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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Not sure I would use honest dee-luded. As much as I dislike Dawes I believe he gives it 100%. I think Pedo has a better spread of talent.
  2. I think the list of players who did not make the trip will be the most interesting. IMO if you ain't on this trip your chances of playing in the early part of 2016 must be slim.
  3. Hi Bossdog people think I am negative I think I tell it as I see it and for almost a decade we have had a crap list that was not capable of competing at AFL level. The results bare this out. I have constantly complaint about this and a number of the individuals involved. At the start of 2016 we have a much improved list the majority of the VFL level talents have gone. While we are in no danger of winning the flag for some time I believe our list can win 10 games this year and Essendrug will be one of those wins.
  4. Wow Mr. Leg and C and B I cannot believe how negative you pair are on 15th January. The list has improved quite a bit since last year and we are looking at a more attacking game plan in 2016. Essendrug have been decimated by suspension. They have lost 6- 8 of their top 12 players. and you pair are still mired in 2013 thinking. Come on guys brighten up after this game we will be 2 from 2 and have a healthy percentage.
  5. You heard it here first Mr. Leg we will win this game. Put it in the bank.
  6. I have not read it ( I have refuse to now listen or read anything he puts out ) so I guess asking the next question then makes me a hypocrite but does he mention anything about "the Records"
  7. Do you expect that question to asked WJ?
  8. I don't agree DF the list is now better than " very ordinary" it has improved substantially over 2015 and we will win 10 games.
  9. As well cd I have some other important things to do like clean my teeth, polish my shoes and feed the cat. sorry too busy
  10. None it will all be settled out of court and only the AFL will know as they no doubt will pay the bill.
  11. Never ask a question that you know will have a bad answer.
  12. They also think the Essendrug players were unjustly suspended DF So I would not use them as any guiding light.
  13. It will total depend on our results this year fndee. 10+ wins and we are a real chance less and we will struggle to attract good players.
  14. We tanked it is history that will be bought up from Time to Time. In the nicest possible way Mr. Leg Get over it.
  15. Not a problem dc Gil the Pie Man will create one in a flash. Oh yes I see the problem now we are not the EFC how silly of me.
  16. And that WJ is the very reason Hird agreed.
  17. I am very confident all that is about to change in 2016 dc
  18. I agree Steve they wont be looking sideways and backwards so much. Grimes seemed to go backwards from the start of our defence at all costs and play to the boundaries coach remember him
  19. I agree with your basic premise but I would draw the line a bit below Axe Murderer.
  20. I wondered the same C and B
  21. Yes but we want two replacements
  22. Not a lot else happening Boss and get used to it. It will be with us for years to come.
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