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Posts posted by Robbie57

  1. Relatively poor draft this year plus Roos thinks the draft is a lottery (which our experience shows to be true).

    If the opposition has to worry about Jones, Vince, Tyson and Danger for starters then our younger brigade will have less heat on them.

    We need more maturity in the midfield.

    You have to ask what do we really have other than picks to trade with and who will we realistically get with them?

    • Like 2
  2. Roos is building a list anot just a 22. Gwilt would be cheap and give us some depth. More importantly it builds pressure for places in the team which has to be good.

    The stark reality is the current list cant take the next step so it needs to change.

    • Like 2
  3. What was interesting about Roos last night on 360 was his obvious anger about FA when he said "its no good for anyone".

    Finally we might have someone making the case that its a disaster for the lower placed clubs especially after the extended period of compromised drafts.

  4. mitch clark's manager on SEN.

    We caught up last friday

    We met with AFL, AFPLA and Viney and no certainty would get back through his next phase of training.

    Chat planned with Roos.

    "Freemantle a joke."

    Everything still up in the air. Will talk to Melbourne.

    couple of days before he chats with Roos although he may do so earlier.

    To say he won't play with Melbourne today isn't true today

    Media out of control.

    Getting away from old situation to clear the air has been communicated to Mitch.

    Audio kept dropping out.

  5. The reason given was medical. MC is scared about falling back into depression..... which is fair enough. MFC reminded him of a time when he was in a very dark place. His doctors recommended not moving back and suggest a fresh environment.

    If that was the case i suggest we wait to see what Mitch does in terms of helping the club get the best deal before losing it.

    • Like 1
  6. Is it possible he has been speaking to the AFL because he needs to be able to come back slowly and see how it affects his health. To do that he may need to get a club some dispensation from the list requirements rather than have him take a full place on a list when the outcome of a return still remains uncertain.

  7. you would have to think that the MFC would not have given up on Mitch given the current state of our list, question is is he interested in staying a demon, or would be prefer to be a docker.

    I favour the idea he should take his time and look after his health.

    That said it doesn't appear to be in his interests to place a heap of pressure on himself immediately and that would come with going to a Premiership contender.

    I assume we would speak to the AFL and say he needs to be put in a special category possibly as a mature rookie described above and everyone can then let him take his time to decide how he is going, this is not likely to be agreed to if he was to go to another club.

  8. Across the whole year and in terms of absolute change it has to be Jetta.

    Tyson was expected to be good and he has proved to be very good, so its a narrow miss by him.

    Honourable mention to Dunn who could have won this with a few more stand out games in the second half.

    Pederson was a surprise. I wouldn't be surprised given another year with Roos if we dont see him continue to improve.

    Next year who will be the biggest movers? Kent and Salem?

  9. His manager Colin Young was on the radio tonight to respond to the rumours that have been circling

    • Mitch Clark is in Melbourne and has just sold his house
    • The plan was to return to Perth (not for football) but his partner is studying to be a surgeon
    • Categorically put to bed any contact with the WA based clubs
    • Mitch is in good spirits and after spending 6-8 weeks doing nothing thought it was time for him to get fit again, so has been boxing training for a while
    • Melbourne clubs have been in contact with Young asking about Mitch's health and if he will return to football
    • At this stage Clark has no intention of playing AFL footy next year.
    • Young believes if Clark did have thoughts about playing again he would make contact with Melbourne, but he(Young) thinks Melbourne have moved on with their future plans
    • Clark remains in contact with the Demons players and played golf with them recently
    • Young meets with Mitch every 3 weeks and next week is just another meeting
    • Clark still has a manager because he is under contract to Young till October 31st 2014

    That is a quick snapshot of what came out of the managers mouth, BUT I IN NO WAY TRUST MANAGERS

    I think we can take such a complete statement at face value. Clearly saying he wants to be left alone for the moment but if it were to happen we would be first in line.

    I hope he continues to a full and happy recovery and we need to accept that may take some time.

    • Like 4
  10. Allan Richardson said it would be surprising if we got one and St Kilda didnt because we were higher on the ladder then they are.

    Well maybe if they didnt tank and trade out all there senior players and send playera to surgery we wouldnt be higher.

    And he says they have only had one pick inside the top 8 in10 years, well Allan thats because not so long ago you were competing in the finals. They were in the finals for 5 years to 2011. (Grand final in 2010.) Thats 5 years at least were they wouldn't get a top 8 pick! And thereafter the slow drift down the ladder.

    Hardly comparable to our history in the same period.

    Revisionism at its worst, he can join Barrett at the bottom of the class in logic although they can go to the top of the class in spin.

  11. It is interesting watching Bomba Thompson and Roos on 360. Something is brewing there.

    Bomba said that he doesn't have a role when Hird returns and he is always upbeat about The Dees performance, actually making excuses for yesterday's performance.

    You get the impression he really wants to work with Roos next year.

    Might need its own thread but I certainly got that impression as well. There were a few "knowing " looks happening there not to mention the description of the other coaching arrangement where one did the general coaching and one was the game day coach. Bomba was clear there was no role for him at Essendon. Will we see Roos , Bomba as game day coach and Ling as an assistant?

    • Like 1
  12. If Col can do the non-negotiables that Ross expects then he will be a great acquisition in Freo's finals campaign

    campaign. I'd suggest that Lyon's public comment is a way of motivating Col to work harder.

    In summary I don't think this is the end for Col, but that he's at a crossroads

    crossroads. I wish him well and it will be good if both clubs benefit from the Silvia v Vince "swap".

    How many crossroads has he been at where he flips the car over?

    Lyon gave him a chance and thus far he has not responded. At this stage its been a bad trade for Freo.

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