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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. and I want to do the no-pants-dance with Kate Upton but wishing aint gonna make it so
  2. It is actually one of my pet hates when people make 'doomsday' comments based on tiny pieces of supposed evidence, but I have to say I also have a slight scully-ish feeling about this guy. His original comments when drafted did not seem to me to be all that celebratory. Let's face it though, you couldn't blame anyone at this point for lacking enthusiasm about coming to the mess that is our club right now.
  3. yes I do, he-whose-mind-is-very-easily-boggled
  4. correct, 3 different players. Cale Morton was pick 4 too, does that mean whoever we draft at 4 this year is going to wash out with zero impact in 5 years? I think not... because they are different players.
  5. I would much rather see us play Rodan, Pederson and Stiller than some zero-game 18 year olds taken in the last handful of the draft. They are our options. Maybe there are some fringe players, say Bail, for example, that might miss out because these older blokes are in - I say that is fine, let them earn their spots. It appears that the Bailey philosophy of 'get them out there straight away and play them no matter what, they will grow into it' (a mantra endorsed by most here with 'play the kids' catch-cries)' has been an abject failure. A colossal disaster, in fact. The older group of recruits can provide experience and physical presence, even if they aren't much good. Neeld is clearly putting an end to the era of the baby demons, after many brutal beltings from more experienced, bigger sides.
  6. Oh really? Why don't you stand on the Flinders Street steps tomorrow and survey 1000 people with one question 'do you think the MFC tanked?' You will find that this garbage has further damaged our already-battered brand, when the basic thrust of it is simply untrue. How can you expect anything different when there is nobody telling the truth in the public arena?
  7. why doesn't anyone from our club have the BALLS to make a public statement with some of the FACTUAL information in this thread (and others)? Why do we always just sit back and say nothing while these scumbags attack our brand. Is it not a fact that Caroline Wilson/The Age have vastly misrepresented information purely to try and sell papers on the back of our hammered reputation? At this point we could write a 5000 word essay on all the reasons why these claims are unjust and faulty. How about somebody, ANYBODY, makes a statement to this effect, so there is at least SOME representation of the truth out there for the court of public opinion? At the moment it is US (supporters) as the only line of defence. CW could be claiming we invaded Poland and nobody would be refuting it. Even when McLean opened his dog ugly face on the couch, why didn't somebody mention when asked that perhaps a disgruntled former employee might be harbouring resentment for the way things turned out for him at Melbourne. Nope, just sit back MFC and take it. Geez.
  8. and then they went to the snow and stuff hahaha
  9. yeah and Judd played 134 for West Coast - neither he or Brad Miller have the slightest thing to with Stiller
  10. gee that is very astute of you hardtack, yes I do harbour resentment to the bloke that has single-handedly landed a huge blow to the club with his comments. Why in the name of God would be defending him?
  11. McLean the king of all dheads was told he was not considered particularly important to us any more. It seems that there was an understanding between he and the club that he would be better off elsewhere and we would be better off with a draft pick. I am sure he was also not happy that his attempt to purchase the captaincy didn't work out. This is the guy who came at pick 5 and had most of us speculating he would become a star player an lead us to victory. All he did was play atrocious footy and hobble around like an arthritic old man. Since moving on, he has obviously been harbouring resentment as disgruntled former employees often do. He clearly wanted to the hurt the club and it worked a treat thanks to the complicity of the media. McLean is one bloke that does not have an ounce of class in his whole body.
  12. another 100 gamer, extra competiion for spots, bring it on
  13. That statement has to mean that you believe we lost games on purpose. 'The idea of bottoming out' can only mean that you think it was some kind of deliberate decision, as opposed to the natural result of being a horrible side. It never ceases to amaze me how people will find ways to criticise the club, do you really think Dean Bailey was enjoying the regular beltings, beltings that ultimately cost him his gig? We played awful footy and we got high draft pick like every other club. We moved on the older players and as fas I can tell we did not make a mistake in doing that. Nobody decided to bottom-out, we just bottomed out, so don't bag the club for something they did even do.
  14. good one Seinfeld yeah whatever buddy, your insight is appreciated, we can't have enough people around here saying we've done things wrong in the past, again, would like to show me your post from 2009 that said we shouldn't be getting high draft picks. I am sure you were advocating that on draft night the club should have just passed on pick 1 and 2 on the grounds that we shouldn't need them as we are building a stronger club. That would be brilliant list management wouldn't it
  15. you know something, for as long as i can remember we have been copping it from the AFL, opposition camps and the media. Even though we are currently anything but a threat they are all getting stuck into us hard at the moment. So what else is new? We are Melbourne, we frigging invented this sport and they can all go forth and multiply if they think they can hurt us. We are completely innocent and we do not deserve this bulltish that is being thrown our way. The only thing I care about is getting a strong side on the field and hurting everyone in the most effective way, which is winning games. As a club that should be our only focus, let them cry themselves to sleep with their whinging and moaning, I could care less
  16. mate you are a representative of a portion of our supporter base that I wish would just go away. Everyone in the country knew that we were going to stay down in 2009 and reap the maximum draft benefit, that's what every other club does every year,Talking about the Cats and Swans and whether a club should be taking high draft picks just makes you look like an absolute fool. What was your opinion on the situation in the latter parts of 2009, I have no doubt whatsoever you very much looking forward to snaring picks 1 and 2 and getting some quality talent the same as every other club does in that situation. Now, three years later you come out with your revisionist garbage, purely because the media is instructing you to do so. If you can direct me to a post you made in that year that was in protest of bottoming out, I will shut up. What exactly are you saying anyway, that as a club we should have tried to win an extra game, as if they weren't trying every week, we were just a bloody awful side that got regularly pumped! That's what the draft system is expressly set up to do, is to give talented players to struggling clubs. We as a club are guilty of absolutely nothing and accordingly we deserve no punishment. I really cannot believe there are people like you out there that seem to react firstly by bagging the club and agreeing with these media idiots, instead of standing up for the complete and utter injustice that is being perpetrated against us. Get your head straight and get behind the club.
  17. yeah i boasted to all my mates too. i boasted because as horrible as it is being one of the worst sides in the comp, at least you get the advantage of the draft system going your way. Between 08/09/10 we were just a shocking football side and consequentially we got some high draft picks. That's how it works. The persecution we are copping over this is so completely illogical and unjust I really can't believe it. Maybe in an alternate universe if we got those picks and went on to win a bunch of flags I could understand folks wanting to get in our faces. However the facts are that we were a terrible side and we still are, if it wasn't for the new sides we'd have been dead last this season. We got one priority pick, so effing what, we got the same draft assistance as every other struggling club, that's why Marc Murphy, Naitanui and Dustin Martin are at their respective clubs. Knowing that collingwood drafted Thomas and Pendlebury at pick 2 and 5 in the one year, and have since won a flag, yet somehow we are the ones under scrutiny really makes my blood boil
  18. add to that the ENTIRE thing has come about because of the comments of one individual - a person who by all accounts, and by his own behaviour, is a person of low moral character, with whom the circumstances of him leaving the club had a lot to do with the fact that his status amongst the club and its supporters had gone from captain-favourite to no-longer-rated. This weasal proceeded to follow his poor form at a new club for a year and a half - Unfortunately for us, he found form for a few weeks which gave him a spot on television, through which he was able to spout his garbage in the hope of soothing his rejected soul. The fact that this rubbish has now grown wings into something very tangeable and potentially very damaging is enough to make me scream. To think we all adored this bloke after the 2006 elimination final, look what he has gone and done to us. I tell you what, if I ever come face to face with him I will give him something o think about. just have a look at him
  19. To me the whole issue requires no more discussion than this: The whole point of the draft system, including priority picks, was/is to give a boost to the clubs that are struggling the most. We won 10 games in 3 years and we received ONE priotiry pick. West Coast, Carlton, Richmond, St.Kilda, Collingwood, Bulldogs and Hawthorn have ALL spent time at the bottom over the last decade or so and as a result they all received 'draft assistance'. Between 2004 and 2007, 7 priority picks were given out, Carlton and Hawthorn receiving TWO each. How could anyone possibly pick Melbourne, out of this group of 8 clubs (most of whom have been far more successful than the MFC in recent years) as the 'odd-ones-out' and try to mount a case that they have received some sort of unfair advantage?
  20. agreed yeah its not us, that's good. Doesn't mean it's a cause for celebration FFS
  21. it's all been said, but the clearest thing wrong with us in '12 was the forward line, amplified by Clark's injury. This is clear in the fact we matched up well in terms of forward entries against good sides on a number of occasions. A second big bloke in Dawes, perhaps another pinch-hitter in Pederson, a flanker in Byrnes and possibly a crumber in Rodan - we've obviosuly tried to patch this wound, if it works out even a fraction as well as it could we should be getting a lot more runs on the board
  22. and nine others passed him over if we had taken PD and they CM I reckon the situation would be very different
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