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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. Some good posts, even if I don’t take out my MFC beating heart and try and be subjective, and not argue equivalency, then clearly this still needs to be a learning moment for Pickett. Leaving the ground is something we’ve loved about him, remember the tackle from the recruiting video?, but he needs to adjust. Love the player but I do want players to be more careful of heads. If that costs a week to learn the lesson I can cope, I would prefer a large fine.

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  2. Smith is a class act, that will save Kozzie, I thought he was gone for four on 1st glance, but if he got shoulder and barely glanced head, nothing to see. Franklin flushed the Suns player.

    Kozzie does need to be smarter with his shots though.

    I feel like the tribunal can't go to hard considering Cripps.


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  3. 6-1

    Gawn, epic, Hawthorn 2017, / Prelim 2021 like

    Trac, Beast, so strong and made others better the way he draws and rides a tackle.

    Lever, Totally on, one of his best red and blue performances 

    Pickett, Mr 1%, Was a Javelin missile, scared the Dogs like a tank full of Russians.

    Oliver, Still amongst the best. 

    Rivers, Is a serious player.

    Sorry to many.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Demon Disciple said:

    It was our Achilles heel in finals last year, with Reid and Hipwood getting hold of us in those games.

    My memory is slightly different, we had utter dominance that we squandered with woeful, TV breaking, kicking for goal. Yes Hipwood had a great game, but we gave the suckers an even break, not what you are supposed to do. Respectfully I repeat, bomb it in at your peril when playing the dees.

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  5. May is a gun and key defensive pillar, but I see Tomlinson and Turner as excellent cover, with Petty taking May's spot, and Bowey doing the kick ins. More worried about Laurie for Fritsch tbh.

    I really am surprised by the four talls, for two years now trying to bomb it into our defensive 50 has been a disaster for every team and not how we were beaten last year. 

    Our defensive transition was looking 🔥 in the preseason, no reason it shouldn't work.

    That said my MFCSS says that Bevo has a sneaky plan and we'll stuff up what should be a sure thing.

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  6. OMG this is the Kiss of Death, normally I'd be stressed by her backing the Dees, but decided to put her in the category  of a broken clock being right twice a day. More than once (but especially with Bevo) she has gone after someone just on how they look, which I consider being a bully. She is not a nice person, she doesn't have the love of the game that a Flanagan, McAvaney or Sheehan has at heart, she'd rather grind an axe.   

    Oh and in a decade I have never lost to her on footy tips, or ever that I can recall.

    The least offensive thing about her is her love of Richmond, don't mind that, you're allowed to be delusional about your own club, WE ALL USED TO BE THAT! 😋

    • Haha 1
  7. Very torn about team selection, watched the practice match back, Harmes worthy of playing but then Chandler found space (not that they are in for the same spot) but I like Kozzie as a mid more than Harmes. I also think Hibbo should be a spare and we need to blood some others, Hibbi is ace and there is a role for him this year but we have to give some new players a go after a few seasons. ANB looked in wonderful touch. I wasn't completely convinced with Tmac mobility though, and I would understand if the coaches take a different approach between bBB and Tmac JVR. Sorry for the stream of consciousness type post, just really can't pick how the team is going to or should look, many people have made a case for playing.

    • Like 6
  8. Just for fun (starting early) went to the Punt Road End to have a squiz at what that bunch thought, which could be divided into three categories, (including those not smart enough to be able to breathe through their noses). 


    1, The umpires gifted us goals but after a dismal 1st quarter they broke even in the clearances and are on track for a victorious campaign.

    2, they are a mile off, Cotchin doesn't work as a forward, Melbourne looks formidable, we are cheating the Salary cap, Melbourne is fit, and our transition is a thing to behold.

    3, Melbourne is making the same mistake as 2022, going too hard to soon. Premierships aren't won in the preseason.


    They all begrudgingly rate us, and our list. They are a bit scared of Grawndy...

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  9. 28 minutes ago, John Crow Batty said:

    Luke Jackson showing signs of his 2021 GF form according to The Age. Looks like that mystery knee niggle has been sorted out.

    “Luke Jackson was everywhere for the Dockers in his debut, sharing ruck duties with Sean Darcy, kicking a goal, and spending time behind the play in defence. He won the ball off the ground after a centre bounce and handballed to fellow recruit Jaegar O’Meara who speared a kick onto the chest of Nat Fyfe on the lead”

    So just like Chip, he mailed in his games knowing he was leaving. Say what you like about Danger, he played his heart out with the Crows knowing he was out the door.

    • Like 11
  10. Crown is the font of evil in Melbourne, dirty dirty organization with loads of sleaze and abuse hidden by a slick facade. Did I tell you I didn’t like Crown? If all you saw were the functions and advertising you could be fooled into thinking it’s benign but truly it’s not. Gambling should be tolerated not encouraged, much like sex work, and other activities that chip away at human dignity. 

    • Like 4
  11. Not convinced with Petracca's kicking, for me the release from the hand NQR, and he leans back to far too soon, it still looks too 'guided'. His upper body still looks a bit stiff, when I compare too Tmac, there is something about his upper torso that doesn't look so tense in the two steps befor the kick. That said I never mastered a set shot routine, so who am I to criticise.

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  12. Brayshaw for Salem's role, he's in trouble with this thyroid thing damn it.

    I think we have so many options it could be like Ice hockey with 'Lines' rolling through the midfield. 

    Bowey gets another go. Sparrow is not a lock for me yet, yes he's a strong good looking fella, but that 4th midfield spot could go many ways, If Rivers wants it more then fine. If Hunter was a better tackler he might also be in consideration for ANB's spot, leaving a wing for Gus, but he's not. I don't want to see Milkshake playing, it means things have gone bad. Hibberd is a sub/specialist I am willing to see him go a bit longer. Chandler can have a go at Harmes spot. Need to be sold on JJ, seems too nice not convinced of his best role. Spargo is a key player, his assists are great.

    • Like 1
  13. I expect a flag, subject to injuries. If they play in the GF then I wouldn't be too salty, but I can't believe we are this good without also expecting results.

    Injuries are the key though.

    And I really wish Kozzie would sign, that is going to be a distraction this year.

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  14. 2 hours ago, McQueen said:

    Pass mark for me is another flag and to achieve that I reckon we’ll have to beat Brisbane in the Granny, who imo have assembled a very strong squad. 

    Really? I still see gaps defensively, Neale still can't beat a hard tag, and on field leadership a gap. They have some guns, I just don't see the synergy, that GFC, MFC, RFC have had lately. What is the biggest improvement you see that has you buying their stock (without the 3D glasses).

    • Like 3
  15. 50 minutes ago, Jjrogan said:

    Collingwood had a percentage of 104 last year. Could easily miss in 2023 with a harder draw. Heck, take 2 goals off them last year, they would have missed and no one would be talking top 8 this year.  It was a statistically freakish season.  Caveat being that teenager who can play a bit will be even better.  

    Sydney, though well coached, got pants-ed in a GF.  The recent history on this isnt good. Hard to see but in hindsight it may be yea, they lost it mentally. 


    I get you, the Pies 11-3 record was Frane Selak like in games decided by under two goals, with two of the three losses coming in Finals. I would like to see someone smarter than me analyze just how statistically freakish it was. That said winning means something, can't just be ar$e that got there. Like I said, i think other (Finals) teams with good rucks will go better against them (US), but that devastating full ground transition will muddle plenty of opposition heads and see enough wins to make the eight. They change the way other teams play. Would love to be coached by Fly, he seems to invest alot in his players. Will be super interested to see which coach unpicks their transition 1st. We don't play them until week 13, with Geelong, Sydney, Brisbane, Richmond, Port and Carlton all having a crack to give us some clues.   

    Link below to the luckiest man (or best BS artist, take your pick)


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