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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Oh no Mono you have said the unspeakable words!
  2. I didn't think we were allowed to say his name let alone a whole thread!
  3. I see the person we are not allowed to discuss has made the headlines this afternoon after saving a guy while surfing. Seems the guy dislocated his shoulder in the water in Bali. Good work SG.
  4. Who are they 58er. They have both vanished from demonland?
  5. I haven't been on for a few days. It seems Demonland has suffered a bout of censorship. Are we now so sensitive that we cannot take bad news?
  6. I am not surprised layzie. Casey/Goschs it is for us. It is time we accepted it and got on with it. The rest are pipe dreams.
  7. Mr Leg it appears to me that while Caulfield is probably the best option I struggle with (a will we have a case that will satisfy a number of interested groups and ( b will it happen this decade it is only 10 weeks till the start of 2024. Seems we will be at Goschs for a long time yet.
  8. When do we think Petty will play his first game in 2024? With the type of injury he has I would be surprised if it is before June.
  9. Hmm not sure what to make of that!
  10. It is not beyond the realms that Petty will not play a game until well into the second half of next season. So if we intend to trade him next season two things will happen imo. He comes back strong and leads us to a GF or he struggles with the injury and his value drops significantly. Let's hope for the first and we can ask for the earth in return.
  11. This is still the major failing of this club over the last decade. For the vast majority of the time the silence is deafening. Dates come and go. I have every confidence at the next AGM it will be raised and the confidentiality card will again be played. Does anyone know if there are any time lines for the Caulfield redevelopment? If it is waiting for state government funding it will be another ten years as they are up to their eyes in debt.
  12. This thread never ceases to suck me in. I see new comments and think there maybe news. Today's it's about the Lions and the Gabba. Is there no end to the torture?
  13. Funny you raise that Mr. Leg I had one last night and thought similar.
  14. Not sure who is playing the hardest Macca, time will tell.
  15. Oh I think they want him badly it’s that they now find they are having trouble getting him and the pies vice captain.
  16. If we had no ruckman probably Macca, that’s the situation the Swans find themselves in. It will get done eventually.
  17. And then not get used when our KPF’s were poor on the day. That will go down in history as a wonder of the 21st century Macca.
  18. Future third round! Not much return. Basically we have let him go for not much due to good service in the past.
  19. Drop the vanilla and honey but add strawberry and you have my vote. Probably why I had to have stents inserted.
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