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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. On that logic swearing , obscenity and general abuse should be encouraged! Anti social behaviour usually encourages others to move away from me
  2. Bah Moonie !! Your suggestion that I would be involved in such a bumbling and amateurish escapade is insulting to say the least. All ….err ….. "services" associated with The Manor are provided with the utmost discretion.
  3. Totally [censored] irrelevant question! The real issue is how are we going to become tough/ good enough to claw our way above the likes of Richmond, Filth, WC, GWS .... ?
  4. mmmm .. overdressed for their purpose but ….. I must say …. a very high quality product.
  5. FMD !!!! We are locked down in an historic social and health crisis and the best you clowns can come up with is inane jokes ? You should be ashamed. You need to take a leaf out of your good old Uncle Bitter's book of wisdom and learn how to use your time wisely to the benefit of society. I have been studying the advertisements on Demonland very closely. And ….. apart from making some new friends in the Ukraine. I have made a major medical breakthrough. I was perusing an advertisement that offered a cure for earwax. A very cunning device that operates like a corkscrew ( a tool with which I am very familiar BTW) . The concept is simple - one inserts it into the ear … screws away … and wallah out comes the wax - just like the cork out of a well cellared shiraz. Now while earwax isn't one of my major concerns - as you all are aware, tinea has been an ongoing trial for me. So! With a bit of inspiration and a dash imagination …. and the clincher - an adaptor to fit my trusty Makita multi speed and reversible drill , I have created a device that happily and successfully chips away at my fungi. Now that is social responsibility!
  6. Cuts in assistant coaches and other ancillary staff will also increase the scrutiny on the Senior Coach ..... mmmm!
  7. Once again you have it all wrong DF! In fact, those who consider themselves “respectable society “ tend to distance themselves from the likes of Biffen and my good self! ( In the matter of @Biffen there is good reason for this) I am misunderstood. Which brings me to the interesting case of one @Moonshadow . Quite a cad ! Total sleaze bag hiding behind inner urban greenie credentials! The stories I could tell!!! BTW Flogger congrats on your recovery!!!
  8. Liam Jurrah ... what could have been! Can’t help thinking his name would have been on that best/ favourite thread if things had turned out differently
  9. I wondered how long it would take for him to come out from under his rock I haven’t seen his comments but I’m confident in saying I won’t be surprised by his lack of class
  10. The leaking of those photos is a terrible betrayal of trust The offender must be brought to account
  11. Bah ! Corona, corolla - it’s all Korean to me I’m still waiting for the boffins to discover a cure for tinea
  12. Thanks for the research George! I don’t think that is the game. I reckon I would have remembered Redpath’s involvement as he was a favourite player Off course Shiraz abuse over the years does dull the memory
  13. I remember Watson guiding Victoria to a Shield victory in the 60’s (?) I think The Vics required close to 100 runs on the last morning and were 8 or 9 wickets down I don’t remember the opposition but Watson got most of the runs and the win Anyone else remember this?
  14. I can live without Tatts and piercings Moonie, however, there are certain other businesses that provide .... err .... more personal services that I miss This dam corolla virus thing is most inconvenient
  15. Bah! Negativity as usual Biffen Well, I’ll have you know that we have very high standards of hygiene at The Manor and my underwear is laundered at least once a fortnight! Whether it needs it or not!
  16. Not only that Moonie but leather is very durable My doeskin underwear has lasted for years
  17. An article in today’s “Rage” made note of police raiding a party in Romsey Well I wish to clear the air before any scandal mongers start pointing nasturtiums at your good old innocent Uncle Bitter Firstly, it wasn’t a party at all. I mean who calls a gathering of 50 or so like minded friends a”party “ ? Secondly. Everyone was being quite responsible and keeping a good whip length apart Clearly all just a minor misunderstanding PS If one of my good lawyer friends on this site could see their way to a little pro bono work please contact me ( metaphorically that is) at The Manor
  18. Glaring omission!!!! Diamond Jim ..... built like Tarzan , but , ..... well there’s another story. The
  19. Frequent hand washing is a prudent precaution for you Moonie - given your ... err ... habits
  20. Arrh yes , “Doc” Roet and “Wrecker” Leahy - good memories!
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