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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. How clean is Caleb Daniel below his knees? That low centre of gravity.
  2. This game is interestingly poised. The Bulldogs remind me very much of Melbourne tonight. They haven't really looked like it all night. They've stuck around though and now that the Eagles have missed a few easy ones, they're giving themselves a chance with bold ball movement. The difference between the Bulldogs and Melbourne at the moment is that they know how to win these types of games, as we will in time too.
  3. Buddy is a genius. He doesn't just rely on the midfield to get him the ball with little lead up marks, often uncontested (like Kennedy - who for the record, is a very smart player). Buddy is in a completely different class. One of the great forwards in the game. Cameron is a little lazy to be honest. He hasn't reached his potential yet. He's a good player at this stage.
  4. I gave him the credit of being a good player. He's just not a great player to me. He and Darling get silver service week on week.
  5. We could really learn from the Eagles' forward entries. They almost always kick to the advantage of the forwards. Kennedy's a good player, but he's not a great player. The ball use is so, so good that it makes him look a lot better than he is. He leads to the right spots.
  6. If you're just going to look for the negatives, it's akin to Catholic psychology. Give it up if you can't find any positives.
  7. The Eagles' ball use is far, far superior to ours. Gee, Darling is a softie though. Looks tough, but plays like an under 12.
  8. We need an even contribution from all our forwards. If everyone does their fair share, it'll go a long way to winning this game. Under absolutely no circumstance can we have any passengers this week. Weideman playing scares me a little bit, because I don't think he currently offers enough at ground level to lock the ball in. Adelaide are the benchmark of the competition, but they're beatable and I think our game style stacks up against theirs. It's just a matter of implementing it on game day.
  9. We have to move the ball quickly. We have to take risks with our ball use, but choose the right moment and the right user who can execute (ie. Salem or Lewis off half back, rather than Tom McDonald). Run hard both ways in the midfield. I want to see Frost and Jetta really take the game on. Hibberd's ball use is going to be vital. We need his kicking and his run. Our forwards need to lay 30+ tackles across half forward and inside 50. Hannan, Kent, Petracca, Jeffy, Watts and Weideman (if he plays) have to be really busy. That's roughly 5 tackles each. Goodwin is clearly building towards this sort of effort as mandatory for playing in Melbourne's forwardline. Well, that's what we need. And if we bring this, we'll get a result and this game style of Goodwin's will be vindicated. When the play is more congested, we must lower the eyes and minimise turn overs in the middle of the ground. These are killing us at the moment. Kicking straight and generating early scoreboard pressure is going to be really important too and always is in a hostile environment. I still think we can win and on that basis, I think we have to do everything I've mentioned above and try and be smarter with our ball use out of stoppage situations. A typical Bernie Vince clearance is a no-look kick high in the air to no one's advantage. If he's going to tag Sloane or play a role in the midfield, he needs to be smarter with these kicks. Occasionally, these kicks work, particularly if they're quick kick outs, but the majority of the time, the Adelaide defence will be too smart and organised for this, so Salem, Lewis, Vince, Watts and Jones have to be on with their kicking.
  10. Oivey. Why do you bother? I really don't know. You aren't a Catholic by any chance are you?
  11. Yep, Jacobs is the starting point. What about midfield and their half backs?
  12. What's your point, mate? I hope you're not suggesting we haven't had a crack in every game. Given we've been in the game in every last quarter...
  13. I'd like to know what others think we need to do to beat Adelaide. I haven't seen a lot of serious analysis about this game, mostly just 'we'll get pummeled'. What would it take to win? Let's leave the smarmy answers out too...
  14. I thought Fitzy had been delisted at the end of 2016. Oh well, I was wrong. And I don't really care. Tipped the Eagles at home tonight. Didn't know about the Dogs' outs. Just as well I tipped the Eagles.
  15. I'm a Salem fan, but he was terrible last week and as BBP said, capped off his terrible day in this play. On another day I would back Christian's left foot to find someone. He's a beautiful kick and very clever player. Still, hoping he can bounce back this week. If Salem can reach A grade status (he has the tools), he will be that extra piece that elevates our midfield to something bloody special.
  16. Is there a commentator who isn't extremely biased? Commentators wear their allegiances on their sleeves these days. Whateley is perhaps the most balanced, but everyone else, pfffh. Personally, I think it's amazing that there's someone who people respect that logically outlines where we're at and what we're truly capable of in time. Very important to have someone on your side in this age of knee jerk media scrutiny.
  17. Yep, I'd be going small. I'd bring in Stretch for Hogan. Play Petracca at FF and Jeffy nearby. Hannan, Kent and Watts rotating from the wings, to half forward, to deep inside 50. Play Pedo in the ruck up forward, in the centre and let Tommy Mac take the ruck in defence. Leave Watts out of it this week to provide a target up forward. I'd only use him in the ruck if he or Pedo are struggling to get into the game. Adelaide are a quick side in both ball movement terms and in speed terms, but if we hit the sweet spot, I believe we can match them in those two areas. The most vital thing? Melbourne taking on this game and moving the ball on as quickly as possible. We're at our best when we do that and I actually think we're the team that looks most like Adelaide when we are playing this way. I'm expecting a really good contest. Pedo needs to provide an out contested marker at half back, as does Tracca from defensive set ups. I'd switch Petracca and Watts deep forward depending on where the ball is. If it's in defence from a kick in, I'd get Petracca presenting on half back and Watts playing deeper forward, along with Kent. If it's forward or the ball is in dispute, I'd play Trac deep and Watts higher up the ground and use his ball use. We can win this if everything clicks. I think it will. Having said all this, I note that Stretch hasn't travelled with the team, therefore Weideman probably has to come in for Hogan, which means Hannan may have to play higher up the field. Bugger. Not how I would have played it, but anyway.
  18. I guarantee Stretch will be in next week if Bugg doesn't perform.
  19. Maybe, although he's been coasting for a while IMO. He may have kicked goals last year, but his defensive pressure was very up and down. I think the FD see how important he could be to our side and wanted to demand a greater output. That's good coaching and selection for mine.
  20. JKH had 7 tackles in his first game and struggled in his second game (1 tackle) and was pathetic in his third. He certainly gave us better forward pressure than Kent against Richmond though.
  21. I reckon you need to settle down a little, Davo. You were positive in the first few rounds and having a go at others for being negative and that's all you've been most of this week.
  22. Well, obviously a zero tackle Kent game is probably similar to a JKH zero tackle game, although I'd agree Kent might get involved more offensively.
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