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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Haha, I really don't like my previous post. The debt stuff is nonsense. Sure, the Fed Gov has issued more debt than Labor did, but they spent way more money than Rudd/Gillard/Rudd did and since the AOFM (Treasury) chooses to issue debt after the spending has occurred in order to provide corporate welfare to financial institutions and secondary market players, the debt has increased, but there is no burden. There is no need to issue debt at all since QE has killed the overnight market and placed downward pressure on IRs. I'd argue it never needs to issue debt again - the short term IR is the anchor for all commercial IRs in the economy. They should merely anchor off a ZIRP. The RBA has also bought up billions and billions of state and territory debt since March last year. Its entire $200 billion JobKeeper spend was then offered to be converted to bonds to market players, and then the RBA repurchased these bonds in the secondary market. In other words, it was issued to banks for a quick gain and then swallowed back up. Now it sits on the RBA balance sheet and when it matures, it is transferred back to the Treasury as a dividend. It's not a debt like a household debt. There is literally no reason to take CCP money. It's dumb and based in a neoliberal lie that we need DFI. Dumb move by the Napthine and Andrews Governments.
  2. He's a very underrated field kick. That kick to Melksham was the perfect example. An undefendable 50m bullet. I feel he's always struggled with his set shots though. He tends not kick through the ball.
  3. I don't I'm afraid. Looking forward to seeing how he goes.
  4. Yeah, I disagree that Petty is a 1v1 player. In his under 18 year, he was decidedly an intercept defender IMO. A Lever clone, but I suppose maybe he's developed into a 1v1 player since. I hope you're right about those match ups. At least he comes into a team that is high on confidence. That should help.
  5. So you're saying Cook was spoken to about a board position?
  6. If we can get through this period without May that will speak volumes for our system. It's not earth shattering to suggest I think it could cost us the Richmond game at least and maybe even the Sydney game. I think Petty will be a good intercept defender in time, but I worry that he's too inexperienced for Lynch or Riewoldt and second game back it will be a big challenge. But I thought we'd lose to Geelong, so what would I know?
  7. It's the ground ball gets for me. He is insanely good in this area, which makes him so dangerous in stoppage, because he can butter up his own tap work or literally attend stoppages as a genuine mid. I reckon there were at least 3 moments against Geelong where in the wet he picked the ball up cleanly like an A grade small. If all he had was contested marking I'd be frustrated by his inability to hang on to marks at the moment, but that will come. What he's illustrating to this point is footy IQ, particularly in the forward half and great spatial awareness. Be fascinating to see what sort of player he is in 2 or 3 years time.
  8. I've changed my mind on trading Gus, not that we'd need to. The only way we attract Merrett IMO is we win the flag or go very close this year. That's how the likes of Richmond managed to get Lynch and Geelong Cameron.
  9. What are you intimating here? That we're going to replace Pert already with Brian Cook? What's the thinking?
  10. You bloody ripper! Wish it was for 10 years, but I'll take 2.
  11. To be fair to Jayden, he was actually a very good 1v1 defender in his very early career, but would often butcher the ball by foot. Now he's hitting targets and making the right decisions by hand too. If it's sustainable, look out.
  12. Watching the replay currently. Couple of things. - Tomlinson played on Hawkins the entire game. His positioning the majority of the time was absolutely outstanding. Well done, Tommo. - our two way running in midfield is incredibly evident on replay. If our midfield keeps that up, we'll be hard to beat. - the way we're using our mids and rolling them backwards and forwards from half forward, into stoppages and out again. It keeps the opposition constantly guessing. Also, the make up of who we're sending in there isn't easy to predict. - the defensive work of our wingers in Langdon, Brayshaw and Jones was excellent. The amount of times Langdon or Brayshaw would drop back in the hole and then provide rebound. Beautiful. Gus is a very clever player and Langdon is the prototype winger. Knows how to hold width, get it on the outside or do the defensive work. - team orientation is marked. Well done again, Demons.
  13. It depends. Has the bar been lifted on expectations and minimum requirements this year?
  14. I'm still yet to receive my membership pack (August last year I renewed) and never received my 2020 pack. I know there's austerity cuts, but step up. I don't usually like to have a go at the club in this way, but it's very poor.
  15. Ed actually, so close enough. Conditions have nothing to do with an ability to pressure and lay tackles. He laid two for the whole game. His lack of defensive pressure simply cannot justify a game in our system. Two tackles is more than he usually lays mind you.
  16. Yep, what i meant was that Sparrow did well to register those 5 tackles disposals with limited game time. I'd say JJ might be in trouble next week.
  17. He had 56% TOG. So much that he does is solid though. Have loved his start to the year. Only 4 touches today though, along with 5 tackles, may be given a rest next week. Sparrow only 39% TOG and had 5 tackles too, along with 9 touches. Maybe it's Sparrow for JJ?
  18. Nope. Melksham has to go I reckon. He was terrible. Half our family is Geelong, so I hear a bit of the way they talk. Mostly anti-Chris Scott stuff, but this week's pearler was we should beat them because they're so undermanned. As for the Geelong supporters around us today, they were smashing a lot of their players and Scott.
  19. Jeepers, I reckon all three are utter FIGJAMs.
  20. If he kicks straight he is. If he misses sodas repeatedly from directly in front he could be a coach killer. I was not one, I don't believe, calling for him to be dropped though. Pies were not 3-0 going into it. Agree with all of this mate, except the Salem comment. I think you'll find Smith took him to the cleaners in the third. Otherwise, Salem was very assured. The way we came out at the start of the 4th and put the game to bed was very impressive wasn't it?
  21. If Jetts gets done for his tackle, I'd bring in Hibbo. Rivers seems to be having second year blues to me, so maybe Hibbo for Rivers.
  22. Thought he played a really selfless team game today and kept most of his possessions simple. Great tackle numbers and clearance numbers. Just needs to use the ball better entering 50. Yep, completely agree. I can't remember Hunt wasting a possession today. I don't think I've ever been able to say that about Jayden. If he keeps playing like that he's a dangerous and dynamic threat to the opposition. He and Langdon seem to link up constantly. As for my man Charlie, he should have had 3 goals today. Clean that up and he's a ripper. I reckon his ball use going inside 50 is now the best in the team. Didn't Robbo say at the end of the match that May will be fine for next week?
  23. My son is 4 weeks old tomorrow. He's seen 4 from 4. This run is all him.
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