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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Yes, but Jack is a variant of John, so technically, there are still Johns in the comp ?
  2. As "Jack" is the diminutive form of "John", surely there are more than just Jack Reiwoldt.
  3. We Australians really are a jingoistic bunch... have to have a pithy slogan to unite us for everything, even a major pandemic ?!
  4. The most disappointing thing for me is that they contain so few photos... surely the official photographer would be shooting hundreds of images, yet they only come up with 16 worth uploading?? Meh!
  5. Where is there any solid evidence that scrutineers were denied access to the counting? I have done a lot of googling and have not been able to find anything that either confirms nor denies it, and definitely nothing that proves it. The fact that his claims have now been rejected by the very Supreme Court that he stacked with his own people, certainly doesn't lend his claims much credence.
  6. Why are we still awaiting the proof P2J? So far the only recounts that have occurred, increased the Dems lead, did they not? It must be getting very lonely in that echo chamber; RUOK?
  7. If there is any fraud, it would most likely not be on any scale that could influence the outcome of the election AND more importantly, it is likely that it would have occurred on both the Democrats' and the Republican's sides, in which case it would probably balance itself out... also, and I may be wrong, but didn't the early recounts that Trump demanded result in the Democrats gaining votes?
  8. My band played this afternoon and we had a few guests sit in, that included Vince, the guitarist from the Hitmen and Psychotic Turnbuckles (for anyone old enough to remember), Chester the singer from the Turnbuckles and Archie the drummer from the Huxton Creepers. This was my first time meeting Archie, but we bonded very quickly upon learning we share a love of the Dees. https://www.facebook.com/100000758763064/posts/3671296886238901/?
  9. Want a traveling companion? But I am looking forward to the 15 quarts as opposed to quarters.
  10. Um, actually not true, Trump was their Person of the Year in 2016... Time Magazine has a 9 decade tradition of naming the President elect as Person (previously, Man) of the Year, regardless of political affiliation.
  11. Do we have any Demonlanders who live out Casey way and possess a drone? ?
  12. With all the [censored] he cops from all and sundry, I can't say that I blame him for keeping a low profile. Maybe some of his detractors could take up the baton and provide some training reports?
  13. Once when I was visiting from Sydney I ran into DeeSpencer at Casey... not sure if that means he's a local. Also, there are a couple who often report on Casey games, so another possibility?
  14. I defer to your obviously superior grasp of linguistics!
  15. Elegt, I believe, is Latvian for "negativity"... I can't recall seeing much of anything positive from him.
  16. Considering Essendon are expected to take him, and the fact that they have three (?) picks before 11, I can't see that happening. I get the feeling we may stay with the two picks rather than upgrade.
  17. Conversely, Oliver doesn't handball enough.
  18. I really don't understand any of this father/son stuff... so, if no one places a bid and he can only be rookie listed, in the case where he is eligible for f/s at two clubs (Melb and Freo), which club has first dibs?
  19. Haha... unfortunately not; but I did hear some interesting stories about her luring chaps home only to have them surprised by Paul springing out of a wardrobe. True? No idea, but it makes for a great mental image.
  20. Here’s a very abridged clip of my band doing a song by the Melbourne singer songwriter Paul Madigan. I used to enjoy traveling to the Tiger Lounge in Richmond every Saturday afternoon to watch him and his band The Humans (Ross Hannaford, Wayne Duncan and Freddie Strauks), in the latter part of the 70’s. I’m hoping this link works as I’m not sure about the privacy level my friend has on his Instagram account. Please let me know if you have trouble viewing it... https://www.instagram.com/p/CIZ38lpglWS/?igshid=14rjh926u51b5
  21. Assuming David is a paid up member, perhaps he feels that he also "owns" a share in the players? I can understand then why he might feel so disgruntled, as the cost of that membership equates to roughly one less cup of coffee per week!
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