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Posts posted by Demon17

  1. Robert Shaw on SEN he was very pointed by saying its all good to have a new coach with a hard edge message but unless the MFC can change it's culture from within it will avail to nothing .

    Culture is a direct product of leadership.

    i.e the Presidnent and coach, maybe the Football Director

    Let's see - how are we doing on that???

    Where does Shaw think it comes from - the bootstudder

    Spare me these pontifications from these sorts of people

  2. Midfield Coach: Scott West - he has the credentials needs the game plan.

    Back line Coach: Think we're stuck with Royal but our defence as a unit has gone backwards since he took over

    The 2 most intersetcing appontments - given Neeld was the Pies defensive and mid field coach over the past few years.

    He would have very clear ideas on what he wanyts here and maybe some left field appointments will result.

  3. I like his idea that tthe players wont need to tell him, hell know by watching.

    This line IMO summed Neeld up beautifully in the interview and the understated way he said as a fact. You can run but you can't hide and talk is cheap is my take.

    Someone else said here that many will flourish now under this attitude.

    End of a fantatsitc few days, with the best coverage we could hope for across the weekend.

    Roll on Footy Classified - and I'll bet he's on the footy show this week - maybe?

  4. does anyone else find it very strange we have appointed Neeld today,

    In the words of John McEnroe


    Maximum media exposure on a slow news day. A full hour's analysis on SEN after live press conference cross,

    Lead story on Ch10 news tonight

    Beat Adelaide to his signature - he was there preferred coach too

    Live press conf on Fox sports.

    etc, etc.

  5. Fantastic that the Club secured the Coach they wanted. This week has been surreal, but even after last monday.

    We did not implode...We have got stronger already.

    We got our Man...Well done Cameron & all those on the selection committee.

    Dwayne Russell just gave Neeld the big thumbs up - strong character and SMART, etc.

    he said Neeld also had the Adelaide job, and we beat them to it, or neeld chose us anyway.

  6. http://stats.rleague.com/afl/stats/games/1987/111219870906.html

    Average games per player around about 46 ! Northey in charge and Robbie kicked 5 - unforgettable ! Demons 22.26.158 North 5.10.40 - How's them apples !

    Robbie was taken off by Northey with 10 minutes to go to save him for next week. He received the greatest cheer for an individual as he ran off that I have ever heard.

    Repleced by the inimitable Rhino Richards - who got a few kicks as well I remember.

    This is all possible again

  7. When would be the best time to name a new coach?

    1. When there is no fottball in Melbourne, freeing the media in town for a presser

    2. After the analusis of last nights game by SEN - say middday

    3. Before tonights game.

    4. When there will be a shortahge of football news from the day and it ensures a good evening run and a good run in the Sunday papers

    5. When it doesn't get lost mid-week with finals news.

    Hang on - that's today at Midday.

    This planning is why I am confident we are in good hands.

    Jimmy will be pleased.

  8. There's also the chance that we already have our man signed, yet we're waiting until his finals campaign is completed out of courtesy.

    I'm not sure if GL said when we tried to get an opportunity to talk to RL.

    It's possible RL has dealt with Freo after we already decided on our coach, but before he was prepared to speak to us.

    If we've signed Burns, Neeld or Malthouse, we could be showing them the courtesy of avoiding unnecessary media attention while they complete their finals campaign.

    I know it's unlikely, but it's a possibility.

    Remember Essendon went through a massive farce last year, when Hird was clearly the man a long time before being announced, yet the bombers still interviewed a lot of hopefuls.

    I still can't figure out why.

    Lyon (gary) was clear last nigh that the club had spoken to Lyons management only in the contaxt that he had a contarct and if he became available they would like to have a 'chat'. Nothing else. It never happened, not were we rejected.

  9. Your last 15 words says it all "if we are right on track then Clarkson and Lyon were never our real targets".

    IMO it has always been MM

    If it was some else why have they not been appointment and announced?

    Because he cannot be seen to accept till October 3rd.

    If this were the outcome it would be the story of the decade.

  10. Slotting Neil Craig in some sort of capacity would be ising on the cake.

    If true we need to announce soon, get in their before the crows and the dogs, so it gives the impression that we got Neeld before anyone else....

    I think the club are handling this beautifully at the miniute. No leaks and Lyon IMO last night knew exactly what he was doing.

    Its our timetable, not the media's or other clubs - who cares on the wait if it mean GL is sewing up the deal with support team if that means a senior Craig type.

    The economics work well also in this scenario

  11. Maybe it's the two devastating finals losses we dealt the blues during his reign.

    Remember Parkins famous succession plan handover at Carlton to 'Britts'. How did that work out?

    Or his mentoring role to Schwabby at hawthorn - another groundbreaking performance.

    Lets get over these peripheral types and look at their track record before allowing them the credit of an opinion.

    Ireelevant as someone else has said.

  12. No i did not, i think Garry is ok.

    If we did not offer Ross a deal then there never was one.

    Garry said "We are very much on Track"

    Fine with me.

    First class performance by G. Lyon on the footy show last night. Now I'm not concerned, he'll get the job done.

    What esle could R. Lyon do when ESP manage so many of the coaching fraternity. He handled the issue very well - in a buisnes sense. Smart guy.

    Everyone is missing how stupid we all look - esp the media - missing this. and how well managed Freo must be to keep this quiet.

  13. I have two mates who have met and spoken to David at reasonable length.

    In both instances the Ox did try to find out whether they were a fan of MFC or not.

    one of my mates is a some-time presenter on a different show on SEN, he is not a MFC fan. The Ox didnt hold back on Daniher and MFC in general and how he had no mates except for one or two who had played for the Demons. The club didnt support him when he had his troubles. The Ox was not a fan for a long time and he doesnt believe he is now.

    My other mate who is a performer who fairly regularly donates a performance to the club, believes the Ox to be right behind the club and supportive.

    They both think he is a great guy. I have never met him other than a quick handshake.

    This certainly clarifies the isssue

  14. Do you think that means we've already stitched him up or not necessarily?

    Can someone start a SEN post on this. Perhaps after last nights deplorable effort by Michael nettlefold(this best he could do under the circumstances) Lyon belives in doing the right thing and dealing with this isssue right away.

    Grant Thomas asked G. Lyon was he under the same management as R. Lyon during the interview.

    Also on the hour before both Walls and Darcy advised Lyon to join the Dees as his the evryone else's best outcome

  15. Nice work! You must be as old as me. Ed Burston!! I watched him kick 6 goals against Hawthorn one day in 1966. He now lives on the Mornington peninsula. I bumped into him about 10 years ago. He couldn't beleive that I remember him. A couple of other boom recruits in my time: Tony Thiessen, Hugh Bromell, Graeme Molloy.

    Alistair Clarkson?

  16. nice work ox.. i hate how melbourne supporters rip on this man.. love your work

    Huge tick to the OX for his interview on SEN last night. He asked the only question we wanted that no-one else had to that stage and as an opening for the session.

    Clearly he KNOwS Scully (or his reps which is the same thing ) had done the deal and did not get the honest answer he wwas looking for and knew should have been given. He offered to give Scully the names of his 3 sources off air. Scully rejected the offer. Instead the Scully repsonse was a standard media management tactic of 'how dare you not believe me'...

    Ox then absented himself really from most of the remiander of the interview.

    Class all round OX.

  17. It's not easy to think of ways, while still strongly supporting the Dees. Here's some thoughts - not even sure if they'd all work? What are the possibilities we can think of?

    - any AFL members relinquish and join MFC instead;

    - stop buying footy records (presumably AFL owns the franchise?);

    - bail from Foxtel (would this affect the AFL if enough bailed out?);

    - trash the GWS brand at every opportunity.

    Does anyone actually buy footy records. It used to be mandatory for me but I havent bought one for probably 10 years now.

  18. To get away from the rest of today's drama...

    Interestingly though, Garry only asked one question - that of 'Is there or is there not a getout clause in the contract?'. He asked it twice when Nettlefold tried to roundabout him, then Nettlefold replied with 'I can't comment on the contract situation of the executive.' (something along those lines)

    I'd suggest that there is, definitively, a getout clause in the contract. Furthermore, with other comments that Nettlefold tried to weasel out of, I'd say that they are very, very worried that Lyon's actions and statements after Saturday night were leading towards him activating said clause.

    I felt Garry's performance last nigh was first class. Whe Nettlefold repeatedly said Ross Lyon had a year to go, Garry clearly had enough of this mis-truth and asked straihgt out if there was a get out clause, and IMO clearly knowing there was one. Nettlefold dodged this.

    How does garry know - it can only be through talking with Ross Lyon's minders.

    Lyon (G) looked determined and furious in an understated and professional way and I am confident people will pay for their actions through the club's next moves.

  19. Unprecedented amount of money for a kid in $cully's position.

    30-40% more than any other contracts they know of, in the 1st year of his contract.

    The setup rules being used by GWS in a way that wasn't intended when they were created.

    GWS instead of filling a list with some mature bodies so they are competitive have loaded up on kids and will get smashed from the outset.

    The compensation rules allowing for extra picks in exceptional cases were for 2 types of players -- "franchise" players and elite kids.

    I hope OX doensn't jib it and asks the hard quetsions and presses Scully.

    The $2.0m for year 1 now confirms in my mind what an obscenity has been developed by Demetriou. He should be ashamed.

  20. I just cannot work out why the MFC have not come out on the front foot...Why should MY club KowTow to a GWS Press Conference.

    What is the MFC? If they knew anything about this signing why didn't they make noise to the Members????

    Not Happy Jan.

    Paid up for 2012 btw.

    Don't give the story any oxygen. This is now irrelevant to us and the club has bigger fish to fry - new coach etc.

    Scully can wander off to the oblivion that awaits him

    I signed up for 2012 also.

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