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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

    I loath Greene but at least he’s a genuine gun 

    Floppy mcfloppy is a bloody average player. 

    I’m conflicted on Greene… he’s a different cat and a brilliant player. It’s a shame he has so little self control; he’s the Nick Kyrgios of footy!

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  2. I’ll preface this by apologising to Demonland and other mods as this is a shameless plug with not a lot (well, nothing really), to do with footy other than the fact we have the Dees in common. I just know that if I post in the General Discussion forum, it most likely won’t reach the intended audience. However, delete if you see fit.

    My band Los Romeos Oxidados are venturing down from Sydney to play at Smith’s Alternative in Alinga St, Civic this Sunday, 3rd April from 4-6pm.  Would love it if any of you could make it… unfortunately Grand Old Flag isn’t on the playlist.




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  3. 12 hours ago, Left Foot Snap said:

    Hardtack, online it looks like that placed is closed unfortunately. We plan on looking for the Yum Cha place we found in 2018. Hopefully that has survived the covid shutdowns.

    Two 'happy' gentlemen overheard us looking for Yum Cha and pointed out what they said was the best Yum Cha in Melbourne. I can't verify that claim but it was really really good. A search through old bank statements says it was the Dragon Boat, and it appears to still be open 😊

    That’s very sad news. We haven’t been down to Melbourne since COVID hit, so I hadn’t realised that it had closed. Hope you enjoy whatever place you end up going to.

  4. 3 hours ago, Left Foot Snap said:

    Similar plans for us BD, arrive just after 1030 and stow the bags in the hotel. I then have to take Mrs Right Foot Snap for Yum Cha then we can hit some traditional pubs on the way to the ground. We also have to detour to the Rebel in the city as my big order from the demon shop a month ago isn't going to make it in time. Dworship suggested the Arbory which looks really good, but we are going to save that for lunch on thur or Friday.  Any pub suggestions with like minded people would be be welcomed. Second time going to the G and very excited.

    I don’t know if they do yum cha, but I highly recommend the Mao Please dumpling restaurant in Little Bourke St. Fantastic dumplings and noodle dishes.  I make a point of going there whenever I’m in Melbourne.


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Jaded No More said:

    Brilliant and unsurprising to see him continue to shine off the field. As much as those colours disgust me, I am thrilled for him and can’t wait to see what he does in the future. 

    I believe he’s playing in their VFL team, so he may still get the chance to shine on the field as well as off.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    Seriously trying to remember when Franklin last dominated a game. 
    At least 2-3 years 

    Trac was asked on AFL360 to name his top 5… he named Buddy as his number 5.

    • Haha 1
    • Shocked 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, sue said:

    What's the definition of umpire abuse?   Clearly "youre a fckn [censored]" is abuse but is it not ok to say that decision was crap anymore?

    It doesn’t matter, what we think is abuse or otherwise. The players know that dissent will not be tolerated, so they’ll have to keep their thoughts to themselves. It’s not as if they’re going to change the decision anyway.  Best they learn now, before the season gets underway, I suppose.

    • Like 1
  8. On 2/24/2022 at 6:54 AM, Cards13 said:



    If such a flag was agreed to, I’d prefer that the kangaroo was replaced by the stars of the southern cross (in yellow).  Having said that though, appropriating the indigenous flag in this way (removing the sun which is an integral part of their flag), might not sit well with the first nations’ people.  That’s why it probably makes more sense to have it replace the Union Jack on the existing flag, or go with an entirely different design that doesn’t lend itself to any existing flags at all.

    Also, why would we want a flag like the first of those two, that uses the QANTAS kangaroo??

  9. 18 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

    Even scarier is that ‘someone’ has been paying big money for artists to take their music down from Spotify due to the whole Rogan situation. No such thing as being able to have an opinion or freedom of speech anymore. Follow the sheep or get cancelled. 

    Where did you get that bit of info from? I just did a bit of googling and could find nothing that claims someone has been paying artists to remove their work from Spotify.

  10. 1 hour ago, mauriesy said:

    Just a word of advice. Don't reply to CoolX. He never has any proof to support his assertions let alone irrefutable proof, and just makes them up. He's the Donald Trump of Demonland.

    Oh, I know that... I just like to see what lunacy might come back as a response; I like to sometimes poke the bear. 🤣

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  11. 13 hours ago, COOLX said:

    People in aged cares was test with rats, found to be negative yet they had to be retested using the PCR method.Guess what they were positive for covid. Nothing like getting the results you want!!!.

    It is common knowledge that RAT is a far from infallible test, so therefore, if a person in aged care has had a negative result but continue to display symptoms, then of course they should be having a follow up PCR test.  I doubt very much that ALL who return a negative RAT result are then being given a PCR test. Do you have any irrefutable proof to support your assertion?

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