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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Why didn't Weideman kick the goal that he hand past to Hunt he was clear on the edge of the square could have run in himself?
  2. for 24 hours WB even if we stay there it does not change the basic problems
  3. Your gilding the lily ww. Goodwin got us into a crap position by refusing to players in there correct positions and Why was Weideman left out of the first 5 games when he clearly wasn't injured.
  4. Well we find ourselves in 9th place hoping the dogs lose. For me that says it all about our talent level, we have a 9th / 8th talent list. Mid field is one of the better ones, Back line is good but our forward line is average on their better days. WE have one KPF who is average, TMac has lost all form or is injured and there is no one else. Today we had two small forwards in Kossi and Spargo who were poor against one of the poorer side in the competition. Unless we can somehow improve our forward line we are going no further in the next few years. So over to you and your review Mr. President.
  5. Any hi money signing is only a knee injury away from looking poor with hind sight DJ. Both were burning at the time. Win some lose some.
  6. He is for 4 out of 5 matches nothing has changed.
  7. Well I always figure that the best you could do for your children was for them make their own decisions and then own the decision. Which is fine until they make ones you dont like.
  8. I may not have explained this well I was referring to Ms C Wilson.
  9. Yes you are Dr. But we can only try, don’t be surprised if they choose another team in the next few years, only regularly playing finals games will keep them in the fold, from my experience you have three years or one of two things will happen. They will either choose / stay with a team that are winners or Lose them from game completely.
  10. Spot on LH with one exception I have found them to be on the ball. However I think we should cut them a little slack as their numbers are reduced and people are not working every day. Me included There are too many of us that think everything is about me! Have a little sympathy and understanding everyone.
  11. And they will be correct, if we should lose this game it will be positive proof that we are not as good as we think player skill wise and that the FD has not planned player selection well and their ability to get the team up for important games is zero. The bombers have been poor for 90% of their games this season we are a 8-9th placed talent IMO but with a spot in the finals hanging on a win they should be able to win this game anything less shows we have real problems that will not be fixed for some time.
  12. A whitewash will have her lady ship frothing at the mouth and rightly so IMO.
  13. Yes having forwards who kick goals would be a hell of a good start.
  14. There had better be Bbo after the chairman shot off his mouth about it a few weeks ago. Anything less is a cop out.
  15. Well how about it is because we are among the poorest in the competition. Do you think we can?
  16. Goodwins contract is said to be $750k PA. Mahoneys is probably multi 6 figures. Let’s be conservative and say collectively they are being paid $1million PA. So $2 miillion for the next two years if they are sacked early I.e. next month. The AFL has made a number of comments about them not helping to pay sacked coaches salaries. So the $2 million falls to the MFC we are too small and have too little resources to cover that pay out as well as pay a replacement that at the least would cost Another $500k PA. And $300k for the Mahoney replacement. Conservatively the cost to the MFC To sack both would be $3.6 million Over the next two years and as high as $2.8 million in 2021. It simply is not going to happen this year.
  17. That might be the general sentiment picket but the MFC Simply cannot afford to drop him , as well it would look bad for the Chairman and the board if they sacked him one year into a three year deal that they signed off on before the start of 2019. He will be there in 2021.
  18. Agree 100% LH. The football world seems to be up in air at the moment as far as nearly everything concerning 2021. The AFL cannot even tell us how long the length of a game will be, seems they are all living it up around the pool it QLD so that leaves little time for running the game. Seriously though the news is deafening on 2021. Seems to me that it will be another year made up on the run. Most games this year seem to have gone to a new low, the thing that IMO made Aussie rules was the scoring, the game now seems to be just a scramble between both teams half forward lines. Article in the HUN today say Tom Hawkins is set to win the Colman medal with 40 goals, the lowest total since WW1. Back to the main problem what is the MFC going to offer to members in 2021 as compensation? The club seems to just hoping things will go back to some sort of normal next year.
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