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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I perceive there has Ben an overindulgence of Bananas this afternoon!
  2. Good morning bb still praying for a belting I see?
  3. Yep we shall sue.I don't want them to get off I just see that they will get very low actual penalties.
  4. Interesting experience yesterday I am keen basket ball follower and for many years I was a Tigers member. When the Tigers became Melbourne United I lost a lot of interest in the NBL. So after good results in the pre season competition and two from two wins in the season proper I decided to go last night. The United won again and even at this stage look to be good chances to go all the way this season. It was a good game but I found myself an on looker rather than being involved with the team. I was purely an observer. I just cannot get involved the way i used with the Tigers. There is talk of the TIGERS returning in a few seasons time, that looks a pipe dream to me. Also I am not sure how you barrack for the "United" ! I drove home thinking this game confirmed why I still follow AFL My team is still there. If the Dees were to fold I would be an observer of AFL. PS there was a very good crowd which just shows people will follow winnners even when they they have no history, have a god awful strip and no emblem as such.
  5. No Banana but REAL bagel, cream cheese and Coffee. Excellent way to start Caulfield cup day
  6. Looks like The first round of the tram ticket penalties to me. excuses have started.
  7. a year longer than it should have been because of a certain Mr. Hird
  8. Surely it is all guilty or none. how does half work.
  9. How? I think bugger all will be the actual result and bb thinks they will all get two years starting December 2015 ( or there about. )
  10. You wont believe your bad luck Bbo.After no vintage this year the Pinot reserves are almost exhausted and their will be no more till 2017. Even I cannot get a free bottle. Sad but I guess we are used to disappointment being MFC followers.
  11. There is one certainty in this bbOne of us is going to be wrong
  12. Another thing He said was there had been no talk to anyone about Dawes or Watts. ( excuse me if someone mentioned that earlier )
  13. IMO a small risk. It will be back dated and the penalty will be small in the scheme of things.
  14. No of course not But I felt better saying it. I think we will get a reasonable deal out of the Pies not as good as GCS perhaps but ok.
  15. There is a third option He can nominate for the draft.
  16. If there is a ban it will be back dated and there will be bugger all missed games!
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