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Posts posted by Demon17

  1. Move the goalposts so even if we do well, we won't have done well enough...

    Classic Melbourne supporter behaviour...

    Well spoken RPFC.

    I remeber last week many of us clapped them off at 1/2 time after the display in that 2nd quarter.

    How quickly we forget. This team is now being carried by Brad Green, close to 30, and lot of highly talented 19-22 year olds who are the future. Give them a break and any belting of Brisbane will be good but just a step on the journey this year.

    If we go 6 points after Round 3 that'll be great no matter how it works.

    Hasn't anyone considered the draw with Swans was maybe a better effort than first thought after they came back and beat the glamour team bombers?

  2. You say Watts worries you and then praise Grimes for standing up in beltings. Im not trying to knock Grimes but his kicking out was a disgrace in the first quarter and general kicking was pretty average on Sunday.

    Spot on. I'm rapt to see Grimes away from the back half- way too risky to pinpoint targets, but great reader of the play and should be better suited to midfield. Mistakes by foot may cost us less there.

  3. No - you are wrong. Watts did some good things today. Several contested marks, blocks for teammates, clever handballs. Was not dominant at all but was useful. People love to hate Jack Watts but if you watch the game properly you'll see he is a valuable player and improving each week. All those who criticise Watts endlessly whenever he gets near it suffer from overexpectation of a 19 yr old and a lack of understanding of his role in the team. He is not a traditional key forward and that frustrates you, but support him he will be a star.

    Agree. Watching him around the ground and in close at times showed yesterday he has football 'Nous". The gerat play with Sylvia running wide in the 3rd 1/4 started from a clever tap from Watts to a running player in the clear. Time is needed and he is frustrating but geez. he's 19 and played maybe 16 games

  4. Such a logical post should see you banned from this site :lol:

    When they start playing pre-season games at the MCG and we have such similar results I may start to show some concern.

    The whole game will change as soon as the season starts, quarters are longer and there are 25% less players available to rotate - 21 + sub from 24 + 2 subs.

    Frawley out of our defence shifts the whole make up both defensively and offensively and proves that with Jamar he is our most integral player.

    I will hold fire until round 5 and then see where we're at.

    Well summed up.

    Where were we this time last year?

    Oh thats's right - Jurrah had just done his shoulder for 16 weeks and Frawley was yet to be discovered as an AA for the next season.

  5. That is such a ridiculous post, we had plenty out last week and today AS IS CLEARLY WRITTEN IN THE POST EARLIER IN THE THREAD we were missing 11 of our 22

    What happened today is of zero importance


    I went to the Essendon game and we were 8 points down at the 5 minute mark of the final 1/4 FGS.

    Gave them 3 goasl start and caught them, and they got out to 30 points ahead - and caught them again.

    Let's not get too excited.

    What did I learn from the game?

    Trengove will be a champ again this year.

  6. Couple of FACTS to come out of Scullys press conference:

    1. He is a class act, clearly a future captain

    2. While he didnt say he was staying, he said everything else to hint that he was

    3. He has done what Ablett, Brown, Bock, etc didnt do - Hit the media speculation head on and be transparent.

    An execllent and succinct summary of the situation Red and Blue. Living in Geelong I have seen the inept way Ablett and management handled this issue last year. This was my greatest fear regarding this potential circus. I can see Cameron Schwab's fingerprints all over this.

    Well done to Scully on this aspect. As I said in original post - class act!

  7. First impressions - well handled TS and my ulcer is settling

    That sums it up for me too. I was taken by the maturity he showed in the face of persistent and quality questioning for a large media group.

    Ulcer medication now in the bin.

  8. Tom Scully just interviewed in SEN via a press conference. He covered zero contact with GWS - includes him, his management his family, discussions with Schwab, Stynes, desire to be a one-club player, a desire to be part of the future etc.

    A class act.

  9. I've never been quite sure why that benefits anybody but the bigwigs at AFL house when they look for another pay rise. I was happy with the 12 team suburban league but what do I know? I'm just a supporter and it's not like they care about my opinion.

    I sort of agree. I've never seen anyone recently kicking an AFL ball on a Qld. or Sydney beach - ever. Seen plenty throwing a rugby ball though.

    Its all about extra TV viewing and advertsing opportunities in the heartlands. If that revenue helps prop up Victoria et al, then its clearly a good thing. Just don't wastse emotional energy on the benefits of a national comp etc. etc. Its only a cash flow issue for the AFL.

  10. Chris Johnson ... please , he deserved a send off spray .

    His old man was significant .

    Bruce demanded another year on his contract , the boss said no , tough .

    Junior was told by Bailey at the start of the season it would be his last .

    Unfortunately he didn't believe him .

    Bailey hasn't made a bad list decision yet and I personally hope he remains ruthless .

    Being nice has got the club no-where .

    Fully agree with all of the above. It worked for Malthouse, and player transition to retirement is no less sensitve than for the rest of the workforce - it just happens sooner for them. Junior has done the right thing going to GWS - back at the 'G within 3 years IMO. - Not that Sheedy will teach him anything about good list management, but they will benfit from the player mentoring/welfare aspect Junior will bring to them.

  11. I travel to Sydney frequently, and as many will know AFL barely rates, and is swamped by Sunday papares articles on NRL and anything else.

    That's after the recent heroics of the Swans.

    GWS is a car crash unfolding.

    Has AFL management seriously been into the western suburbs of Sydney?

    It's a world away from the audience of theatr-goers of the SCG.

  12. I AGREE.

    All of these players should have been given extended contracts until they were ready to retire.

    The club winning a premiership is not important, the important thing is making sure players who are past it are still happy to take our money in return for lacklustre performances.

    I need to stick up for E25.

    This is a business and the good of the club is what's important - after 11 years of being in the top 2% of salary earners in the country - for playing football FCS - when time is up, guess what - It's up.

    Bruce, Robbo, Yze weren't the first to fall into this trap and Bruce won't be the last.

    Just another example of the astute management and coaching positon this club now finds itself.

    Pretty refreshing i reckon.

  13. In my opinion, changes will depend on what Melbourne want from this season. If this season is still all about getting games into youngster with a focus on the future, no change with Maloney coming back through Casey.

    If they want to win games and do something in finals this year, and if I was a selector (obviously I'm not, never will be), I would make a couple of changes that I don't think anyone else will agree with.

    In: Miller, Moloney

    Out: Watts, Scully

    Bailey has been single minded in developing the team . His interveiw at 3/4 time with Richo basically was, "..foregt next week and finals, Iv'e got a team with far fewer inside 50's that the opposition and we should be way behind. I need to fix that, everyhting else will take care of itself..."

    It was fixed and he will plan for next week with the long term view driving all his decisions. Scully had 7 possessions in the first 11 minutes of the last 1/4, dragging us back into the contest. He stays. Watts had at least seven. He stays too. Both 200 gamers - let's start now accumulating the game time.

  14. Bennell?

    Sealed the game when it was in the balance.

    Watch the game next time.

    Well said. Minutes before that effort to seal the game he was in the back pocket MCC side putting in big time and runnning backwards to spoil. Its sad for Brad Miller but IMO the forward line today is the one to take forward. Jurrah, 4 Goals 4 and 18 dispoalsa with hardly any 2010 game time. Just leave him.

    Watts will continue to develop and the leg speed is our unique trait that will worry most sides. See both games against the pies for example. I believe Beamer and Jones need to be in together to provide some horsepower to look after scully/trengove et al for a while.

  15. I agree he was soft for three quarters, but his last almost made up for it. I'd also like to find out how many assists he had this game. He set up a lot of shots on goal with his passing.

    Did anyone else think that snap on goal was across the line when it was marked?

    I reckon he had 3 direct assists for goals to half time, and two other good leads/positioning not honored or seen by his team mates.

    But he's got footy smarts for sure and swithced play several times to catch out the tiges.

    The hardness will come - he just doesn't seem to know how to play angy like Jack Reiwoldt. Is that a good or bad thing??

  16. [quote name='billy2803' date='30 July 2010 - 01:24 PM'

    I will aim to do this each week for those that are interested. If you're not interested, this thread does not require your comments.

    Nb. My selections over the coming weeks will be based on my realistic opinion, with injuries and betting agency odds being taken in to consideration.

  17. Nice.

    Frawley has had another great season and continues to be our most impressive back but credit has to go to Garland.

    I am really happy with the development of the backline and with pleanty of "back up" it should be a fortress in years to come.

    Sure is.

    I wathced Garland more than others on the field yesterday and am ashamed to say i never appreciated him before. Long arms are a wonderful thing A defence to build an era on IMO. Grimes is great but belongs midfield.

  18. IN: McDonald, Moloney

    OUT: Maric (can't find anyone else), Scully (rest)

    * Trengove to come back through Casey.

    FB: Garland, Frawley, Bartram

    HB: MacDonald, Rivers, Bail

    C: Morton, McKenzie, Davey

    HF: Watts, Dunn, Sylvia

    FF: Jurrah, Green, Wonaemirri

    FOLL: Jamar, Moloney, McDonald

    INT: Bennell, Bruce, Johnson, Jones

    EMERG: Bate, Maric, Trengove

    Fully Agree with this. Yesterday the use of Jurrah, Wonna and Bennell created the forward pressure of now and the future. The more game time together the better for them. The back 6 pick themselves now, so resting scully is a good move, but keep everyone else in barring injury is the way to go, unless matchups say otherwise.

  19. Watts was OK today. The problem is that he loses almost every 50-50 contest.

    This will change as he gains strength and experience.

    Patience is a virtue.

    Also, what's with people not recognising Bate. Thought he played really well today, worked hard. He marked the ball/found the ball 60-70m out from goal a number of times, which is a good CHF's game.

    Part Agree. Bate ran hard many times to be ignored, and was a gerat link with long kicking into the forward line and outpositioned his opponent at times.

    Watts wories me. Great footy smarts when selcting an option but reflxex and intuitive action seriously slow - i hope its just a maturity thing.

  20. He is a nasty self-opinionated, self-serving man who holds grudges for far too long (way past anyone else that cares).

    I disagree. he's fair but sometimes sees things through the view of his time in AFL.

    But IMO he is one of the great sports broadcasters and his sessions with Patrck Smith on SEN at 9.00am are mandatory listening.

  21. Absolutely worth it. This club needs to extend it's reach and the fact that it is doing it with sincerity, thanks to Jimmy, makes it all the more beneficial.

    This is a really important thread.

    Anyone who's been to Darwin will know it's as if youv'e landed in another country - the vegeation, people, climate etc.

    If we're smart this WILL become a northern home base and that's a great thing for all those up there and all of us down here. We need to see it as just that, not "let's go to canberra to make some money", but what can the oldest football club in the world contribute to Darwin and its people. Just an extension of our Chairman's approach to life really.

    Liam Jurrah et al are just the bonus in all this.

    A 'Fair Dinkum' Dreamtime at TIO I say! next year. Tiger Airways can be the sponsor

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