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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. Is it just me or is AFL.com.au and other media deafening in its silence about Melbourne’s success, doesn’t fit the narrative? 5th para in the Age article about Collingwood losing, mentions that Melbourne wins, pathetic, just pathetic.

    And for all the culture bandwagoners, our culture is just fine, it is how you come back from adversity that matters, every set back we’ve had since 2018, the team has found a way. Good to see tall poppy syndrome alive and well (not). I remain as proud (and frustrated with the result of Pies/Carlton games) of the club as ever.

    Finally my daughter was at a wedding yesterday/day before (who knows with timezones) and this was played. I suggest that plenty of folks do possess the spine required to handle the adverse media, driven by those journalists who are truly parochial and adversarial in their agendas. (And D’landers in this crowd btw?)


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  2. it will count against the AFL's soft cap restrictions

    Seems a bit rough on the coaches and support staff, I don't get the rationale for that at all. I really have been feeling like the support staff and coaches deserve a bit more of the pot from TV rights or whatever. The whole show is not taxed and the AFL management are disproportionately rewarded compared to the workers who make it happen. 

    So in the end for a player the money is similar to the baby bonus, you can choose talcum powder or a humongous flat screen TV. 

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  3. 28 minutes ago, Hellaintabadplacetobe said:

    Yes Dale Lewis about 25 years ago or more and was never heard of in the footy world ever again sadly.

    He was right on the money .


    Wonder when Andrew Demetriou is going to apologise.

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  4. 12 hours ago, whatwhat say what said:

    would be in our best 23

    No offense, but at Casey


    Had a look at the Pies board, they are half melting down, half calling him a GF passenger, re no contested possessions for the game (only one). 


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  5. 1 hour ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    Do people genuinely believe we’re a better side than Collingwood?

    Like honestly believe that 7 times out of 10 we’d beat them, right here, right now.

    That is why I am soooooooo frustrated the furniture is still in danger....

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  6. I think the media has stolen a few that would be good, (apart from Buckley), I wouldn’t mind Joey or Johnson, of all the windsocks on the tube, they seem to be the least involved in group think. Daniel Cross I would like to have seen coach, from the few training sessions I ever saw with him seemed serious, but is maybe more of a fitness guy than strategy. (He has been playing up in Albury).

    I would hope that because we are a big and stable club, that we don’t need the comfort of a ‘name‘ and actually go and find someone who deserves a go on merit. As much as I respect the man, Ratten, seems cooked. Also I don’t feel we need a ‘Melbourne’ player, Bruce not so sure, he always seemed more instinct than insight. Carr and Newman both seem to have a clue, and while he probably wouldn’t come back, I thought Jennings was the brains of Roo’s operation and that we lost a step when he left, I would love him back as what he could do with our crew who are now so well drilled could be devastating to the comp.

    I would like to see some game day modifications, I don’t think we are the best at switching from pockets to corridor and I don’t think we take the best advantage of kick-ins with the players we have. Our playing group is now at a very advanced stage of cohesion and discipline, I love them for it. I don’t think it would hurt to risk a bit more flicking of switches, the players have earned the trust.

    And really please don’t feed trolls, it clogs up the thread, at best they are clueless and loveable supporters who love the same club, but some of the dross about Goody belongs on big footy, is nauseating, and just simply troll behaviour. I get we are all hurting I am so frustrated it I can barely watch the footy without wanting to rant. But we were moments from winning, and while we had no luck, I would argue that the games shouldn’t have even been close, with a reasonable return both games were done like 2021, we had the pressure and effort, just merde out of luck. Goody has done great things as part of a team, better than Northey, Balme and Daniher, people talking about him like he is Neeld is pathetic. 

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  7. Our era started 2017, we've had some disappointments, but as a rule, a well run club that has evolved several times. What has been consistently demonstrated is emotional maturity and a great work-ethic, no reason we can't be Geelong/Sydney like in being thereabouts, obviously some posters living in the past.

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  8. GWS all the way, now that they play like a team and not entitled prats happy for yhem to salute, and bravo to their fans that made the trek to SA, they must be pretty happy.

    But that said this season has an asterix, dodgy ARC, insipid MRO & tribunals, four umpire farce. Gill really stayed a year too long. So I don't care as long as it's not Pies or Carlton, but you can't say this year's finals were set up on merit.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Dees_In_October said:

    Alright, last one and then I'm going to attempt to re-focus (not move on, never moving on).





    As an ultimate player I can say categorically that Maynard failed the 'spirit' test. 

    I'd prefer a Cruel Sea reference 'Better get a lawyer son, better get a real good one' 

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  10. 8 minutes ago, No. 31 said:

    At the risk of becoming a social outcast here, time to nail my navy blue colours to the mast.

    Yes, I am a Bagger, was born in Carlton and have supported them since I was wee lad! 😁

    I think Friday's game is very much a 50/50 prospect and will be a close one. Some outs for the Dees, some outs for the Blues.

    As for the view from Parc des Princes, I think the Baggers are quietly confident. Reality is the Blues have only lost one match in the last 3 months and that was essentially the dead rubber against GWS in Round 24. So I don't think it is a case of misguided hubris. Carlton are a good side and in form.

    I think for the Dees to win this they really need Fritsch and Pickett to have a significant scoreboard impact.

    May the best team on the night win (with no ARC controversies) and then go all the way, via Brisbane, to beat GWS on the big day 😁

    Carlton has strengths no doubt, most here would trade part of their precious anatomy for Curnow, however when the noise is taken out of the media cycle and you look at the actual strengths of the teams it is Melbourne's to lose, outside of extraordinary events Melbourne is too strong. Martin being out also hurts you guys.


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  11. 27 minutes ago, kev martin said:

    Is any of the other AFL fans that are not MFC, upset about this outcome?

    The sake of the game is in the balance, as duty of care has been relegated to, there are times when hits to the head are not sanctioned. 

    Was reading the Carlton site, not too many pro Maynard, lots saying deliberate but cannot prove it.

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  12. 22 minutes ago, Redleg said:

    On that day I was 15 metres from where it happened and I was ready to run onto the ground. I thought he could be paralysed.

    I met Long years later at a horse sale and was introduced to him.

    I told him I liked him as a player but that it was the worst act I had ever seen on a footy field and he agreed.

    @Redleg I'd be super interested in your impressions of remorse or otherwise, and any other details you'd care to share either here or DM, the veneration of Long has always rung hollow to me and am interested in genuine interactions. I am passionately pro-reconciliation but don't want Long near the process because I see him as tainted. The act that day was shocking and have burnt about it.

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  13. 36 minutes ago, rollinson 65 said:

    Yes, but how do we change this concussion carnage?

    Macca has suggested red and yellow cards. I am on board with that as long as it leaves the team that receives the red card with only 17 players on the field until (maybe) the siren sounds to end the quarter ??

    At long last, we are finally talking about important stuff on this thread, If you have time to read, it is being echoed on the Pies sites.

    Trawling for work, do you chase ambulances as well, have a police scanner attached to the zimmer frame?

    But seriously, I actually read all 17 pages of the pies thread on the subject, (on Nick's Pies, Big footy is so bad I almost want to renounce citizenship). Lots of woes is us, the world wants to screw us, lots of victim blaming, some very minor acceptance of the fact that he is a good chance to go.

    In response to the concussion carnage question, I really cannot understand why former players have such an [censored] covering mentality with this. Players do make decisions within a second, extraordinary levels of dexterity are displayed, and unlike the Lynch incident and many others that are offered as examples of why Maynard should get off, this is clearly different:

    1, Gus and Maynard were coming at each other with full awareness, predictable movement and time to plan, with no other players affecting the matter. (Unlike the Lynch incident which was a marking contest with multiple players and the uncertainty of where the ball was.

    2, If you can't get/affect/protect the ball without taking someone's head, don't do it. The one exemption is the mark but even that I am for placing liability onto the person taking the mark, so if Kozzie put his knee in the back of someone's head, and there is an injury, he's gone, on the shoulder glancing the head, pay the mark. And Kozzie's marking attempts need to be realistic btw.

    3, An accident for me, is if you both arrive at the same time, and both have eyes for the ball, and you don't shape up in a way that increases the chance of injury. So a head clash is an accident, lifting your arm is not, turning your shoulder is not (if it means the head is involved). In NFL they are talking about taking helmets off (I don't think it will happen though). In rugby you have to tackle with your arms open, there are examples where you have to own the contact.

    In non-contact sports such as frisbee (at an elite level) I have seen people both competing for the disc at warp speed in the air (miss), then tumble away so as not to take the body of the opponent, losing significant amount of skin the process, they re willing to compete, and accept the consequences so as not to injure another person. Now I like that Aussie Rules is contact, I want it that way and the heavy body contact, but I still think we can have contact and find ways to be more careful about not taking the head with it.  

    Lastly, I think AFL has also gotten better (apart from flooding and zoning, looking at you Ross and Clarkson), once upon a time (my youth) you would not attempt certain skills seen now, because you were setting yourself up to be knocked out. Now players, I think try more artful plays because they expect a decent level of protection and not a late clip to the ear. It still requires huge courage, the hits and tackles still hurt, the fear and the need to overcome it is still there. But the skill level has gone up. If you want fight watch boxing.


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  14. 4 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

    Amazing how well co-ordinated players can be when trying to win or do something with the ball, the  turn into such clumsy oaths when there isn't any incentive to control their actions.

    Similarly, I think Tommy Hawkins got away with a reckless act when he threw his arms out everywhere and broke Steven May's face a few years back.  ...Melbourne player, no story to answer here.

    100% Balls, Ross Lyon reckons it doesn't start the moment he's in the air, and people are recognizing that it wasn't Maynard putting his arms up that did the damage but rolling the shoulder that did, and that protecting yourself doesn't get a free hit. I am very Baptists about this, you own your actions. Even Scott was onboard with times change, talks about the work they had to do with Stewart (Fox in charge of the hen house that that may be).

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  15. 1 minute ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    So he was willing to quit rather than apply a suspension? He knew how this would look so what was the compromise, the referral to the tribunal? This is just amateur hour, the fact the AFL let one buffoon control the decisions for so long is farcical, especially when he has a clear club allegiance. Now, all in football will but you mitigate that by not having a sole arbiter.

    It is has been accepted fact around ethics for awhile now that even a perception of a conflict of interest is as much a concern as an actual conflict of interest, that he doesn't get that is a serious red flag.  

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  16. @Redleg 'So despite a report on the ground by an umpire, close to the incident and the fact that a player had been knocked out for 2 minutes, with his career and health impacted, Christian attempted to whitewash the whole incident and not even have it tested by the Tribunal.'

    Spiking the umpires report is the deal breaker for me, the MRO is supposed to be for incidents caught on telly. An immediate direct report by the umpire carries serious weight, the fact that the media was overlooking this with all the commentary from former 'thugs hard men', goes to some serious jury tampering. The umpire being close and with a good view is highly relevant.

    Have seen some media is starting to pick up on the shoulder as a separate action to the smother.

    So seriously, MC can really GAGF, don't want to hear from him again, and the MRO needs to be rejigged. 

    And serious props to Laura Kane, past her 1st test in the big chair, stone killer to face down the pressure around this.

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  17. I don't get the talk about connection, it was the execution, and this becomes a feedback loop, you hit the early ones, the others go through easier. when they keep missing then everything becomes manic. I don't believe it is the system. I would have liked to see more use of the corridor though, thought First Crack was right about that, we went cautious. 

    Also re Goodwin and coaching and forward line, Tmac fell off a cliff quicker than anticipated, BBB too, if we had Petty and Melk in the team I think we would have been just fine. We didn't have the best fwd line but we had enough of a forward line and we know it works, this is just one of those years we're we get unlucky with injuries, not the coach was blind to the forward line. If there was a spare FF going free for a price we could afford that was better than what we had in 22, I don't know about it. Grundy may not have worked, but it was worth a punt, Goodwin has the credits in the bank.

    I also don't think a week off for JvR is the end of the world, he needs a reset, has some work to do for the prelim. Wasn't happy with his game at all.

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  18. I have to say the comments by Gawn and Trac worry me greatly, he was so close a few years ago to being done. Evidence suggests that these concussions are cumulative, and I can't help thinking about Paddy. I have been guilty of taking Gus for granted, we'll really miss him on several levels. Really hope to be wrong.  

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