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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Tigers are [censored] now! [censored], I had money on them
  2. No Daisy on the boundary!!!!! Probably sick of her making BT etc look like [censored] !
  3. Nev, I'd love you to share your knowledge about what "our own players" earn ( an approximation will be fine) through " the use of social media" .
  4. Nev, I'm still waiting for your response. Really interested ?
  5. Not actually an old movie fan John Crow but a Sherlock Holmes fan
  6. Ha ha !! I’ll get @picket fence to comment on this left foot - he’s a fan boy of little giant!
  7. Nev, could you list a few of the things that need to be unpacked re The Weid ?
  8. Well obviously it's Lever, so just send the booze to Uncle Bitter at The Manor, Romsey.
  9. Looks a bit like you bob but not as nattily dressed! Could also be Dougy Fairbanks who was a contemporary of Basil Rathbone - one of my Favourites.
  10. Get onto the Shiraz bob - far more effective.
  11. I reckon there might have been quite a few after the finals against Geelong and Hawthorn in 2018
  12. GWS all over Carlton - Toby Green just kicked a bomb Anyone know where Jesse is?
  13. Logical choices Better days but I doubt it will happen. The AFL have poured so much $$ into them already, I doubt they could stand the loss of face in capitulating and admitting a huge failure. Imagine if all that money had been pumped into Tasmanian footy in the first place !
  14. Maybe Donny Trump was right all along and a shot of White King will do the trick!!!!
  15. Flag, you make a good point here and one that surprised (amazed) me as I watched it. Pendlebury argued vehemently with the umpires and got the decision reversed. The replays indicate that Pendles was correct - fair enough. However, I've never seen this happen before. In fact, you often hear the commentators laughing when a player argues with an umpire. " Haha BT , have you ever seen a free kick reversed" ? "" Ho!Ho! It never happens" Well it did [censored] happen and I'd be interested in other posters views on this. BTW. Thanks for bringing this up Flag. I've been on the [censored] and forgotten . BTW 2. I'm not saying umpiring cost us the game ( we were [censored]) .
  16. You raise important .... even crucial questions bingers - no doubt about it. For mine the answer lies in how much money I've won ..... or lost on Sportsbet .................... and whether or not The Maid has found a new hiding spot.
  17. The Monkees !!! FMD you were dead then How about the Everly Bros or even the big O ?
  18. Decent sentiments Ernie but that’s the world we live in. The “ freedom of expression “ that has developed via social media is quite out of control The age of innocence has , sadly, passed
  19. Picket I’m sure your ability to slurp booze and keep the social club alive had something to do with it!
  20. Jackson ( Liking this kid more and more) Jordan (Another good young'un) Petracca May Salem Langdon
  21. Agreed. Weid simply must go - another Barry Crocker today. BBB should be given the time to settle in to our structure ( though I'm not sure what that was today) Viney in. Sparrow is the logical out but he will get more opportunities.
  22. On today's effort we'd need to throw in steak knives for someone to take him
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