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DEE fence

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Posts posted by DEE fence

  1. 12 hours ago, binman said:

    This bit of the article caught my attention in terms of the discussion about the scoring (it's the first I've heard the surface was rubbish):

    'Roffey explained the inherent problems with this year’s Grand Final venue, claiming “the ball didn’t bounce off the deck”.

    Roffey put the low-scoring Grand Final result down the state of the ground, as the Demons prevailed by kicking 2.7.(19) to 2.3.(15).

    “We went out on Saturday and the girls did a couple of bounces and the coaches just said ‘don’t bounce’,” Roffey added.

    “That meant that the run and carry aspect of it probably wasn’t on show as it would’ve been, so it changes things a bit.”

    Looking forward, Roffey asserted the AFL must prioritise earlier planning to secure suitable venues for AFLW finals, particularly to showcase the Grand Final. “If it is to be a home final, the AFL needs to book a suitable venue now in every state for next year,” she said further.

    “And if you’re not going to do that, then you need to do the MCG-style thing and say ‘right well here is one venue where it will be’.

    If you play in better venues, you get bigger scores and the women can execute their skills better because they are not wind affected or on uneven grounds and things, so this is a really bigger venue conversation that we need to have.

    “The venues I think is probably, across the board, the biggest issue we’ve got to address for our women at the moment.”

    @Binman, thanks, I hadn't heard that and it makes perfect sense, quagmires (maybe a bit strong) never did scoring any good. AFL has a terrible record with grounds and as a Dees fan, truly think we get the rough end of the pineapple, I do wish we could be more Rory Breaker “If the milk turns out to be sour, I ain't the kinda [censored] to drink it.”

    BTW The more I hear from Roffey the more I like her, really think she is the leader the club needs to navigate the perils of a footy club. She's not Merkel yet but as far as building consensus seems to be well on the way. 


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  2. 13 hours ago, Webber said:

    Alright, I’ve seen enough, and am gonna put it out there. Kyah Farris-White is going to be a star for the Dees! He will be the random gun recruit of his generation. 

    What ever training he did in the states, you can see it in his shoulders, he is not skinny in the traditional sense of being weak, looks like he already has some ‘density’ to his muscle mass and looks like he knows/embraces physical contact. Quite keen to see what his kicking looks like and handball, disposal will be his kryptonite I think.

    • Thinking 1
  3. Ok so wasn't a goal fest, I normally couldn't stand such a low scoring affair,  but this game demonstrated incredible tackling pressure, these girls hit hard, then rinse and repeat, in a pure display of heart and pressure. Very very proud Demon fan, you could show these highlights to some of the men's teams going around. The overall bravery really won me over. I love how TH came to the club under a bit of a cloud and has absolutely been a team player. I love that Daisy is just one of tje most credible football players going around at the moment and really hope she doesn't stay at Geelong very long. I hope Mick the coach gets the plaudits he deserves, he has the team sticking to the system under incredible pressure.  Huge props to all the players, nothing more fun than supporting a champion team over a team full of champions. The umpiring was turgid and inconsistent and didn't do credit to the game at all, I guess the a list ups are on a break too. Tacky of the Brisbane coach, they can suck on their Dead sea of salt tears. AFLW is going to grow the game, no doubt in my mind at all. Thank you women you did us proud.

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  4. Every time I read DL I think no, then I watch the GF and other things he does below his hips and think wow. Not fully utilising all his skills yet, absolutely worth the coin and risk, his best is amazing. And funnily enough really don't think it will be down to the goals he kicks, more about how he makes others better and can put team mates in space.

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  5. Wow, got excited by this photo of Kozzie, looks like a weapon and a half, more NFL wide receiver than a small AFL forward.

    I sort of get DD's point, but I always thought cat.b were for the unusual circumstances, we are a unique sport and anything that attracts others to it creates interest is a good thing. I wasn't sure that the end of cat b would mean two more cat.a spots.

    The hyphen looks fit for a 18y.o., and would rather train a ruck than get a retread. Our gameplan is backing ruck superiority, cat b is an economical way to invest and our recruiting department deserves our confidence. Lastly was very sorry for Bradtke, he really got rolled by COVID and injuries.

    Lastly, I too think there could be a better process and more space for country footy players and others that didn't make it in first two years. Kurt Warner was a pretty classic story.

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  6. 5 hours ago, monoccular said:

    The Vaile article is in my mind the most interesting of the three - the NYT one is behind a paywall but the headline suggests it relates to icing specific acutely injured muscles, which appears to be standard practice.

    Not much is said about the timing post exercise which is probably an important factor.  Repetition and alternation seems the go.

    Certainly refutes what I heard Dermie saying on radio regarding the next morning half hour dip in cold Hobson's Bay "to wash out all that lactic acid"!!  If it was still present the next day the poor bugger would be well and truly dead.



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  7. I once read, (and wasn't able to find, I think it might have been the secret footballer series in the Age) that a footballer's greatest fear (apart from injury) was that it would be revealed that ice baths were unnecessary, and in fact had been a great waste of time. Something I read with amusement and no little agreement. My surprise at this article in the NYT was strong, I had accepted it as fact that cold water immersion was a key part of recovery from heavy training. Will be interesting to see if this filters through into any footy clubs training regimes. Or at least interesting to folks like me who follow training trends closely. Any of the @Webber types got any thoughts?    


    For those nerds like me interested in background (and needing to procrastinate) - I added some links, I had thought AIS research on the subject was 1st class and behind the success of our track cyclists.



  8. 3 hours ago, Wizard of Koz said:

    The best recruit our club has ever brought in from another club. Ever.

    Is worth a debate, my love for Jeff White remains strong, May hasn't topped Jeff yet, we had many good years from him. May has Moloney, Powell, Bizzell, Vince, Cross, Lewis etc. covered though. Of the current crew, Lever and Langdon go pretty well, Hibberd hardly shabby.

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  9. 'Take the game on.',

    'Be aggressive.',

    'Speed on the ball.',



    all terms you hear about MFC game style, whereas the WCE and Geelong game plans (pre '22) are dead, Geelong adapted, WCE did not, so that beautiful kick/mark football game of keepings off (yawn) that prioritised efficiency was found to be less useful than what Richmond, then us have been doing. This means more booboos from players who are ball winners like Gus, but high risk brings high reward. This playing style also leans on our superior fitness and run (relatively speaking) and team ethic. Gus consistently gets to where he is needed and puts it on the line and is a brilliant exponent of team first mentality. I can live with the booboos as they don't kill us on the scoreboard. I feel like people who criticise Gus are the same who yell 'kick it long' at the footy...

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  10. I felt like the opposition put some work into him this season, he was previously disregarded but in ‘21 his game put a target on his back. Oppositions seemed to close his space off quicker this season making his disposal more erratic (a bit). He needs to lift a tad as he will never get the same license again. Love him to bits, is selfless as a player, likes a laugh and doesn’t take himself too seriously. But he does need to do better than 9 snags and take his shots when they are there. I can see him being another team’s Daniel Cross down the track in 24/25, bringing some good habits to a struggling club.

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  11. The point of difference with Petty and why he must go forward is his contested marking (and legal aggression). This is more important in a forward than a back, where mobility and the ability to effect a spoil is at a premium. 

    Brown Schache and Tmac are all inferior to Petty as contested marks, and Gawn is an erratic shot at goal. Petty also to my mind will unlock Fritsch further, who as a secondary forward is lethal. Petty will also provide more forward defensive pressure than any other forward something Brown cannot do. Then 2nd tall can be either JVR or Tmac. With Gawn resting occasionally forward.

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  12. 7 hours ago, BDA said:

    I predict Lyon will fail at the Saints this time around. The comp has moved on from his game style

    What is more scary is he finds a way to invent a new turgid defensive style that shuts down a game that has been much more attacking and fun to watch recently, a'la us, pies, cats, tiges, freo etc... that would be the true disaster.

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