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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. You guys are lucky you can get in there. I had to endure the sky scraper that is the top level in the olympic stand. Am I jealous YES Well at least you get your own oxygen bottle on the top level
  2. Saw that tonight monoccular. What is the world coming too! And we wonder why kids are over weight now
  3. No I do not think he is Jaded. I have it on good authority that god does not have Tats.
  4. Nut bean given the choice of $300 at the pies and the chance to play in multipule GF or $500 at the Dees and get beaten most of the time over the next couple of years with little chance of playing in a GF in life of your contract, which would you take? I agree it will take a lot more than $500 to get it done.
  5. I agree Jarka hindsight is a wonderful thing. The AFL in those days was pushing for mergers, it was prepared to give $6 miilion to get one up. The alternative was no help from the AFL and existinction. Both Hawthorn and Melbourne were very concerned that the latter would happen to their clubs. So both commenced talking. The rest is history. It ended up being like the American civil war. the two sides of merge or not will take their anger to the grave. 150 years after the American civil war there are still diversions, I suspect there will be at the MFC until those involved are dead and buried. As you can see in this thread the anger is alive and well, it just needs a little prod to fire it up again.
  6. Take a breath Chook show me where it said I did not care if we win or not? The thread is about "changes to the team for the GWS game" See my comment above.
  7. I knew it DC before I agreed with rpfc I could guarantee the result. Now I think this is what I was agreeing to, rpfc may or not side with me. The thread is about "changes for the GWS game" rpfc made the observation that he was amazed how low his care factor was. I assume he meant that he was having trouble caring who was in or who was out. I agreed ten days out I am having trouble caring who is dropped and who is included. Happy with that? Probably not however to answer your questions "what difference will it make"? Based on the last 11 weeks the inns and outs seem to have meant very little to the result in the following game. I doubt dropping Green and replacing him with bate will make little difference You don't care if we win against gws? - yes I care You don't care if Green is dropped or not?- No I don't care You don't care if a new kid who has done well at Casey debuts? Based on the past 11 weeks he will not get a run. Why post on this thread? Because I like discussions with the majority of people on Demonland.
  8. Spot on rpfc I have been thinking that since monday. But Have not said it because I will be yelled at for being negative. Welcome to the club, at this point what difference will it make?
  9. Deevoted "2: Absolutely destroying Collingwood in the 1964 2nd SF" I remember well on that saturday, my dad and I went home to the country happy in the knowledge we were in the GF and would win easy in two weeks time. Then needing Cromptons goal in the dieing seconds to win. I really thought we were gone.
  10. Seiously hope so for a considerable time yet mate. I reckon I need to make it to the 3rd decade what do you think?
  11. channel 0 wyl that takes me back a way. Those were the glory days of the VFA, only football on sundays back then. Was a regular for me and a few mates, barbie for sunday lunch then a few cans while watching the televised game on Channel 0. I have memories of big Bob playing in 1960 and a couple after that, used to think him and "tassie" bob were rels for a while till dad pointed out the error of my ways. Oh for those glory years when we just seem to roll over every body.
  12. Yes it is like saying I only pushed him in the back with 60% of the force as the previous occasion.
  13. So insanity is not restricted to Victoria!
  14. Welcome back, hope the dees can improve in 2013 and you enjoy The experience now and then. How did you get to be a Dees supporter in the WA wheat belt. Or did you move there?
  15. That last line that you quote was not well written. I was trying to say By 2015 season we need to be winning 70% of our games / season. Not between now and then. Not even my dreams are that good Jimmi C
  16. No a better grasp of reality. But Dream on I know all about that. Have been doing it for 48 years.
  17. Not Just Recent time mate most of the last 40 years. In that that time they have won 4 premierships, Dees nil They have beaten us 9 times in a row since 2007. If they are an embarrassment of a club I not sure where that leaves the dees.
  18. Jeff Kennett already suggested it early in the season. But hold on it is only a couple of months away. But have faith it will not happen The AFL wants north to merge with GCS That will happen before any merge this end of the country
  19. So was I wyl. However I seriously wonder if there will ever be another chance. My club is probably in the worse shape it has been in for 70 years. We are shambles on the field and if that continues for too many more years we will be consigned to the same part of the history books as University, South Melbourne and Fitzroy. End of story
  20. Why FYD? We are 11 games into 2012 and his performances this year have been average at best. Aside from the fact he is a captain if he is not justifing his spot why does he have to play against GWS? Surely not because TS is playing for GWS!
  21. Imagine if the boot was on the other foot Eddie would be throwing the biggest tantie this year.
  22. There are a very large number of days wyl when I would be happy to ignore the samantics of that statement. Right now the "melbourne Hawks" looks fine. I also know a number of Fitzroy supporters who really enjoyed those weekends
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