?

    I don't buy his ( CJ) sanctimonious justification of his heroic altruism for his once beloved club. He went to Carlton for his own benefit and have no problem with that ... Until he spins to suit.

    Each to their own

    Fair to say a few have justified it by saying it occurred in 2009, and he won then 2010 Brownlow. Pretty straight forward.

  12. His suspension if needed to be seved this year ought to carry with it inelligibty this year also . He escaped inelligibty last yeR as obviuosly after the 22. H & A games but he carries no similar penalty this year .. He effectively ( as would any similar ) dodges the bullet . Is that fAir to those who either incurred inelligibilty this year or those who simply keep nose clean ?

    Look forward to your answer

    Okay let's run through a few facts quickly.

    Suspended in 2009? Yes

    Serves suspension in 2009? Yes

    New season starts for 2010:

    You want ineligibility for 2010 brownlow how?

    We do not run a 09/10 season, what happened last year stays in last year. Maybe contact the commission and submit a proposal for another rule change if you like, I guarantee it would be laughed at.

  13. Excuse us who don't have your one sided view.

    And excuse those of us who don't have your one side view. I'm not sure how you can keep raising last years suspension. How is it in any way relevant to this year?

  14. Had Judd incurred his suspension for his misdemeanor in round 1 and not last years finals he would be inelligible. he gets away with so much. A very good player but totally undeserving of the games Best & FAIREST !!!

    Is a blight on the award

    Don't let facts get in the way of a good whinge

  15. Absolute disgrace that some of our own Melbourne supporters are whinging that Judd didn't deserve it because he should have been suspended for what he did to Pav, and also the above quote about how a "loophole" has seen him win it this year. You sound like bitter, immature little nothings, similar to Collingwood supporters actually.

    Let's face it, look who came 2nd and 3rd - I'm bloody glad Judd won it and not either of the other placegetters, regardless of what sort of year they had.

    Well done Judd, I'm not a big fan of yours, but I can't knock your ability to win games for your team. I hope we have someone coming through that can be mentioned in the same sentence as you.

    Well said Billy

  16. Sorry Jaded but I can't agree. I'm certainly not a Judd fan, but he lifted a couple of notches in my estimation when be spoke about Jimmy and people like him being the real heroes. To me it came across as a genuine comment, and I respect him for having said it.

    Agree with you. To me it was genuine, and if you think otherwise you underestimate the profound effect Jimmy has on people he meets. When shaking hands with the past winners, Judd also stopped at Jimmy and said 'you're an inspiration' while looking him in the eye. That wasn't for the cameras or for the room, that was genuine also.

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