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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. So Levi Ashcroft is on the bench of the AA team and yet is expected to go #1?
  2. Curnow is fair too. If Cripps or Curnow go down, they're not winning the flag IMO.
  3. Luke is a legend of the Footscray Football Club because he's one of only two Bulldogs coaches to ever win a flag and he's also got them to a second GF. But unlike Goody, Luke has never had a side finish top 4 and it speaks to his coaching and his system. Conversely, Goody has had 3 top 4 finishes, one minor premiership, one premiership and another year of making the PF in 2018. I agree with Binners, Goody is a legend of our football club.
  4. I agree on Kozzy. He's super important for us, but disagree on Cripps. He's so far their most important player it's not funny. But agree to disagree.
  5. Those two losses to the WA teams hurt, but the two games I'd argue hurt us more are the 1 point losses to Carlton and Brisbane. We win both those games and we're second.
  6. Thanks @Webber, am listening now.
  7. Does he? I'd take JVR, Turner and Petty. And if we throw Petty down the other end next year, that leaves a spot for Jefferson.
  8. Rubbish. That is a Thatcherite myth. It is public money or government money. We can't pay our taxes unless the currency issuing government spends it into existence first. It's a circular argument to suggest otherwise. As former RBA Governor Ian Macfarlene said recently "the spending came first. A lot of people are surprised when they hear that but that has always been the case". A more obvious situation is to look at JobKeeper. $200 billion appropriated when the overnight rate was zero (ie little to no significant interbank lending) and tax revenue had fallen through the floor. As Federal Treasury said in 2002, Commonwealth debt is issued to manage interest rates, it does not fund the Commonwealth. State taxes do fund the state government though, except they get access to cheap debt as through COVID where the RBA bought up huge amounts of state and territory debt (like the ECB does in the Eurozone, otherwise the disastrous monetary union would collapse) at 0.1%. It's similar for private banks, who create money (credit) when they lend. Loans create deposits. They then use their reserves in exchange settlement accounts to settle obligations to customers when they come due. As for training ground, you'd have to say Roffey has had a huge failure at this point.
  9. I've been wondering about Woey playing lockdown, and leaving AMW to attack. Thoughts?
  10. That's when I'm happy to take the lid off. Particularly, if other results go our way. Like Essendon losing one or both of their next games against Adelaide and St Kilda at Marvel. And Brisbane losing to Sydney and/or Gold Coast.
  11. Of course, it is possible for a team to right a ship mid season, and we've seen this with Collingwood and Carlton in successive seasons. But our particular circumstance, where we lose to a bottom 2 side by 6 goals (our biggest loss in 4+ years) and then to win a game and then lose by 92 the next week, I just don't think it's possible to right that ship if there were serious issues. Which means I have no idea what the heck was happening during those rounds 10-12.
  12. If something was seriously wrong (again, I don't deny that there were issues because I heard some stuff too), I don't think we would have responded how we did. Because the response to the Eagles match was to come out and beat St Kilda, and then proceed to lose to Freo by almost 100 points. Perhaps the post KB bye allowed us to re-set some stuff, but if "something was seriously wrong", IMO, we don't then come out post bye how we have.
  13. Conversely, you take Cripps out of Carlton and they will not win games. Take Trac or Gawn, or Clarry out of our side and we've shown we can win. Maybe Lever is our Cripps? It'll be interesting to see how Brisbane go without Cameron. How would they go without Neale? Most teams couldn't cover, but it shows the strength of our system that we can.
  14. I'm not denying that there was, but are you therefore suggesting that things are no longer broken? To right the ship in season is pretty crazy.
  15. Exactly, that's what I've been thinking.
  16. Is he done for the year? Why not say "season", they say "indefinite"...
  17. So if we beat Freo and GWS, I reckon we'll be 4th by the end of Round 20. I suspect Brisbane will lose to both Sydney and Gold Coast, while Essendon will lose to either or both of Adelaide and St Kilda at Marvel.
  18. We'll be putting together a bigger contract for Petty. And then we have the emergence of our young stars like McVee, Windsor and JVR. It'll be interesting to see if we can get a few guys to accept unders so we can target a FA or two.
  19. I'd prefer we start by allowing McVee to step into Salem's role at the back of stoppages. Rivers did a lot of that last year. Particularly, if we play a more aggressive press, because it'll enable him to have more disposals higher up the field and across the high half forward/50 metre arc. We were pretty aggressive against West Coast and he got some possessions in the front half and was devastating. The problem in our back half is that he has become an elite 1v1 player, which means we have to find someone (Woey? AMW?) that can play that lockdown defender role on the likes of Cameron, Greene, Bolton etc. to replace him. @Lucifers Hero comment on the Salem comparison is interesting, because he seems like a Salem clone in many ways now that you've said that.
  20. I'm hoping it's season over for the GCS by the time we play them in Round 23.
  21. I think Turner is a bigger presence, certainly in the air, but Joel had x factor in the air and at ground level. It's a pretty good call this.
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