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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. The simple fact that there was no contingency plan for the Essendrug 34 being suspended for a year is proof he should go. From the first press conference on it was obvious they were making plans on the run. The fact they seem to have given little credence to this possibility beggars belief.
  2. Spot on bb. Add in gambling and drug problems and you know a lot of the time you are watching a rigged contest. I have not watched the Olympics for at least a decade. I have not watched the NBL since they deleted my team and I used to be a member. ps plenty of Avos in NZ.
  3. You must have been watching without sound bb. no one could sleep through all that grunting and screaming.
  4. International Tennis is showing us at the moment why all sports should be over seen by an out side body. There is clear evidence that there has been rigged games for years. But they have not wanted to know. Sergeant Schultz would be proud. It is only now after the BBC has dragged them kicking and struggling in to the 21st century have they done anything.
  5. Surely not they are just wanting to make sure justice has been done.
  6. KB on SEN this morning was running a poll on would Carlton beat Essendrug in round six? Essendrug was leading by a large margin when I left my car.
  7. First you would have to make them understand what that is. Not sure about the cost but it would take some time I would think.
  8. I will be in NZ both of those dates R and B but thank you anyway. If there is a session on Friday 5th I might go along.
  9. I am off across the ditch on Friday Looking forward to trying their South American bananas. Not much happening at present still only a few days and Tennis will be finished and then footy will back at the top of the media pops again.
  10. Welcome back to the real world bb. Avo's are in short supply however there are plenty of Bananas
  11. Hmm LH. The Easter bunny comes in few weeks as well.
  12. Glad to see you back down under bb how were the Himalayas ?
  13. Way more than above rjay in fact it might be more approiate to say "in the basement"
  14. Sadly you are correct and they find it hard to understand that the AFL is part of the real world. The self interest being showed by numerous AFL types leaves me in wonderment.
  15. Could also be the genes your parents blessed you with Saty.
  16. Just finished a banana ice cream probably no banana in it but tasted fabulous.
  17. For better or worse ( probably worse ) that is what I feel about a large number of players who change clubs. I dont enjoy large parts of the sporting landscape any longer. I used to be a member of the Melbourne Tigers until they took away my team. Now i scarcely even look for the results of the NBL. The sporting world we live in is now a big business and a large part of what I loved is gone never to return . I just concentrate on the bits that are left that I have loved since I was a boy.
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