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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Actually Adam, this is a thread where I could contribute with a fair degree of knowledge, insight and experience. However, as the Mods often tend to undervalue my efforts, it is best to keep my own counsel.
  2. I haven't read all this thread but can someone tell when meetings /delistings are likely to start being announced?
  3. Correct Jim However, whilst it is painful watching our final chances evaporate , listening to lyon and Healy makes me think that self castration with a pencil would be a preferred option.
  4. Sorry to say it boys and girls but we're [censored]!!
  5. The game is not far from starting. I 've downed a couple of stubbies and just opened a Shiraz. I feel strangely listless, lethargic - almost uncaring. I'll watch of course but I'm not confident. A sense of doom and inevitability pervades The Manor. As soon as a Doggies win becomes obvious I'll quietly get [censored] and reflect on opportunities lost. FMD Even the maid holds no appeal
  6. Great line SWYL ! Made me cough and splutter on my first Shiraz for the day!
  7. Looking at that list , and with 20/20 hindsight, you'd reckon Langdon might have finished higher.
  8. I know Freo are big in Westralia but I always considered them a nonentity club ! Now we find ourselves hanging on their coat tails. Anyway they are in @Ethan Tremblayterritory so I'll wait on his deeply considered insights and prognostications.
  9. How crass and insensitive of you to bring that up Biffin! It was all just a misunderstanding ....................... more or less.
  10. As usual @picket fence you've managed to smash up the china shop. Love your work !!
  11. Trac Max Salem Fritsch Clarrie Brown Also thought the much maligned ANB did some good work today
  12. All I can say is -" Freeeo give em the old heave ho ... Freeeo "!
  13. Jeez some terrific contributors that quarter. Should be further ahead
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