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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. It's a rubbish statistic, but I think that was your point.
  2. I'd argue the complete opposite. Most of us are too analytical and scarred that response to poor MFC play is often apathy.
  3. Rubbish article. It says hold the Range Rover jokes and then proceeds to name 2 of them in the 19, plus 3 classist jokes. Same old, same old. I'd like to read an article that discusses the character building attributes of being a MFC supporter.
  4. Staggered, RE: Terlich. He showed slight improvement earlier in the season, but still generally butchers the ball. Riley's a good re-signing and you could tell Bail was going to be re-signed too.
  5. I missed the West Coast game, but I've been impressed with Michie since he's come back into the side. The one thing I've noticed about all the Roos recruits is they all exhibit great balance. Salem, JKH and even Riley. Viv is no exception.
  6. What about the coaching staff too? Does Rawlings have another year on his contract? I'd be going after someone else. The backline was much stronger under Wellman. Both had an ordinary midfield in front of them, but our defenders seem to be stagnating, apart from Jetta.
  7. Unfortunately, we have to put our faith in those who are in charge at the club currently. I won't deny though that my love for the code is dwindling. Given I've missed one game in Melbourne in the past decade, if I'm feeling this way, I'm sure there are many, many others out there. Our perpetual insipidness is driving me away from the game. I'd much prefer to watch Liverpool and any neutral English Premier League game than I would, a neutral game of AFL.
  8. Unfortunately, Red, it's opinion and that's not evidence. IMO, he's had a go, but played in a position that is foreign to him, in a rubbish side that can barely hit a target, let alone someone having to learn specific leading patterns etc. He'll almost certainly go elsewhere now though. Why would you stick around? We continue to dish up rubbish.
  9. It's pretty rich from a club who still gets a free ride from the AFL. Pay no attention to it though. He's another that simply doesn't understand the rules. He's used the word 'deserve'.
  10. I don't think Ball's kicking would put us off. We picked up Daniel Cross. His kicking isn't that flash hot either. The thing Cross had going for him was that he could still get on the park. I'm not convinced Ball will be able to. I remember him sticking his nose up at us last time, but we move on. If he could help our club next year, I'd say yes. But he won't get on the park, so look elsewhere.
  11. I booed the team. Yes. They were responsible for dragging our club through the [censored]. I'm not often sensationalist, but I'm bloody sick and tired of MFC teams serving up tripe. Paying members, who rock up every week deserve better. What's more, Jones was a part of that team. He may have earned a number of possessions, but when it came down to it, did he stamp his authority and leadership on the game? I didn't see enough.
  12. Kent's kicking is wildly overrated on DL. I think he's got potential if he can clean up his disposal. His kicking can be abhorrent. I remember reading someone labelling his kicking as 'elite' before the start of this season. It's down right incorrect. It may be confidence with him, but at the moment, most of his kicks are floaters, while his goal kicking is 50/50.
  13. I'd say it was more likely that we pushed him out the door. He was finished, not to mention a flakey downhill skier. He was good when the team was up and about, but offered little when the game was against us.
  14. I booed. I turn up every week, go interstate sometimes too and after 7 years of delivering putrid, horror performances, they still continue and even under Paul Roos. Absolute silence, as JJC suggests, does bugger all. It doesn't show that there's passion, it doesn't show that there's pride, it doesn't show there's pain. I'd beg to differ that booing a team off is booing the jumper. That argument holds no water at all. You're clearly booing the blokes that just defiled the jumper and the club. Show us you're giving your all, otherwise you won't get any encouragement from me. Play for the bloody club, not for yourselves.
  15. That's a pity. I quite respected her as a journalist. It appears she's an idiot as well. It's disappointing when some of our own supporters are [censored] on their club with this mentality too. People are so easily manipulated by the media. It really is staggering.
  16. We can still argue against their submission for assistance next year. They broke the rules and haven't paid the penalty. We broke the rules, paid the penalty and continue to perform like a joke. We're an impediment on the league, as PJ said. We're perfectly within our right to argue against support for Essendon next year. It's a completely different thing. They're drug cheats.
  17. I agree. His coaching on the weekend seemed reasonably stubborn, IMO. He practically didn't try anything until the third term and even then, it wasn't anything particularly drastic. We never altered our approach in terms of ball movement. We continued to go wide, when I think we may have been able to open up GWS if we'd used the corridor. He obviously doesn't want to engrain bad habits, but there needs to be some attacking flair. It is difficult though with the dire state of our list.
  18. I must have missed something. Have they all backed us getting a PP?
  19. He doesn't have the pace of Boak, but I think he's better at finding it than Boak. Pretty apt comparison though, IMO. Those that are saying Tyson will be a C or B grader at best, are smoking the good stuff.
  20. I'd rather another Dom Tyson, if we're giving up a top pick. If clubs can't sign their players a year out, they will start putting them up for trade. This goes for non-free-agents as well. Happens all the time in soccer and I suspect probably in US sports too. Roos has flagged we'd do this with guys entering their FA prime, but I reckon it'll start with non-FA's too.
  21. It depends if our recruiters deem there is that elite talent in this crop.
  22. And so it should be. It's been clear for quite a while that the forthcoming draft crop are a particularly dull bunch. I'd rather see who we can get with two to three seasons under their belt. Further, I don't think it's any coincidence that the day we ask for draft assistance (ie a PP), Roos says the pick would be on the table. He's clearly flagging that we'd be prepared to simply have a bargaining chip at the trade table, rather than a fresh faced teen. The right approach, IMO.
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