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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Would you please stop with sane ideas DJ. Talk like that will never get you a job at AFL!
  2. I have been saving this for nearly 9 months now. Who ever thought it was a good idea to start an interstate competition in the year of Covid certainly does belong it the rocket scientist club.
  3. I am having trouble hiding my smug feelings from interstate friends and rels.
  4. Here we go again, QLD premier saying under 40's should follow QLD advice re Astra vaccine not the PM.
  5. Agree BB, as I have said before I have friends who don’t travel and are basically stay at homes who are waiting Pfizer. I think they are silly but there you are.
  6. A major problem that I see with the slow rate of vaccination is the lack of deaths in the community in Australia. Our initial lockdown has seen very few cases in the scheme of things compared to the rest of the world. As a result people by and large have not lost members of their extended family. It has not touched them unlike overseas. Then add the government on again off again advice and large percentage of the population don’t see the need to rush after the their PM told them it is not a race.
  7. Nothing to do with covid or football but the writers of media headlines never cease to amuse / annoy me. Today after Serene loss at Wimbledon “ World devastated by Serene heartbreak” No it is not, half the world probably doesn’t know who she is or cares that a tennis player lost a match when their loved ones are dying of Covid. At least half of the rest are either not interested in tennis or don’t like her ( count me amongst that lot ). So the headline is rubbish.
  8. Over the last 10 weeks we have the following from the Federal Government. AZ is a good vaccine. People under 40 should not take it. People under 50 should not take it. People under 60 should not take it. Yesterday it is a good vaccine everyone from 20 up should gets shots and we will indemnify any doctor who gets sued when they recommended it. They wonder why take up rates are poor, it must go down as the worst public health exercise in Australian history.
  9. I suspect that no one is listening to complaints be it AFL, Ticketek or the MFC. This is the system take it or leave it. I wrote a letter (email) to the new chief a few weeks back and after 3 weeks I received a reply from someone else who answered questions I had not raised . Nett result I think with current staff levels they are snowed under and doing the best they can. I have sympathy for them.
  10. I am glad I am not doing this, seems like a lot of bother compared to rolling up on the day and scanning you card. however enjoy guys.
  11. I would not back the MFC with bad money. Our history for half a century makes us a poor chance. Having said that they can keep on under estimating us.
  12. Not sure that is 100% the case binman, largely depends on who is the toucher!
  13. Still think he will be elsewhere. No contract for next year. Would you give him one? If so how much?
  14. Not sure if anyone noticed but the Northern Bullants who Carlton flung to have there own reserves trashed the Blues yesterday. Small irony there.
  15. I find the last two days the funniest I have been through in nearly two years. WA has one case and locks everyone out of the football and today a 100% increase to 2 cases and the end of the world is nigh. Qld goes from 2-3 and a SEQLD lockdown is discussed as close. SA has no cases but introduces restrictions and mask wearing. Monty Python 21st century.
  16. That would a thousand times more entertaining LDC.
  17. Do they think they will let filthy people from the east in? They cancelled attendance today with one positive person.
  18. From memory the opposition is 3- 4 seats .
  19. Good to see you Ethan I thought you might have been flung!!!!!
  20. Calm down boys we all barrack for the same team.
  21. All KP forwards get gifted goals it is called team work. You also have to be there in the right spots. He had a good game and is a proven top level forward who had not played for a month. Good effort IMO.
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