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Everything posted by Rogue

  1. I think the bias towards younger people is going to be greater on Twitter than it is on Facebook. I'd rather keep the people who don't have a membership but barrack for Melbourne 'in the fold', rather than label their behaviour as repugnant. I've been buying a membership since I was 16, but I can understand that others have different financial priorities, or those who weigh up a membership in terms of cost/benefit ('how many games will I get to and how much enjoyment will I get from seeing games this season?'). Which season?
  2. Brock McLean, Colin Sylvia, Brent Moloney, Byron Pickett, Nathan Carroll... +1
  3. I don't think Rendell said that. Here's his view: "My comments were about where recruiting could finish up". However, I don't see how we could recruit him right now, given the way in which the AFL just chucked him under the bus.
  4. I reckon the 'won't somebody think of the children their education' calls are a little over-the-top; plenty of university grads took a gap year. Even though it doesn't sound like we were proposing the gap year for academic reasons, football players might be better served by not juggling studies with their first year settling into AFL anyway. Regardless, I thought the more interesting stuff in that article was the sports science v medicos angle, particularly given the rumours around the departure of the two former MFC doctors. Stef Martin says hi.
  5. Yes. I thought ND was abysmal at making obvious player switches when required. Far too many times I'd see him making the move in the last quarter that [i thought] needed to be called after a quarter. Of course, ND could have been amazing at devising training routines, motivating the boys, writing on the whiteboard or whatever, but I wasn't in the inner sanctum so I only judged him on the stuff I saw. (In a similar vein, I reckon it's extremely hard for supporters to nominate who should be Captain, because we don't see all the stuff that occurs outside of the few hours each week).
  6. I was the reverse; after three years I was off ND (not sure I was ever on; I can't remember back that far).
  7. I enjoyed the ODI series and it was good to see a relatively tense finish. On the final, I'm not sure what Watson was thinking when, with 10 overs to go, he and Christian had both only bowled 5 overs each for less than 2 RPO and yet Watson continued with Doherty, who was going at 5-6 RPO.
  8. A great player? Really? I liked Sean Charles but he was far from an AFL great IMO. Wayne Carey, James Hird, Sean Charles..? That said, I bandy around phrases like 'great player' less easily than some; it's all relative.
  9. You might have seen that olisik didn't just say Charles had a bad wrist, olsik also said Charles was a great player.
  10. Good to see St Kilda get the four points. It's NAB Cup so the points are fairly meaningless, but the idea of tossing a coin to decide who got the points made baby Jesus cry. I would have thought the schoolyard stuff was the suggestion that a toss of the coin should be used to decide who gets the points! The weather wasn't 'ridiculous' to fly in and there's no suggestion Essendon's planes were at risk of crashing because of the weather, so let's not get ridiculous. Furthermore, the pilots did more than 'check the weather app' when they left Melbourne.
  11. I think Warnock is a good get for a GC/GWS.
  12. Each to their own; I used to post on both forums fairly regularly but got bored of the personal vendettas that I felt sidetracked too many of the Demonology threads.
  13. I wasn't. I would have been happier with a coach with a more attacking game plan. However, success is the most important thing.
  14. No real reason to quote this other than the fact I was amused at you referring to Sheeds as Seedy. I wonder if he gets that much.
  15. Sorry to hear that mate; give rehab your best shot and hopefully it comes good sooner rather than later.
  16. Really? When I heard it the other day my first thought was that at least it sounds like a footy club theme song, as bb59 said. I don't love it, but I think it's much better than many of the new teams. Nice.
  17. Glad to hear; it's good you're happy with your class. Wedding in a month must mean you're having some pretty hectic times! That said, I'm sure you'll enjoy the day
  18. What do you mean? If there's a conflict of interest problem I can't see that it's a conflict only when thinking about number of balls in an over, but does not exist when ruling on a boundary, front-foot no-ball, run-out, stumping, catch, etc. PS. Hope the start of the school year has been good to you
  19. I'm pretty sure there was a seven ball over not so long ago. I don't see why the third man can't just radio the umpire to let him know.
  20. No cricket coaches teaching biomechanics when you're a kid learning the game on the street.
  21. Haha, ouch. You guys...! /shakes head Yes.
  22. I bet even Hogg is amazed that he's found his way into the Aus T20 side. On the other hand, Hodge was again overlooked and IIRC has now retired from Aus cricket entirely (maybe hanging around for the IPL and so forth?). It was good to see Wade get a nod in the T20 sides and, although it's early days for him, I think he looks to be a better player than Haddin is. Wade's a more aggressive batsman than Paine, and three years younger, so looks a good long-term prospect. As for the India Test series, I want to mention Clarke's batting. It's been really good since he took the captaincy and - as I think HT pointed out - his run-rate was very good this series, which is been really pleasing.
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