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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Being from GCS I don't know much about him but after watching his highlights reel he looks a tough customer. Would look to be good addition.
  2. That is a tough attitude. Live and let live. It is only a football game.
  3. Excellent. If there is a better way to start a day I don't know it. I do however prefer my bananas on the very ripe side.
  4. No idea DZ I don't think the draw us out yet. Any idea when?
  5. I heard PJ asked about it in the podcast last night. He did not actually answer the question. Talked about the proposed facility and said a couple of times any building will not be in parkland. But never said what the chances were. Probably due to the political nature of getting approval. My guess 50/50. But you can guarantee there will be no decision till after state election.
  6. Well Hogan is gone and surprise surprise the sun came up this morning. Now on to the draft which not very long ago was the highlight of our year. Until then banana on my muesli this morning.
  7. They have their eye on someone and think he will will be gone by 36.
  8. Overall I think we did well. Got Hogan off with his big salary who did not want to be in Victoria as well his other issues for a first and second round pick.
  9. I doubt he owned a tent. Smug bastard!
  10. LBJ said it is better to have your enemies on the inside of the tent p------g out than on the outside p-----g in.
  11. What those stats don't show is how often the ball was coming into the forward line. The backs at GCS every week were on a hiding to nothing. Don't forget this was the worst side since the MFC in 2012.
  12. IMO if we accept 5 only that will show how badly we want him off the list.
  13. A count down might be in order Mr. Leg!
  14. Would you expect them to say we want him out because......... I don't think so that would total undo their negotiating position. Of course we want him in 2019 right up until point Freo meets our demands.
  15. I believe there is a reason rjay but like the rest of us it is unknown to us mere mortals. Two things are strange to me. - Dees put up no fight to keep him - Freo very interest and have chased him for years then at the 11th hour pull out. There is a reason we just don't what it is. I could guess but the laws of the land prohibit that action.
  16. BF I would be surprised if that did not incur a suspension. That name is not allowed on this thread. Absolutely unforgivable !
  17. Be careful you are not shooting the messenger P-man
  18. On SEN this morning Watson said that Freo don't want to make the same mistake they made with Bennell. Hmm interesting comment!!!!!!
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