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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Win of course! And ….. hopefully..... [censored] up another team's chance to make the finals or top four. Then we can be wonderfully spiteful and wallow in their unhappiness. Good fun.
  2. I’m with you blokes. Always a Frost supporter. However, the balls a bit like a hand grenade when he has it. He either gets rid of it successfully and destroys the enemy- or it blows up among his teammates Certain excitement either way!
  3. Indeed Jaded. Most fans are pretty fair minded if they can see that free was there, they'll cop it (albeit begrudgingly). It is confusion and inconsistency that raises the shackles.
  4. He played a terrific game yesterday. He played with the poise of a far more experienced player. If he continues this development he'll be a gun. Kudos to whoever spotted him in the wildlands of Taswegia.
  5. I was , as usual, sitting among Melbourne members yesterday and I wasn’t alone in making some less than charitable remarks towards the soft bodied creatures that feed off carrion and putrescence. “ [censored] morons” seemed a popular refrain. However, in defence of myself and those sitting nearby I have to say that the [censored] deserved it. In all the years I have been following football I reckon this year has been the most confusing in terms of when/why the whistle is blown. Some decisions are simply incomprehensible
  6. Told ya so!!!! Hope the maid hasn’t heard the score- she’ll be well hidden by the time I get back to The Manor BTW. Who was that new player wearing number 25
  7. FMD!! Things are quiet on Demonland today! You’d think the season was over!
  8. “Friendship circle” ? Got me on that one Josh! However, I must be lucky today. Dropped into the club for a pre game warmup. The moment I entered the spa everyone else chose to leave. Same with the sauna. Go figure!
  9. Things have been a tad chilly at Romsey of late. I intend venturing forth to the warmer clime of Melbourne and basking in a mighty Demon victory.
  10. What could broaden a child's view of the world and add some reality to the process of learning more than an afternoon at the football with Uncle Bitter? The child will blossom from the experience.
  11. Denied!!!! For - 1. Total lack of remorse. 2. Absolutely no hope of you ever becoming a law abiding, functional or decent member of society.
  12. 6. Gawn (Another mammoth performance - Max is a superstar) 5. Oliver 4. Harmes 3. Brayshaw 2. Petracca 1. Hore
  13. I think it best if we keep it simple Q Demon!
  14. We played some pretty good footy at times today. Now … I reckon .... we only need to learn how to kick, mark and handball … and we'll win a few games.
  15. I imagine our valued colleague @Earl Hood is currently in a dark place Im sure we all sympathise with him remaining sans gong as it were but I fear he was unable to hide those ..... err ... marginal business activities of his PS Be assured Earl that I didn’t say too much.
  16. F-logging is an activity best kept to oneself mono!
  17. This celebration surely deserves a trip to the fleshpots of Asia SWYL?!
  18. You’ve got me covered on stats Ethan However, I too will take this opportunity to be critical of you ( in a supportive way unnaturally) 1. You lost a lot of credibility when you divested yourself of the hard hat photo 2. You should have specialised in posts about scat throwing. This is an area where many d’landers lack expertise and could look to you as a guru Just sayin
  19. You’re a petty and jealous fellow Moonie! Daisy and I graciously exchanged autographs . Hers is displayed proudly among my many gold awards I imagine mine would be prominently displayed at her abode
  20. I trust you have learned your lesson Ethan Lift your game in future!!
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