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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Soccer never ceases to amaze me. Victory have sacked their second coach in less than 12 months. Sacking Ernie amazed me after he won the Flag twice. The management at the Victory is something else. Who would want the job even when you win flags they give you the boot.
  2. How is the back Redleg? Hope you did not step on a banana!
  3. If you were one of your horses Redleg!!!!! You would...........
  4. Not for me I am afraid. Hit and giggle stuff I have no interest in who wins. This morning I went straight over the results in the Paper.
  5. Another brilliant performance from the Captain! 31 and 1 Glad we are not depending on him to get us out of a hole. I doubt he will make it to the next ashes series Second rate player from NSW
  6. The look in my Granddaughters eyes at 7.30 was way to good to be beaten by anything that happened later in the day. Thank god for little children they give a big reason for being.
  7. This probably makes a group of 1 but I am interested ox_5
  8. Just home from a knee operation mate and at the moment I do feel that old. No doubt I will bounce back. Have a great Christmas lets hope 2012 is an improvement. Go Dees
  9. Agree 100% WJ I was rung last night by my daughter at 9.00 PM she had just heard it on the radio. I am surprised how much it has affected me.
  10. yes I am really interested to see how Williams performs. Nice to see a recruit who is not a skinny development project.
  11. I have totally missed Bossdog's message.
  12. No but bananas are in plentiful supply.
  13. My day is shattered. I hope these bums are good after we passed on Clutterbuck!
  14. oh no only one chance left
  15. HF line Clutterbuck, Watts , Tuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. The tension is getting to me. To Clutterbuck or not to Clutterbuck? how slow can this last 8 minutes be?
  17. Almost cetainly. Why else would a seemingly sane person follow the Dees for 51 years?
  18. If Mrs. OD caught me on Demonland at 4 am the computer would be sold off. She already thinks I am nuts.
  19. Thank god the price has dropped!
  20. Is it broadcast Redleg? Not sure I will be able to do anything else come 11.00 am until I hear that name called by the MFC. Go Clutters!
  21. To end the year on a high we must pick Clutterbuck! I see only good thinks from that name on our list. who cares if he can play we need that name.
  22. But then you have to get up to pee!
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