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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. The silence if deafening Dd82. But have faith it will happen.
  2. I found the email LH and you are 100% correct. No mention of entry cards of any description. My memory is obviously stuck in the this time in 2019. You get a medallion and no mention of how you enter the G. I assume that means it is electronic or stay home.
  3. Close LH but I definitely had the option of a normal entry card or electronic entry and a scarf or not. When I open my pc I will see if I can find the email. It is not on the iPad as it jettisons emails quickly..
  4. We all need something to aspire to Bbo.
  5. It did not seem to stop them winning flags as late as 2020.
  6. From memory LH I was sent an email asking what I wanted this year 2022 re the package. This year I knew I would probably not get to any games so I just took the electronic membership, no scarf, card etc. My wife told me at the time you are sure to win it in 2021 you will have nothing from this year not even a winning scarf. How right was she, I should listen more often. 2022 I asked for everything!!!!
  7. I can sadly only look from afar at your lofty spot in the membership list Bbo.
  8. Am I glad I did not hold my breath!
  9. Well this morning I am angry, annoyed , dissolutions and very disappointed. For the first time in weeks there is not one mention of the premiers in today's edition of the HUN. I mean what is going on?
  10. You should have lied and said you darling!
  11. The latest one is always the best WoK. 2 years ago I went to the funeral of Frank Adams. The 64 cup was there. John Lord gave a speech. At the end he said that cup is the second best one short pause then the next one is the best. Says it all for me. But enjoy this one. They are not easy to win in the 21st century.
  12. You are not alone. I still wake some mornings and wonder if it really happened.
  13. LH it must be the smallest trophy in world sport. However I would rather it than a lot of the enormous things I see awarded in some sports. E.g. the Americas cup.
  14. Glad you got on board enjoy spending it.
  15. It’s been long wait PSD you deserve it. Go easy on the Emu Draught!!!!!!!!!
  16. Is there anything else the red and blue can win this year? My pocket is smiling !
  17. You have had a very good day!
  18. I am being a bit sneaky as this is about the horse race. Here is the omen bet. Verry Elleegant. Colours red and blue and ridden by James McDonald. Don't say I did not tell you.
  19. I seriously doubt you will get an argument from anyone on that idea mono. But we are dealing with the AFL so don't hold your breath.
  20. I did not experienced it but there was a problem for a number of the older members getting tickets over the internet earlier this year to get into games. As this is a ticketed event I can see some problems ahead. Perhaps I expect too much and of course we don't know the conditions that will exist for this event. In this modern age of technology I would expect an easy system but that seems to have failed in the past.
  21. Not sure many would know what a Bec is Ds.
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