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Posts posted by ox_5

  1. Note that rookie promotions DO NOT use any of our draft picks, but they DO count towards the minimum number of picks we have to use. We currently therefore have our full set of picks plus pick 52 we got from Hawthorn for Cheney. We must use one pick, and are able, with our current delistings/retirements to use two picks.

    You have to use your draft picks for rookie promotions. Teams of course usually save this for their last available pick. Considering we have elevated two, we will need to reserve our last 2 available picks for Spencer and McKenzie.

  2. I think I just walked into an insane asylum.

    What I have got from our star patient in the past couple of hours is that he is the only person in the world to have ordered copies of Brisbane v Collingwood and Brisbane v North Melbourne from the Name a Game DVD company.

    Oh and also that he can watch 2 games of footy in about 20 minutes, solid effort that.

  3. I've given a little description of what I think of Jamar's ability as a player. If everyone (or five people) on this site gave their own little description, my guess is that they would rate him higher than I do. That would support my belief that he is overrated.

    I've discussed Jamar with other Melbourne fans and I think they too overrate him. These discussions did not happen online, they were not recorded, so I cannot provide you with hard evidence of them ever taking place. But that is not the point I'm making. In case I haven't made it clear, most Melbourne fans rate Jamar as a better footballer than I do - that's why I think he is overrated.

    So maybe he isn't overrated, but just underrated by you?

  4. Look, you've said that there were other reasons -besides poor form- why Travis Johnstone was dropped on several occasion by both Matthews and Voss. Ox has asked you to elaborate on your position and cite what those "other reasons" were.

    If you're not prepared to substantiate your assertion, then whats the point of making it in the first place? And besides, what possible reason could you have to refuse to answer what was, in anyones language, a very reasonable question?

    I like to call that simpletons syndrome. Dont answer questions which may not support the point I have been trying to push for this whole thread.

  5. Hahaha ... I rest my case your honour. I too feel sorry for you & many like you around here. Now I will also leave that up to you why that is.

    Unless you form your opinions from newspapers? No I dont, but I do accept many around here get all their information from newspapers & the Internet ... but I'm so, so fortunate that is the case.

    PS No I'm "differentiating myself" against many of the commonly held beliefs around here. B)

    Again, dodging the question initially raised. You should play dodgeball.

    What are those "like me" around here? Those who see a point of view, consider it, then disagree with it with our own opinion and facts? [censored], we don't want them on here! Lets all conform and agree! You're annoyed because you didn't get the reaction you had hoped for, that is, others agreeing with you. You are just disappointed nobody else sees your point. That's okay, we have all been through that. Now lets see if you can get over it and come up with some more ideas for discussion. Maybe you will find another bone you can run with.

  6. Hahahah ... Was it you that told me. Go look it up for yourself. Try google as a starting point. B)

    I really do feel sorry for you, you really are embarrassing yourself.

    I replied to you when you said you personally feel there were other reasons, so unless you have a personal blog google won't tell me this. Unless you form your opinions from newspapers? Oh wait...

    As others have already proved, he was dropped cause he was playing poorly. This is called poor form, a new concept for you.

    You have proven to be a complete simpleton.

  7. If you're not going to play TJ, why draft him?

    If you are going to play TJ, why would you play him instead of someone like Gysberts or Trengove?

    Rogue you must realize that question is far too simple for hangon. You have not taken into account what it would cost to get him, that's what this is all about.

  8. That's the one I'm talking about. I think the worst miss of the year goes to Watts against freo. Imagine if that had been a final.

    That kick was 45 out and he did kick it on his left due to pressure coming on his right. I'm pretty sure he is a natural right footer.

    Edit - I'm talking about Bail.

  9. Fine ... I just wanted you to point that out. I understand what you are saying. And its one point I'm not 100% opposed to in principle. ie Trapper vs "the kids" in finals. However, you would have to cross that bridge, if and when you came to it.

    IMHO .. Trapper biggest value would be to help us get there compared to the alternatives in this draft. After that, it would all come down to form.

    I apologise. From now on I will state 'in my opinion' or similar in every post for your benefit.

    Speaking of bridges...the Trapper to Melbourne bridge was burned down a long time ago. Probably when Bailey traded him when he first turned up to the club. I see no reason why we would want him back. That is all. In my opinion.

  10. Well thats "un-answerable" ...

    I take the view, you have to take it one step at a time. If a player like Trapper could be recruited at next to no cost to help you make the finals and give our young lads valuable finals experience. You see it all depends on what role you expect him to play. I for one would be happy to consider the option of a player being recruited for 10-15 games, assuming he is better than the alternatives.

    AFL football is a "cycle" what was right 3 years ago might be different today. Why a team gets rid of a player or keeps a player might be for two different reasons. Players get pigeon holed, just because one club fails does not mean automatically he is not worth considering.

    Does that constitute ... "Will TJ help the Melbourne Football Club win a flag?"

    Well thats fine then you are more than entitled to your opinion.

    If we are entitled to our opinion, then why are you accusing us of having a pack mentality?

    If we recruited TJ, and he played finals for us next year (I think we will make the top 8 next year anyway), then he is taking away the finals experience of one of our youngsters. Which midfielder would you take out for him to play in the finals and steal that kids finals experience? TJ will not be around when we are pushing for a flag, so recruiting him would be pointless in my opinion.

    I would not want him to be playing in a final before any of Gysberts, McKenzie, Bennell, Bail or Morton for example

  11. I disagree, I think playing consecutive games is the best option. But everybody will have different opinions. But if I was a player, I would want to play the first 2 games.

    I feel this for a few reasons...

    - It is the closest you can get to playing a real 4 quarter game available in this scenario

    - You don't need to warm up, play 2 quarters, stay warm while another game is being played, then play again. The biggest issue would be players cooling down between the 2 games and having to warm up again. I see that as a recipe for soft tissue injury if not done correctly.

    - We play our 2 games, then get to get the hell out of Adelaide. We dont need to stick around waiting and wasting time.

    - In game 2 players will already be warm and in the swing of things - so should be able to get a jump on the opposition looking to find their groove.

    Thats just my opinion. If I was a player I would want the above scenario.

  12. I dont draw my "facts" from reading newspapers.

    "You seriously think the club should recruit an old, lazy, culture sore that it already dumped. Think about it."

    He is not "offically dumped" yet. Then you must consider why he was "dumped". Players 30+ in bottom sides that clearly have an inablity to manage their list ... is not and will never be my basis for me formulating my opinions.

    Old he is 30 for god sake. Lazy, matter of opinion. Lazy enough to get the ball enough times in a bottom side. However, all players have "baggage" its never not fixable, depends on the role you expect him to play.

    However, just for the record. I will say it again. Any 30+ player who you have to place on your senior list must be a risk.

    Sure Trapper has "baggage" ... But Hello. Any player over looked 170+ times in the drafting process must surely have the same "baggage" all be it we would use different terminology .. and thats the alternative starring us in the face. Sure, I appreciate people prefer to "slag" the shinning new penny because it more "fun".

    Personally, I would prefer we consider all options. Rather than dismiss them out straight away because of a players past. Yet interestingly a past where we traded him at 27 yet he was sufficiently well respected to still get us a first round draft pick. However, both club where in a different stage of "development then."

    I will ask you again cause you still haven't answered the question I asked you yesterday...

    Will TJ help the Melbourne Football Club win a flag?

    Just because nobody agrees with you doesn't mean there is a pack mentality, it means we dont agree with you. It says more about your suggestion that it does the posters on here.

  13. Come on Rhino, don't bring facts into hangons fantasy land! We don't want to confuse the poor sod.

  14. I will say it again ... just for your benefit. If Brisbane do delist Trapper ... which I fully encourage them to do. B)

    Then & only then its an "option" we should explore. I will say it again .. we are the one & only club in the AFL that can place Trapper on our list for next to no cost. Assuming we can place him on our Veterans list.

    However, Who is the "moron" ?

    The person that is not willing to explore all options available?

    The person that thinks a round 4-5 rookie draft selection in this draft is a better option than Travis Johnstone?

    With all due respect I think I'm starting to learn who the true "ignorant morans" are around here. So yes, I too am fully starting to understand the true embarrassment that many around here display on a nearly daily basis. However, dont get me wrong I'm pointing no fingers.

    Answer me this...will TJ help us win a flag?

  15. Good point. At some point we need to push for the finals. Question is would be better able to do that with Trapper on our list or a 4-5 round rookie? Baring in mind the likely hood of getting a "player" in the rookie draft in this up-coming draft.

    However, again I'm not saying we should take him merely pointing out the "option" is there for the "open-minded" amongst us.

    I don't want finals, I want flags. He won't give us flag, a rookie pick, although unlikely, might.

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