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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Gee your comment above are truly depressing, from it I take that Getting totally out classed by Geelong by 11 goals (66 points ) when we would have got done by 100 points in the past is a big improvement! If Geelong had kicked reasonably it would have been 100. Don't kid yourself we have not come very far at all.
  2. I watched him very closely yesterday particularly when he was kicking in. I think the guy has poor peripheral vision. On a number of occasions he totally missed players on their own calling for the ball and ended up kicking to a contest.
  3. That may just be the number that are truly players that can take us forward as we have a multitude who cannot.
  4. Me too Tappy when we had the ball they were all over us like a rash never further than a metre.When they have the ball we are 5 - 10 meters away or further.
  5. i would take him for a year on a moderate salary but not the figure he would want. why should we top up his Super. i actually think the Blues are setting him up for a much reduced figure next year. they need his salary reduced considerably to spend on recruits.
  6. Hell no we are way better than that no more than 180.Seriously when you consider the two sides they have a top four list and we have a bottom four one. 8 to 10 goal win to the cats however we had better start well or it will be ugly..
  7. Good I Fear we are going to need it by about 3PM today jr can you spare me a couple of rolls?
  8. I am amazed that this thread is still going strong at 252 pages about another AFL club on a subject that has not changed in two weeks!
  9. This a subject that I have no care about C and BI could not care less about the quality of our players off or on field. All I ask of them is to play very well and win us games. He does that in spades and beyond that I don,t care.
  10. First you have to have a list of 40 players, I am not a fan but I will trust the FD on this one who knows what he will be like in 2016.Second it is going to be cold, wet and windy we need more low to the ground players IMO.
  11. I will not be the first time bb.If you want to get a good midfielder you will need to trade. No one is going to take crap but a reasonable player like Howe might just get it done.
  12. Appears you are going to have to fall in love with him as is going to be around for a while
  13. IMO he is the player we should consider as a trade if a very good midfielder is in the offering.
  14. I look at the two sides and there is an ability gulf between them. They have talented players all over the ground. The Cats by eight goals However if we start as slow as last week then I shudder to think what the result could be.
  15. You didn't I said the reason he is an emergency is we are running low on players to fill spots. I can see little other reason for him getting a run.
  16. I share your displeasure at the time length we have been the pits.However if you just consider the 2014 list and our results then it comes up IMO that we are now competitive. That is all it says to me. It is going to take two more trade periods to get above competitive. Sad but that is our lot.
  17. With the recent injuries It would suggest he is getting close to the last man standing.Not sure it has much to do with ability.
  18. IMO we will not be in the eight by then.With a little luck we might be around 9 or 10 on the ladder is the best I can see. You might need to line up some valium for 2016 DemonOx
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