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Demon 16

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Posts posted by Demon 16

  1. I still haven't gotten over our interest in Tom Lynch in 2010, only for GC to take him with the pick before ours.

    Prenderghastly, in his wisdom, decided that our need for a tall was far greater than Brodie Smith, Shaun Atley, Jack Darling or Luke Parker - and took Lucas Cook.

    What a [censored].

    • Like 2
  2. One nice bit, White, now fully fit, testing out the cannon of a left leg, took a shot from the edge of the square and put it through the centre of the goal post height

    I was pleasantly surprised when I watched White a few weeks ago in the scratch match.

    It was pretty much his first hit out after the toe thing.

    He is huge for a 19 year old and has a very nice left peg on him - certainly looked capable for the last guy picked on the list.

  3. Sounding more and more like Watts has become a McCartney project. Everybody in football has an opinion of Watts and I doubt he is any different. Here's hoping the McCartney blowtorch in combination with the Roos touch can get the best out of Jack!

    If McCartney can help get Watts to the next level, it will only enhance his reputation in a big way!

  4. Terlich not being named is interesting

    Riley, Terlich and Fitzpatrick are in for long seasons IMO. With Watts , Howe & Vince in the starting 22 they are way down the pecking order it seems.

    And rightfully so

    Fitz is in the rehab group at the moment so not surprised in not named.

    Terlich didnt play in last weeks scratch match, but I'm not sure what is wrong with him.

    Riley is the only one who's been in full training and missed out (along with Brayshaw who's had 2 head knocks in 2 scratch matches), but he's only been out of rehab for a short while so perhaps thats it?

    • Like 1
  5. I think we will win more games but not necessarily move to far up the ladder this year unfortunately. Most teams are on the improve.

    St Kilda will bring up the rear again, and Carlton will struggle I think - cant understand why they aren't prepared to accept fait and rebuild.

    Agree with the OP that the Bulldogs are going to take some short term pain for long term gain, but they arent in a bad position. When Boyd comes good and Libba returns, they have some serious young talent on their list and only really need to improve their defense significantly.

    Of the other teams in the bottom part of the table, Brisbane, GWS and Gold Coast will all improve dramatically I think.

    Collingwood and Adelaide will probably stay steady, and West Coast might drop a couple of places - but not far enough for us to travel past them yet.

    • Like 1
  6. At least the incident occurred 6 months ago - whilst he was going through his 'tough time' at Carlton.

    He may be able to bluff his way through the non-disclosure and court appearance, but he's certainly used up one of his last lives at AFL level you'd think.

    Hopefully we don't punish him too severely.

  7. Cheers TDI, I'm glad it was a lighter session then as I thought Mondays were usually fairly hard. Makes sense after the intra club. Unfortunately don't think I'll be able to make another session

    I couldn't believe how much Petracca was walking around in full kit, bouncing balls and not showing too much sign of the injury. I haven't seen an ACL before but I guess it doesn't have that immediate immobilisation that other injuries do. I dislocated and grade 3 sprained my ankle in London and was straight into a cast/moon boot and couldn't put any pressure on it for weeks.

    I guess he was making the most of it before the operation today. He seemed a postive fella though.

    One other thing I noticed. White was getting treatment on his foot and seemed to be in some discomfort.

    I was interested to read your thoughts on it being a 'relaxed' looking session mate. When I went a few weeks ago (also having not seen a session since returning from London last year), I was actually very impressed with the intensity, physicality, length of the session and the very short breaks between drills.

    Perhaps we have differing expectations, but more likely, you saw a light session and I saw a heavy one.

    On Petraccas knee, I ruptured my ACL some years ago, and yeh after the initial swelling goes down you can hardly notice you are injured. It's really only turning direction on the knee when you feel unstable. I played golf and even went for slow runs before I had my operation.

    Once he has the op, then he'll struggle to move about for 4 months!

  8. I share your excitement about Jayden Hunt.. I reckon this bloke can turn out to be a real find. Not sure if it'll necessarily be this year though, still quite lightly framed but with his pace and skill he could really light it up!

    Would tie him to Lamumba and hope he develops the same desire to take on the game and chance his arm.

    I was quite surprised to notice that Jayden Hunt had put on a bit of size when I watched training a few weeks ago.

    He looks like a second year player now, so his frame shouldn't hold him back anymore. He was in the rehab group however.

  9. I didn't hang around long but I did see this. Went down like a sack of spuds holding his left knee (I think). Stayed down for a couple of minutes with a few boys giving him a pat on the back/head. The medical team checked him out for 5 mins, he tried to jog and turn on it but picked up his bag and hobbled back Inside. Mark Stevens just got there after but might have some footage of him walking off. To me it didn't look good but I'm no medic.

    Going down in agony then pain completely subsiding after a few minutes is not a good sign at all.

    Particularly don't like the sound of him trying to do a few turns and feeling unstable.

  10. Yes agree Brayshaw was good today, but just think it's great and leads to good debate that we disagree on Petracca

    I am afraid to say Kent is catching up in the manlove stakes with Nev and Jeff Garlett, he is back in big way

    Going on other reports I seem to be in the minority with Brayshaw being advanced on Petracca - so I could well have missed a few pieces of work from Petracca this morning.

    All in all I left feeling very positive, which is the main thing.

    Would have said a hello if I knew who to look for TDI, by the way.

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