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Demon 16

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Posts posted by Demon 16

  1. Take them both this year whilst the draft is strong and if we land what we are after we will be able to trade for picks at a later date if needed using players that are fringe on our list.

    Another option may be to trade 2 x picks for a higher pick if we think it will get us an elite talent.

  2. If you asked Mike about it, and I have discussed it with him a couple of times, he would say he lost touch with Melbourne in the '70s and early 80's when he had to cover the game of the round - and we were never in it.

    He does retain a lingering affection for the Dees is how I read it, but not the burning passion of regulars on this site.

    Still, a giant of his trade whatever you think of him.

    Not entirely correct - he has always tried to down play his love for the Dees for the sake of his careers credibility.

    But he is a definite Dees man, and always maintained strong contact at the club.

    If you go back, you'll notice he rarely got his information incorrect when it came to Melbourne.

  3. He's only done 1 proper preseason before so he probably wasnt expecting this level of demand on him - hopefully holding him back from the footballs will encourage him to come back in fitter shape next off-season.

    If he heads back to Yuendumu in the off-season, it must be pretty hard to do a decent amount of running etc. I imagine its 40 degrees plus every day out there..

  4. Its irrelevant how much money we have in the salary cap - we would still need to cough up some serious draft picks or players to get a big name.

    And whats the point in drafting someone like Goddard when 3 quarters of our quality are currently under 22 years old?

    Im of the view we just use pick 12 this year, and 3 first rounders in next years big draft on quality kids.

    Bate or Warnock will secure us nothing better than a second round pick upgrade in my opinion.

  5. Can't wait for Viney to arrive but tell me this. Does anyone see a problem with Jones, Mckenzie, Moloney and Viney all playing In the side? A little one dimensional? All of them love the hard ball but how many of those sorts can a team play In the one side.. Maybe add Gysberts also.

    Grimes and even Tapscott also play slightly 'inside' roles but you can never have enough ball winners.

    That said, yeh I reckon we need some outside pace - Im hoping Sumner slips to us in this draft..

  6. Im not too worried, he was injured for year 1 so he's only had 1 season.

    He was drafted very young as well, and has a slight build so Ive got no problem even if the club give him another 12 months at Casey.

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