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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Rjay I have been giving the club the benefit of the doubt because of reduced staff numbers etc last year and this year but I am beginning get a little tired of letting them off. Some things are more important than others and I guess what is important varies from one member to another. However somethings I believe are vital. For a club that struggles to maintain member numbers on the eve of a new season that follows on a very disappointing end to last year then surely pre season practice game news is vital. But apparently not in the eyes of the MFC. It would appear they are more attuned to the mushroom factory principal.
  2. I have told you before I will not be attending any public large crowd events until the majority of the population is vaccinated. That is 2021. For better or worse I have been a member almost all years since 1973 and a supporter since 1961. I figure I have been a very loyal member of a club that is not very easy to follow. IMO once a clubs numbers get too high the benefit to the individual reduces to the point you are no better off than a non member. What is that number? In my view somewhere above 50k. Now you can keep dropping the glass half empty barb as long as you like but it will not change my view of when I want to belong to a sporting club.
  3. Above that level the cost/ benefit to me decreases at a rapid rate. If I cannot go and get a seat lower than level 3 I am then a tv viewer.
  4. At a constant 50k+ membership level I will withdraw dr. Above that it becomes too hard to go to games etc and I figure they don't need my support any longer.
  5. I doubt Daws will play in the first game but without knowledge I have no idea how well his fitness held up of the course of the game.
  6. But we managed to get Bartlett’s title changed from Chairman to President done. Obviously more important that a game of football. Hange on that’s what they do isn’t it?
  7. Excellent comment Ernest covers how I feel. I suggest you send it to the club.
  8. If you cannot get the small things right what chance the big things?
  9. That covers it perfectly Binman. I almost never go to the official website for the reasons you stated.
  10. Hmm seems like multiply “ dropping the ball “ frees to me.
  11. You will have two sets of twins!! Mate it is time to stop.
  12. Good to see someone still has their sense of humour !
  13. I remember similar things being said late year BDA and we know how that turned out.
  14. That's the best description of our forward line I have read HJ.
  15. That's a great deal LH. Sadly it did not extend done to the plebes.
  16. You are 95% correct LH. Thanks for given me a wee bit more confidence.
  17. They had better win the first game George or it will dead in the water.
  18. IMO those were the only times in 56 years that the other clubs worried about the MFC. The rest of the time we have been irrelevant.
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