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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. So a wee bit over half the membership turned up. I thought mid 20's might be on. Hard to understand why so low on a great weather day to attend. Must be a lot more than me scared.
  2. All the move the game mob ( including me ) will be saying I told you so.
  3. Hi Rev have not seen you for a while.
  4. Whatever you had for lunch save some for me.
  5. You will go blind if you keep that up!!!!!
  6. Missed our chance that's normally done last week.
  7. As you probably remember Autumn is the best season in Melb. Also the driest.
  8. This is either a defensive slog or skill level is poor. Are you there NC?
  9. Surely you are not surprised DJ after all we deserve it.
  10. Am I missing something 7 of our 3???
  11. Talk about a place to stay away from, tigers, jumping biting ants full of x convicts ( one was my rel. )
  12. It means he will no longer see your posts.
  13. Stay asleep DJ, the real world is a pain in the rear.
  14. Expect to see a serious injury for each team in the last quarter with the sub activated. What a joke!
  15. Where do you live not even a breeze here.
  16. Not the point Pickett he is expected to be super human to make up for a large number of team mates who are average on their good days.
  17. Nothing like pouring the pressure on the kid, I feel for him when he is not the problem it is about ten of his mates that are the problem.
  18. If we have come to meditating in the hope that it will affect the result then all is lost Ernest.
  19. Not at all as I said will be good for you but as your long experience has shown the Dees will do there normal thing.
  20. I hope so too, to start your grandson off with a win would be the best result I can think of for a future supporter.
  21. One game does not make a season you are correct however after the end of last year a loss will be a continuation of that season. And as you say we have lots of things going for us, to lose would set a standard that supporters will see as “what’s changed”. The coach will start the season in the worst possible way if we lose. Quite rightly I think it is time for the Dees to move into the eight and I don’t mean the after the last game. At this point in our development we should be able to be a fixture inside the top eight this season anything less imo is a failure by our club at a number of levels and we all know who will get it in the neck first.
  22. No doubt that will be good for you but to be brutally honest it won’t make a fig of difference to the result.
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