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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. 2 hours ago, Cards13 said:

    DD I'm interested to know if you were all over it as a good idea at the time? 

    I have enough of an ego that I would have claimed it if I had called it. I wad initially neutral about it, mainly (and I must confess), because I hadn't seen that much of him, but my brother who has much more of a clue about all things footy was positive, and when I saw his highlights I was as excited as watching Oliver's draft video. The other thing was I remembered (and posted) that Lyon had good things to say about him as a bloke and I thought that was worth something, even if Freo didn't work out. (Btw is it just me or does Freo suck at getting value out of recruiting from other clubs, they seem like the ultimate farm club for mine, well until Adelaide...)

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    This is the video I was referring to - others may have seen this but I hadn't seen an extended version of his interview on the Tony Charlton Football Show before.If you don't want to watch the whole thing it starts around the 18m30s mark


    Good bit of vision of the Chairman of Selectors, Ivor Warne-Smith sitting with Smith, confidant and foil (and occasionally sparring partner) I always heard that the match committee was described as the architects of the premierships, they were to a man, humble and worked as a team. This back office coordination I feel had something to do with how the team ran well. The same people who described this to me, moaned endlessly about how amateur the club became/stayed when the league went professional, and how much the end of the match committee affected stability of the back office.

    • Like 3
  3. Wight but like many others, there is a sliver of a bee's old fella in it... his ariel duel with Gary Snr which I saw was a thing to behold. Whelan was lethal and skilled and I loved his heart dearly. To me when Wheels dropped off that was when our defensive side of the game went to garbage. But Wight was a god, he could do magic, even when giving away weight and height to some real gorillas.

    On a side note I still get around on roller blades, like Wight did. Great work out, spares the knees.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Pates said:

    Give it another year or two and Clarry will probably overtake him but runs on the board, Robbo was underrated for a while and became a fantastic forward for us. Loved by the fans and he was the first to return that love.


    He had an appetite for a big mark against the WCE, could use that. I have always loved the way Robbo, loves the club, gets brownie points for that too.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    No point risking injury to a pointless game

    The season is over

    Bangkok is a ghost town right now

    Food is only take out

    Melbourne will be the same very soon


    Nah, go hard as, they all have 4 to 6 to get over any injuries. Make the trip worthwhile, far from a junk game, show how hard you worked for this season.


    • Like 6
  6. 5 hours ago, Little Goffy said:

    Some people are really messed up.  I don't know for sure which disturbs me more;

    The crazies who seem to be fantasising that things aren't so bad and that the million or so people in immediate risk of bankruptcy or homelessness are just entitled leftie kids having a sook.


    The crazies who respond to any criticism of the lack of the response as if it can only be some kind of fake news strategy secretly promoting... um... past labor party leaders?

    I'll try to reassure myself that it is just a few people on a forum.


    As for watching at a crowded pub... that's just dumb right now.  Dumb and irresponsible.  Which is why we need much more action to help the people and businesses that NEED to close.

    Yeah but the Rose in Fitzroy, great banter to be had. The Napier and the Standard are also dens for footy lovers, who are willing to have a non rabid conversation about the game, regardless of creed, miss them like hell.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Rab D Nesbitt said:

    Now that Collingwood have been reduced to their constituent parts so to speak I realise that it's their fan base and Eddie that makes me loath them, not so much the guys running around in black & white stripes. 

    I know this is swearing in church, but I rate Buckley, he has definitely brought on some players. Supporters are also appalling, but that said I hate Weagle, Crow and Essendon (in that order) supporters more... what to do...

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, DemonWheels said:

    a bit soulless unless the true quality of the content is prominent.

    I actually was thinking that we might see some exceptional skills, somehow less pressure, from having no live audience, results in a greater DE. Like in practice when they nail 20 set shots in a row. My dream is that ANB suddenly turns into Dusty;-)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, faultydet said:

    My interest in this game is much more than the 4 points

    How will the umpires officiate in Perf without the crowds baying for blood every 5 seconds?

    Will the T.V nerds use canned sound to improve the experience?

    How much chat from the players will we hear, including the endless swearing that goes on during contact sport? Will we get a better feel for who the in-game leaders are?

    Will it actually feel like a real game of footy when it's played in near silence?

    I too am super interested, will be a surreal moment, one wonders if players will be able to go as hard without atmosphere. Would you kill yourself as a gladiator with no audience...

    • Like 1
  10. 12 hours ago, Accepting Mediocrity said:


    Pretty much spot on I reckon. His other traits are great - he's a fierce tackler for a tall bloke, is good below his knees, hurts people, and he's a great kick. You can see he works his [censored] off - he does a lot right, but doesn't have a lot to show for it stats-wise. If it clicks, we'll have an absolute weapon on our hands. No doubt contested marking is a hard thing to drastically improve, but it's worth remembering that Gawn couldn't take a grab to save himself for the first 6 years of his career. Hawkins pretty much the same. I hold hope. 

    Perfect summary, I understand the frustration of other posters though.

  11. Harmes has grown immensely on me over his time at the club, I used to think he was a bit of a clown and happily retract that slight with my humble apologies. His 'run with' ability is his ace, he plays a team role perfectly, and by doing so becomes as valuable a player as a 'star' mid. The scalps he has taken suggest stick with what works, and thanks heaps for working so damn hard James.

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