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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. Never loved Melksham so much (and he has done some extremely sexy things this season) as when he was sitting on the bench not feeling sorry for himself and being focused on the team and those around him. Just spoke volumes about his good character that has nothing to do with PR or media training. Am now his number one fan for him to get well and come back. Sloane did it, so can Melks.  

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  2. For sure I couldn't be a selector as am hopelessly biased, but considering where our squad is and our competition wide defensive benchmarks, I would have in the squad: May, Rivers and Brayshaw as well.

    I still think Gawns' best is extraordinary as well, and the effort the rest of the comp goes to neutralise him shows where he is at. He missed a bit but had some amazing games, squad at least.

    And tell me if you are picking two teams to play from the entire comp, don't BS me that he is not picked in the 1st 10.


  3. 6-Viney-Epic, could have played footy in any decade in the last 100 years and would still be the toughest guy in it.

    Fritsch-5 goals on return, is a movie plot you wouldn’t believe.

    Trac-power through traffic.

    ANB-in any starting 18 in the league.

    Brayshaw-working so hard.

    Rivers-hard to split with McVee but just.

    Apologies to Langdon and Clarry and Sparrow and May

    Clarry did lots of work, but felt like he is not releasing other players as well as he normally does.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, layzie said:

    Hearing that a lot lately. 

    But say if Max went on just one more year, is that too long for Brodie to wait? 

    If not then I'd be looking at someone like Flynn, can't imagine he's on that much.

    We are a well run club, everything suggests Lamb & co are forthright and Grundy no fool, maybe there is a plan, I also think Grundy is a cultural fit with the Dees. I really didn’t know how to read the comments made on the podcast. I do think Grundy fits our style with his follow up work.

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  5. Anyone listening to Gawn talking about his 200th game on G&G would think he is either trying to wind us up, or the end is nearer than we can bear to think about. Grundy might just be the insurance we have to have.

    • Like 4
  6. 100% deeserved on merit and performance, and as Grapeviney alluded to, deemonstrated ability to adjust his game plan.

    However I can’t help feeling with the external noise, a’la Mick, Caro et al (you know who), I think this is the perfect way for the board to back up their statement, and I applaud the presideent and dee board for this move at this time to make sure the club is focused on finals, should the noise start again as our success triggers the malcontents.

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  7. 1 hour ago, YesitwasaWin4theAges said:

    Just had a ripping tribute to the young fella Charlie and his family on AFL 360.

    Proud to be a Demon just like Charlie.

    R.I.P 🇱🇮❤️

    This killed me, this 360 segment, the players acknowledging the outlook was grim but being positive in the moment, was somehow more beautiful and more tragic. Huge pride in the club/players involved, and thanks to the 360 producers and Gerard for the empathy.

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  8. Most anxious about the QF, win that and I think we are a sure thing for the flag. Also I want a win against the Swans, regardless of ladder position.

    @WalkingCivilWar my suggestion for the banner...

    'You'll need more than the umpire to beat the Demons'


    'Adelaide was Robbed'

    • Haha 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Gawndy the Great said:

    Rivers is definitely a steel. Definitely has some room to grow as well.

    He is a good size, has good speed and lovely kick. Hopefully he can further develop his play making to go hand-in-hand with his kicking to really explode off half back. 

    I said in another thread that he needs a partner in crime down back. Pig is getting on in age and will probably retire this year. Bowey and Salo just falling short atm. If either one of them can find some of their best form, then we will have a very strong HB line.

    Called McVee

    • Thanks 1
  10. Enjoyed the compliments from Mitchell in the press conference, beyond trying to deflect from a loss, you can tell he respects our operation, that says something, when your enemies acknowledge you as good. It also made me think Goodwin is not a natural media performer,  if he was as smooth as Mitchell, we would be talking about him like he was the second coming of Norm Smith. Let's not forget he can coach, which is by far the key point. Picked by Roos for a reason. Good game from coaches box as well yesterday.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Binmans PA said:

    The amount of touches Kozzy got today we're irrelevant IMO. He was constantly tracking runners, so that Hawthorn couldn't chip and give like Carlton did to us the entire first half last week, until Kozzy went deep last week and had a big say in the way Carlton were able to move the ball.

    I reckon people need to watch games more closely, not you DF, just generally. 

    It's such a systems based competition now, and the game since 2022, has been so much about chipping and getting handball receives to slice through zones. The speed of pressure Kozzy is able to apply in our forward half is not necessarily measured in mere tackles (2). He had 22 pressure acts for the game. He was very serviceable despite the 5 possessions. For context, Viney had our most with 28 (in front of Chandler 24, Sparrow 23 and Kozzy 22).

    Totally agree, I was commenting for others who stress about how many goals he kicks, I thought he did fine and agree 100% about the pressure he brings, his presence when the opposition is bringing the ball in changes the way they play and is a big part of our fwd 50 defense.

    • Like 3
  12. Has anyone else noticed how much love Kossie has for Trac? I feel like Kossie sees himself as Trac's bodyguard or something, but if anyone niggles Trac, regardless of how minor, Kossie comes running in like you slapped his mum or something. To me it speaks to Trac's leadership and the relationship he built with a very shy kid(with oodles of talent and more than a tad lethal). Also can't help but wonder if that is part of the reason why he is still a Dee. Anyway don't worry about Kossie, some big games coming.    

    • Like 17
  13. 6, Rivers, a weapon off the HB line, great news as Salem's radar still not working as one would hope.

    5, Lever 13 Marks, in great touch, and in a sign of how well our backline is functioning he was able to provide fwd. 50 defensive pressure, because they are such a unit.

    4, Viney, the guy is Steve Austin, plays as if he has a stunt double doing the work, but no it is him every time doing the work.

    3, Melksham, took Sicily out of the game who has been having a great run. Can forgive 4 straight misses ('cos we won).

    2, ANB, 150 games busting a gut for the Red and Blue.

    1, Brayshaw, team player par excellence

    Sorry to May/Langdon/JVR (nearly gave May a vote for his 4th qtr mark, love that he is moving well, always scared about those hammies.

    • Like 1
  14. Just now, forever demons said:

    Think Grundy might be right out of favour.Has a bad club attitude tipical collingwood player

    Grundy is a Melbourne player deserving of our support. On what do you base this? Last I checked his attitude has been stirling throughout. Typical Collingwood player??? pot the nuphy supporters all you like but there are several Collingwood players who have shown class across the journey not all JDG's. 

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  15. 6 hours ago, leave it to deever said:

    My daughter's engaged to Hawthorn supporter. I pretend to like the Hawks but I don't think I can maintain this evil lie.

    It's the grandkids that matter, make sure she has them while we are still good, who cares if you feel old as a consequence, it's all about the bloodlines.

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