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Demon 16

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Posts posted by Demon 16

  1. We have all been seduced before but this guy sounds good.


    -memories of 2 Galahs in the early 90s as I recall. Given numbers 30 and 31 I think. Played 3 or 4 games between them. Still, mustn't let half a name influence things.

    -the words "elite kick" reminded me of the Strauss write up, though this guy sounds as if he can actually find the ball to kick.

    I cant find any confirmation, but I think I heard he came equal first (or close) in the kick testing at the combine.

    Won the 20 metre sprint

    Around 5th in the repeat sprints

    Top echelon in the standing and running jumps

    Plus interviewed very well and is a great kid.

    • Like 1
  2. I'm curious what the risk is as to why his sliding?

    I haven't seen it anywhere. Is it simply a lack of exposure and injury because if that's it his upside is far greater.

    Skill wise he seems like he could be a top 10 pick, good kick, clean hands versitile, quick, can play inside outside ect. Said to be very coachable (read above) but am curious what the actual risks are?

    If it's the old indigenous card Neville Jetta and Aaron Davey went fine for me.

    I'm looking forward to learn more.

    He's not really a slider - more of a bolter actually.

    He was highly touted in his 16 and 17 year old years, but he has been injured all of this season and only played in the 'Allies v Allstars' under 18 exhibition game - which was at the MCG as a curtain raiser to the grand final last week.

    He was outstanding in that game, winning best on ground honours and has tested and interviewed exceptionally well at the draft camp - and people are now considering whether he is worth a first round risk on effectively only 1 game for the year plus testing results.

    Personally, I really really like him and think he would be the perfect fit for our list with his size, strength and electric pace and elite kick. If he is still there at 22 I really hope we take him.

    Here is a little more about him.

    • Like 1
  3. Seemed to me that Roos knows he's gone (whether Mitch doesn't want to play for Melbourne, Melbourne don't want the risk - or a combination I cannot tell), and knows we aren't likely to get much even if we are able to trade.

    Roos seemed to indicate the club wants to be compensated for losing 'our best player'.

  4. I don't quite get the situation at all.

    The options are:

    A. We trade him.

    B. We re-sign him.

    C. We delist him.

    If we delist, his options depend on whether or not he was *officially* retired. If officially, he has to go through the draft. If he wasnt officially retired, he can sign with whoever.

    Why would they delist him?

    Seems likely he'll either remain on our list, or we'll trade him.

    Because if we don't delist him, we'll be paying him 750k to do nothing next year.

    Is it possible that this is a ploy to ensure we get our PP?

    Clark, management and co don't make official statements to say he wants back to the club. AFL thinks "Melbourne screwed again, probably can't deny them a PP now".

    Then after we are told we are getting one Clark says he wants to return to Melbourne?

    GNF did say we'll go out of our way to deny his return to take the pressure off...

    Unlikely the club would play games using Mitch, given his mental health issues.

  5. I doubt Brock would take a self righteous stance like Lamumba. He has been very effective in drawing attention to homophobia in a much more low key way and good on him for it. I get the feeling with Harry it's all about him - he sulks and becomes outraged and embittered and much more likely to put people offside.

    Exactly. Brock is attached to the issue because his sister is g ay. He's got a genuine agenda, and like most people who actually have a g au relative or friend, he will know the difference between homophobia, innocent mistakes, and a good laugh.

    I actually feel like lumumba is making things worse for g ay people in this instance, rather than better.

    • Like 2
  6. Amazing amount of bile here for someone who wanted to take a moral stance about material that was clearly anti-g ay. Just because you complain about such discrimination doesn't make you a 'nutter', 'screwball', 'self-righteous', 'easily offended' or a 'tool'. I'd imagine Brock McLean would complain too.Lumumba either can't get on at Collingwood because it's full of players like Dane Swan, or he can't get on at any 'blokey' football club. If it's the former, I don't have a problem, if it's the latter then I will have some doubts.To suggest he wouldn't improve our list is naive. He'd be a definite improvement off half-back over Grimes, Terlich or the de-listed Nicholson, and provides plenty of metres gained even if his kicking is not 100%.As usual, it depends on the cost. For me: a high draft pick, no; second-round or PSD, yes.

    If someone had have written 'what a couple of *fruitbaskets' on the poster of Pendles and Beams, then I could totally understand the reaction.

    But I was thinking, if there actually was a gay member of staff at Collingwood, he/she would probably be the most likely candidates for the tongue in cheek comment of 'off to the mardi gras boys?'.

    If he was offended himself, that's fine, and making his point and having the poster removed shoul have been enough - but he went on a full blown crusade and then targeted management as well.

    Has form, and he's a pest in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  7. He can certainly find the footy. Just a question. Is he a little bit too one-paced? In a side crying out for players who can break the lines would you be giving up the kitchen sink for him?

    He's certainly one-paced, but he can play footy.

    If we were able to snare him and one of Brayshaw or Petracca in the draft, then our midfield quality is starting to shape up and we can start looking for some pace and outside run (which is easier to find later in the draft).

    He's definitely frustrated up there - and this weekends omission will not help at all.

    Pick 3 and a player for Mitchell and Malceski is the rumour.

    • Like 2
  8. Trade.

    I like the guy, but we are in the trenches - and we need fighters.

    When we get to the top of the hill, Jack would be great - give him a sniper rifle and let him pot blokes off as they come.

    I'll want to be fighting alongside Jack Vineys and Nathan Jones' when I'm stuck in the trenches.

  9. Pedersen excepted, by Roos' standards that's some heavy culling, especially to bring in kids like Barry in a game against a team like Hawthorn.

    Interesting also that Roos' flagged it before the official team announcement - making sure the message gets across?

    I think Tapscott may have a knee issue from last weeks game, and Pederson had his face smashed in.

    Gawns form may have pushed Pedo out anyway, so Pedo is certainly the unlucky one either way.

  10. How about this for an epiphany - Jack Watts isn't the reason we lose games.

    He isn't what we thought. And his physicality is disappointing to say the least. But he gets attention and blame outside of what he deserves. Bernie Vince said this a few months ago.

    If we got rid of Watts, all we would be doing is getting rid of a scapegoat and moving onto the next one.

    It often frustrates me when people imply that any critique on Watts is blaming the entire clubs fortunes on him.

    I like the guy, and I can see his strengths - but given where we are at, and the way he plays his footy (combined with the fact that he actually has some currency at the trade table), I think he'd be a very astute choice to trade out - should a reasonable deal come up.

    There was a good article in the HUN (!) the other day, talking about which players you would want in the trenches with you when the time came. Needless to say, I didn't see Wattsy near the top.

    That's where we are as a club at the moment (and have been for 6 years) - in the trenches. If we are going to move up the ladder, then we need fighters in every single position.

    It's only been a recent decision for me, but I've now decided that I think we could move ourselves forward if we do a good trade for Watts.

    • Like 3
  11. There is surely going to be a clean out of players aged between 22 - 25 on our list who have not been able to cement a spot in our senior side. This is the bracket that we need to hit in my opinion.

    Without taking existing contracts into consideration (or presuming we can either trade or payout anyone that we don't want/need next year, this is the way I see it;

    The following 9 payers to be traded or de-listed. Presuming we can arrange a trade for at least 2 of these (albeit for late picks or other fringe players), that leaves us with approximately 7 spots to fill.

    1) Jordie McKenzie (possible trade?)

    2) Mitch Clisby

    3) Sam Blease (possible trade?)

    4) James Strauss

    5) Daniel Nicholson

    6) Michael Evans

    7) Luke Tapscott (possible trade?)

    8) Dean Terlich

    9) Jack Fitzpatrick (possible trade?)

    Note that the following 3 players get a reprieve due to not wanting to take too many low draft picks, and not having much ruck depth;

    Rohan Bail

    Matt Jones


    The following 2 players leaving under differing circumstances leaves us with approximately 9 spots to fill;



    Upgrade Jetta, which leaves us with approximately 8 spots to fill, plus a rookie.

    1) 1st round pick

    2 plus 3) compensation pick (trade for a player plus a pick)

    4) 2nd round pick

    5) 3rd round pick

    6) 4th round pick

    7) 5th round pick

    8) presume 1 or 2 latish picks were traded in for say, Blease, Fitzpatrick, McKenzie or Tapscott

    Rookie pick

    In addition to all of this, I believe we should have Jack Watts on the trade table. Not necessarily for a draft pick - but in a player deal such as (eg); priority pick and Jack Watts for Tom Mitchell, Zac Jones and Nick Malceski.

    I forgot to include Byrnes who is retiring.

    I imagine a few in my de-list section will survive, but next year it will be a lot easier as we'll be able to take some free agents again - rather than mostly draft picks.

  12. There is surely going to be a clean out of players aged between 22 - 25 on our list who have not been able to cement a spot in our senior side. This is the bracket that we need to hit in my opinion.

    Without taking existing contracts into consideration (or presuming we can either trade or payout anyone that we don't want/need next year, this is the way I see it;

    The following 9 payers to be traded or de-listed. Presuming we can arrange a trade for at least 2 of these (albeit for late picks or other fringe players), that leaves us with approximately 7 spots to fill.

    1) Jordie McKenzie (possible trade?)
    2) Mitch Clisby
    3) Sam Blease (possible trade?)
    4) James Strauss
    5) Daniel Nicholson
    6) Michael Evans
    7) Luke Tapscott (possible trade?)
    8) Dean Terlich
    9) Jack Fitzpatrick (possible trade?)

    Note that the following 3 players get a reprieve due to not wanting to take too many low draft picks, and not having much ruck depth;

    Rohan Bail

    Matt Jones


    The following 2 players leaving under differing circumstances leaves us with approximately 9 spots to fill;



    Upgrade Jetta, which leaves us with approximately 8 spots to fill, plus a rookie.

    1) 1st round pick

    2 plus 3) compensation pick (trade for a player plus a pick)

    4) 2nd round pick

    5) 3rd round pick

    6) 4th round pick

    7) 5th round pick

    8) presume 1 or 2 latish picks were traded in for say, Blease, Fitzpatrick, McKenzie or Tapscott

    Rookie pick

    In addition to all of this, I believe we should have Jack Watts on the trade table. Not necessarily for a draft pick - but in a player deal such as (eg); priority pick and Jack Watts for Tom Mitchell, Zac Jones and Nick Malceski.

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