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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. I actually think Adam Simpson is not a bad bloke, WCE supporters not so much, don't agree that we are not ruthless, there have been a couple of games in the last two years we have put the foot down, different to pre 2021 era. I just don't see anyway we cannot win this handsomely, with a system that should be good for 25 goals.

    Sadly I felt this way before the Brisbane game...


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  2. Poor goal kicking efficiency has proven to be the highest contributor to early mortality in all supporter groups, including driving increased alcoholism, anti-social behaviour, compulsive eating and property destruction. Conversely efficient conversion has shown to be one of the best drivers of domestic happiness and well adjusted children.

    Therefore Choco Williams for 2023 Australian of the Year, and a gig on Dancing with the Stars.


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  3. 16 hours ago, rpfc said:

    As an aside, I am a simp for Melksham but how good is the ability to bring him in for Brown and upend what we throw Sydney. It seemed to really make the McCartins uneasy.

    Interested in this observation - the McCartins were diminished from the Semi Final when they cut us up, I was really feeling calmer with this game as they were not rebounding with ease. If that was Melksham's influence Kudos to him. I do think I like him more as a decoy forward, because a team role is emphasized, and IMHO plays better.  

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  4. Not fair and I thought he had a better game than the last two. but I'd swap Sparrow for Kozzie, If BBB is fit. I like Sparrow, loved his snap but he does not do what Viney does as well as the VC. Also the VC had a solid game, is running well and only had a couple of boo boos, that at the coal face were entirely justifiable, we play on and we play hard and fast, not perfect skill but perfect effort and process, he does that, some other posters need to take a bex and a lie down before criticising Viney. Anyway rant over, Sparrow's hardenss is equalled by Kozzie, and Kozzie will increase the number of clearances we wine with the speed he hits the pack in the middle. I would like to see Sparrow work on his timing when he hits a pack, he is not malingering or anything but of the mids I see him out of the contest more often than not and think some magoos could work for him.

    Chandler cannot be dropped was in the votes, worked his [censored] off. Likewise Jordan was an upgrade on Harmes and I particularly liked the way he connected with team mates, fitted in as part of a unit. ANB is having a great season unsung hero from the Swans game, but every touch was a winner on the replay, and even his snaps were legitimate, didn't see a better alternative than having a ping.

    Hibbo is a keeper, so smart with his touches, and he reminds me of Sean Wight, so there is a soft spot factor. Without Salem he is the guy with smarts that steadies the ship. McVee and Bowey are both a joy to watch. Football brains both of them, we are a very merit based team ATM.

    Would prefer a tall as sub, either Tommo or Tom.

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  5. Really good changes by Goodwin, Hibbo does so many little things well, refuses to go quietly into the night, May was a reincarnation of Glen Jakovich, McVee playing like he's a timelord (reminds me a little of Pendlebury but he doesn't have a basketball background). JVR epic debut, Chandler will have so much confidence. Jordan looked good.

    Petracca warmed up nicely, was a bit off timing wise early, but never stopped working and eventually things went his way, loved that he didn't drop his head.

    Truly in love with the set shot kicking - take a bow Williams. As a side note JVR thanked Stafford for his work, sounded very genuine, coaching is not a zero sum game. How much fun is it watching the team celebrate goal kickers.

    Horse didn't respect our wingers and they paid for it.

    Grundy is adapting really quickly to the team, looks like he belongs, and the coverage for Max is epic, Collingwood will rue his departure.

    Also a shout out to Viney did some epic work in close, great wingman to Oliver, will probably have more to say after the replay. Other sneaky good was Spargo, got some reward for hard work.

    Goodwin won tactically over Horse, I think I might like this more than anything, Goodwin continually proves that he can adapt, so excited for the coach, this really was an 8pt game.

     150 GAMES OLIVER - a billion contested possessions, in the 3rd there was one passage of play where they were smashing into each other and the DEES DID NOT GIVE UP, I knew we had the game they, that run of play broke the swans and Oliver was at the heart of it. Goodwin said we would be a contest based team and this passage in the third was the best hammer and tongs footy of the year so far. after that Swans rolled over. Oliver > Flower/Barassi/LaFontaine, never thought I would say this but we are looking at the Michelangelo of contested footy. 

    Just a beautiful game to win, huge team performance, wanted this over the Swans so bad, massive flex on the comp, bring on Kings Birthday.

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  6. On 3/29/2023 at 1:18 AM, tiers said:

    Much too simple an analysis. It is always easier to take a contested mark when playing in defence and the oppos are not spoiling but trying to mark. It's a lot tougher when playing forward and the oppos are crowding and spoiling.


  7. 6 hours ago, tiers said:

    Much too simple an analysis. It is always easier to take a contested mark when playing in defence and the oppos are not spoiling but trying to mark. It's a lot tougher when playing forward and the oppos are crowding and spoiling.

    Meant to be concise, anyway, this was written pre 22 draft. I still think Petty is a very strong contested mark, timing the apex well to pluck it, compared to others on our list. I still think it's worth a few games.

  8. So after the hubabbaloo and preseason excitement and clueless prognostications, to me there are two games of interest this year. Us vs the Swans and Us vs the Pies. Both looked like silk ready to go. Now I will admit to being a little caught up in David King's analysis on Wed AFL360, but what he had to say was already in line with my own thinking about the Pies. Personally not scared of Buddy, as I feel his defensive pressure is not the weapon it was, a bit like CR7 back at MU v2.0. 

    For me what to savour about us versus the Pies, is their use of corridor versus ours, we hit a few more diagonals, where as their rebound and what Nic Bl00dy Daicos brings, is pretty special as well. Going to be an epic match. And as a warm up there is us versus the Swans, How well have they got over the GF, pretty bloody well, I see a team that is humming with synergy and am by no means confident, compared to say the Brisbane match which should be us by 40+, (I also think Horse is tactically astute and will have a number for us as well) I wish we had Pickett for this game. I also only want a really fit Salem back for either game, feel speed out of the backline will be key for both games.  

    What game are you looking forward to this season? While we may drop games for various reasons, in terms of peers, I think it is clearly Pies and Swans, is also funny, I really enjoy watching Collingwood, heathen words I know, and my family have a biological hatred of Collingwood going back more than a 100 years. Now my vitriol is reserved for Essendon and Carlton, with the Hawks, Adelaide and WCE mediocre in the extreme. The Swans to me are a bit like the All Blacks, you have to respect that they have been a serious outfit for a long time even if you want to beat the tar out of them.    

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  9. Fully fit and at the peak of demonstrated ability - Hibbo's best is therefore better than Harmes. On this criteria is Melksham better than Spargo? My other thought was Dunstan, is peak Dunstan greater that Sparrow.


    FB: Bowey May Petty

    HB: Brayshaw Lever Salem 

    C: Hunter Oliver Langdon 

    HF: ANB McDonald Pickett

    FF: Fritsch Brown Spargo

    R: Gawn Petracca Viney

    INT: Grundy, Hibbo, Rivers, Sparrow 


  10. I think we will get a big target on our back this after we dispose of the Lions. Herald Sun will come for us hard, as will Caro and Kane, all will be looking for a chink in the armour. That said most Lions supporters are pretty realistic about their team and others, not nearly as annoying as some. Just quietly (not) I tipped them to slide, also had Freo on the out, so this is the week where I get to be Nostradamus or a fraud.


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  11. 15 minutes ago, A F said:

    I reckon we get the kids of the kids of Melbourne supporters who became Hawthorn in the 80s. 😜 

    Only way to grow is through bandwagoners.

    Am advocating growing the numbers through raucous joy after the wins. Lots of June babies for the next 3-5 years. 20,000 eligible to be parents Dees fans, find a partner, = 40,000 Dees fan, x 3 premierships in the next 5 years, another 60,000 Dees fans, (counts double if you convert a Pies/Bombers fan).

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  12. Some good posts, even if I don’t take out my MFC beating heart and try and be subjective, and not argue equivalency, then clearly this still needs to be a learning moment for Pickett. Leaving the ground is something we’ve loved about him, remember the tackle from the recruiting video?, but he needs to adjust. Love the player but I do want players to be more careful of heads. If that costs a week to learn the lesson I can cope, I would prefer a large fine.

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  13. Smith is a class act, that will save Kozzie, I thought he was gone for four on 1st glance, but if he got shoulder and barely glanced head, nothing to see. Franklin flushed the Suns player.

    Kozzie does need to be smarter with his shots though.

    I feel like the tribunal can't go to hard considering Cripps.


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