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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. 2 minutes ago, monoccular said:

    ONG what has happened to Freo?  
    Two games and % clear on top 😱🤗

    They are pretty much just being Freo… look the goods only to run out of puff mid season. I’m half expecting Brisbane to do the same.

    • Like 3
  2. 21 minutes ago, Deedubs said:

    Will do. But if we start dropping games against semi-decent teams regularly I'm going to keep people accountable for refusing to look at exposed form and sticking their head in the sand. 

    Yes, all of our unaccountability on this site is really going to have a big impact on our team’s performance.  

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  3. 28 minutes ago, ucanchoose said:

    Can't handle opposite views old dazzle.    He only scores goals when it's down his throat.  System player for a team that chips it around.    He wouldn't be any good in our system of bombing it long and locking it in.   Back to the blocklist.  Can't understand why you came off it

    Two of his three goals today have been under pressure, one a snapped goal and the other a strong contested mark. If he’d kicked a little straighter, he’d have five goals. When he’s not marking, he’s getting the ball to ground for the crumbers.  

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Demons1858 said:

    It's an interesting one, he has his biceps wrapped up but not his forearms.

    The fact the tackle comes from the side and unbalances him seems to also be an important factor. 

    Apart from all that, Foley has zero awareness. More experienced players would have sensed the heat coming and braced themselves, diverted, or tried to fend off.

    The speed at which Chandler ran down Foley from behind (so unless he had eyes in the back of his head…), meant that Foley had no chance to do any of what you are suggesting he should have done. It was a great tackle until the last part where Chandler ‘flips’ Foley to his left and that causes Foley’s head to take the full force of the impact with the ground.  

    If it had been the other way around and Chandler was the victim, I’m sure we would all have been calling for blood. I honestly can’t see him getting anything less than one week.

  5. 2 hours ago, 58er said:

    They didn't have the season that WC have and % wasn't in the low 50;s so the chitchat is entirely different.

    That’s true, but they were still considered easy beats and our side went in with that mindset. I’m sure we’re not going to make that same mistake again, but when you look at the Eagles on paper, they have the cattle to give us a fright if they somehow manage to get themselves firing… although, having said that, I think the late outs of Hurn and Gaff are really going to hurt them.

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  6. 5 hours ago, ArtificialWisdom said:

    If I was a West coast fan, I wouldn't be fearing a 150 point loss, that's not the Melbourne way.

    What I might be fearing is sitting there at 3/4 time without a goal on the board. Guarantee that'll be the only number Melbourne cares about.

    Yes… we don’t need a massive win to increase our percentage; just restrict them to as low a score as possible, and a 50-60 point margin is suddenly a big percentage boost.

    • Like 10
  7. 1 hour ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Yeah, we don’t do Mother’s Day at mine. 
    Apparently we do game day…


    Now to work out whose work this is: the hipster uni student or the bedroom-dwelling, PS5-playing teenager. 🤔 

    LOL found these in the bottom of the wrapping. They know I lose/break earbuds on a weekly basis. 

    Mothers Day is just the creation of Hallmark and retailers. Surely every day should be considered Mothers Day.

    • Love 2
  8. 7 hours ago, In Harmes Way said:

    I agree with all that think the Narrm Dees footy club rebranding is a great idea. Gees I couldn't be prouder of our club.

    Hopefully the Kangaroos take on North Narrm for the round, also has a nice ring to it. 

    Hey, we don’t want to get involved in aNarrms race!

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  9. I’m becoming more inclined to think of Max as not just the best in the league, and not just the best that Melbourne has produced, but as the GOAT to have played the game!

    There are (and have been) great midfielders, great forwards, great backs and great ruckmen, but Max encompasses the best qualities of all of those footballing ‘arts’.

    The fact that he will most likely never win the Brownlow (read, midfielder’s medal), is an absolute travesty!

    • Like 3
  10. That new indigenous guernsey is definitely face palm worthy.  The lower half looks like a homage to West Coast via Collingwood while to top half looks like a clown’s face.  It’s far far far too busy. It’s an abomination I tells ya!

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Demonstone said:

    Very nice!   That steel guitar has done many, many miles by the look of it.

    That first song reminds me a lot of John Hiatt's "Your Dad Did" off his excellent "Bring The Family" album.

    Did you ever get into Seasick Steve?   I bought a "Best Of" CD but he seems to lack something I can't quite define.

    No, unfortunately I didn’t. Acari, to my ears, I’d like an Irish Tom Waits… but I do get what you mean about the Hyatt similarity.

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