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Everything posted by Demon17

  1. The Adelaide Board are the real culprits overall. Everyone else is just trying to play the system. If the Board didn't have a governance and audit subcommittee, one role of which obviously would be to review all material contracts, which my buisness does, and BHP, and.....hang on- any decently run businensss), then they should go and let some professionals run the club. In other words - I bet they knew all along and sanctioned the deal - IMO that is.
  2. Don't you think thye know that. Neeld's first year was always to be - "let's see what wev'e got".. The answer was not much and now he simply decisively cuuting the chaff and rebuilding in an accelerated manner. Previous recruting back to early 2000's under ND etc was appalling. Lets hope that incompentnece is over. Mitch Clark was a good early pointer. Go dees.
  3. Great thread. This post is the key one for me, plus having Neil Craig for a full pre-season now and players knowing what they need to do from the FD.
  4. Rivers has the best anticiapation and ball sense in the AFL and is our most dependable kick. Neelds move of him to forward line is an inspiration IMO. Is it really a surprise this is working?
  5. Today showed me that our young players are going to be good but we are consistently let down by lack of instictive play by players who should know better. Sylvia and Moloney constantly go for the second of third option and get caught. Jack Watts does it too but has time to learn and is showing he can. Nathan Jones does also but can be forgiven for his sheer hard grunt work. Sylvia's play on when 35 m out dirctly in front is indicative. Colloingwood today ALWAYS took the first option.
  6. Demetriou wouldn't work that way. Everything he does will be calculated. All it would take was Cook showing the slightest intrest or hesitating, and AD would then know its an option. Nothing at that level happens by accident over a 'boozy' lunch. Good get Robbo!
  7. What eveyone missed was why King did what he did. It was about deflecting the media away from the real story that week. North's abysymmal fade-out against the Power, and their lack of heart. What will be the story from King this week after the Launceston debacle yesterday Kingy? A second rate commentator if ever ther was one.
  8. .. I wne tto the Sydney game and the team's performanace against Carlton for 3 1/4's was like a totoally different team was on the ground. Watts efferts in Sydney and agian against Carlton shows he IS coming along, and Neeld dropping him for a few weeks was just what he needed.,He does still make the 3rd decison instead of first, but that will come, and he is clearly being put into the middle of the action to imporve this. I was buoyed by what I saw to 3/4 time.
  9. Agree. Also at the game in Sydney and he consitently opted for a second or third option rather than the quick first option, then gets caught. The younger players are trying their guts out and I apoloigse to Jack Watts, becasue althought he played in the backline (a smart move by the match committee) his possesion count, all of which were under pressuer was terrifc and was his best game in the circumstances.
  10. I agree. Its really sad how the footy show - once mandatory vieiwng - is now just a cliche ridden sideshow for professional bogans like Crawford, Brayshaw and Brownless.. Don't get me started on Damian Barrett - has he ever told me somehting I didn't know!
  11. Rome didn't exist in 1000BC - It was founded around 600BC by Romulus, although some historians belive the legend that Trojans escaping from that war founded it about 1100BC, I don't though
  12. Agreed. It was Moloney and I was screaming to drag him as well. I loved Neelds immediate rsponse to a player who is still a prime mover. He won't do it again under Neeld and this should harden his resolve. Great coaching leadership.
  13. I think we have definiteily seen the Neeld way last night. His decison to retain Tom McDonald after a shocker last week gives me great confidenece in his decision making and what he thinks the team needs. Proud of the re-build effort last night as was everyone else at the ground.
  14. Success for any coach is first and foremost a function of the quaility of players and nothing else. This post assmues all lists are equal. Good players make good coaches - not the other way around.. As other posts have said recently, our list post-ND has been less than inspiring with a few excpetions. IMO the right people are at the helm now to get this sorted.
  15. Thius is my highpoint of the season. We can build a forward line around him for the next 5 to 6 years. and a great coup by the club
  16. Tell us something we DON'T know Aka. Terry Wallace said after the game the Dogs were at their worst since 1996 - he was being constructive. Doesn't say much about us but our upside is way better and our 3rd and 4th quarters showed the spirit, hopefully , we will turn around. The coaching panel will get the rest sorted in time. Go Demons
  17. Our top 5 ball getters had 50 -ish % kicking efficiency yesterday, meaning we gave the ball back every second time we got it for this group. The heart and effort was great yesterday and the supporter turnout fantastic but this is killing us.
  18. Tapscott was good last week and played a lot of game time. he would be ready to go, not a sub position.
  19. Couch was great at casey last week, so maybe they are looking at him one more time. Morton was uninspiring and disposla was atrocious at Casey .
  20. No. At the whole game today and he tagged Dolphins young ball magnet No.38. who was half his size to half time, playing off half-back.. Turned over a fair bit as well and some poor decisions. Unimpressive to say the least.
  21. Bottom line is that Neale daniher and team left the list in basket case mode and no serious effort was made to recover apart from draft picks.since 2007. Neeld and his team now have the ability and skills to do this. IMO the right rein has been pulled and its now a time issue.
  22. At the 20 minute mark of Q1 the tackle count was 15 to 5 our way and there was no way the Lions could get out of thier defensive 50. And we were 11 points up at the break. Small steps I know - but I saw this as a start and something I hadn't seen for a long time. They did this to the Pies in the NAB cup also.
  23. Excellent post. I was at the game and I felt Neeld was speaking to ME and telling ME what I wanted to know and hear. Everyone else in the press can please themselves. The kerfuffle about the conference is just a sign that for once we get some honest emotion and thinking , not cliche-driven garbage the likes of Malthouse, Ratten and Co produced. As another poster said yesterday, don't look for Watts, Clark and Co as the answer. Neeld , Missen, Craig are the answer for us. The cattle will come and be developed. Some are already on board - MAGNER!
  24. He came from Katandra - Goulburn Valley
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