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Everything posted by DV8

  1. It all seemed to start (list managing) around 2000.... Interestingly, just after the game went Professional.
  2. I think a lot of damage was done... by not getting in behind Smithy. And then, the way they treated him . No matter what... the club has to Stick Fat with its loved people. A show of strength, right or wrong, in Solidarity... IS what should have taken place... and other talks of the issues could have occurred behind the scenes. The Board, broke the Bond with the coach, and in so doing, the footy dep't and then, the team as well. The Loss of Norm's 'magic' was the end of the hand-me down 'Spirit', created by Checker... who by that time was old and past his youthful coaching ways. Like Love, that chemistry was shattered. a betrayal of that Love happened... and the 'Spirit' was lost, to us.. You don't hang out your Wife/Husband Publicly, to punish them... and, nor do you do that to your children. Doesn't matter what they've done, you stick with them, side by side. As a family. So... Nothing to do with Smithy's words. The board stuffed up... big-time. ...and we are all still paying for it, to this day. ............................................... The problem as I see it is... the board placed right & wrong, above Love. Our boards respect the Law... over Love... this IS the Political Correctness. And it has made us, make so many mistakes, in recruiting people. etc We seem to recruit people we like, ahead of their abilities... We won't recruit types who seem intimidating, in one way or another... Including Coaches. We like the squeaky clean... over the rough edged types. All these things amount to being overly conservative, in our manner of going about things. This IS our clubs Failing ways. .
  3. I think, I recall him being quick off the mark, on occasion.? But so far in between, I'm not sure anymore. I feel like he could be quick off the mark, and I've seen him hit targets by hand in traffic... again, long time so see. I reckon, if we got him really fit, and play him in the middle, he could be a strong inside player. But, he's really got to work his Butt off. He could be talented inside like Oli is winning inside ball and giving it off With that, IF he could do this, and grow his confidence from that spot. He should then grow his all round game, from there. Currently he is too slow from half-forward, getting beaten, and is suffering imv, from not being effective.
  4. I think, MAY b your dreaming of a different Planet, 'OD'. Perhaps Sir Dyck Branson, could diversify into this arena ? youtube.com/watch?v=P2_NNgv1qYs ?
  5. Well, its certainly won't be April, for May. Lets see if he can transform, from a June, into August us.?
  6. Don't forget... https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/td-st-kilda-saints?year=2000 https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/td-st-kilda-saints?year=2001 https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/td-st-kilda-saints?year=2002
  7. I agree, 'Hw'. However, If the team and list is on the downward plane. and a player in question (injury) was playing in a Grand Final, and is a key and skilled player, then you might roll the dice, if its necessary for the Premiership Win. Otherwise, for a team and list that is on the upward plane, and still building... then Please Melbourne, don't take risks with players of our future. .
  8. [censored], forgot all about young Salem, Such is his fly-under-radar wayz... a little like Jetta. They go quietly, getting things done, without large fanfare.
  9. Absolutely Mono. He has the gifts, anyone can see that, he has the power, he has skills, but where is the drive, to succeed. Where is the want, to be the Best he can be. It should be showing in his body... but, all I see is someone with a rig, for the girls to see. to show off. But its not an Elite Athletes body. It's not an elite running body. Tracca, if your not serious about AFL footy... For gods sake man... go and get into Weight Lifting, or something around Olympic Sports. Javelin? Shotput? Discuss? The world is there for you. IF you want it.
  10. When... he loses weight, he will become.and be much better thru the midfield... As the game opens up more, I think it moves closer to Tracca's game... IF he loses weight, and gets really fit... Aerobically fit. He can become a dominant player, IF he puts in.
  11. It (list management) is common in the AFL... Carlton have been doing it for the past 3 or 4 yrs. Accruing talent before they release the handbrake, & shoot for the stars. Now with 6.6.6... its all set for them. Freo have been accruing , not as well as Carlton IMO. Brisbane, Gold Coast, Carlton, Freo, St-Kilda. all have been busy accruing.
  12. ...still, he must be swimming int it ? We surely will be freed up a lot of cap space this year, hopefully.
  13. I knew someone who played with the Hawks, late 80's and 90's. He loves joking around about that time... and "the Elephant Juice".... "the elephant Juice"
  14. I've been much like you, 'Gg', for the past 5Yrs or so... maybe longer ? it started to hit me around 05 - 06 ish... but still had some hope with the rebuild following those Yrs. Jnr Mc's saaaaaaaaaforced retirement irked me. And we went ahead, and got it all wrong... the club stuffed it again, with how they went about it. Kept the ones they should have traded for value, and retired ones they should have kept. Then ended up getting fined, because of the unsophisticated way they went. I hated the congested footy, flood, press, what ever name invented this week, for it. bullls-shizen. It strangled the natural flow and randomness of the games instinctive styles. Now it looks more like 2004 again... to a point. But once again the Mfc has been let down by the timing of the AFL. Why is it that the Suits seem to hate the Melbournefc... whether it be the AFL, or others oof control... and now it looking like the Libs giving collinwood $M70 zillion dollars, to upgrade their admin/training complex. And the Mfc are still homeless orphans, still... & again. .
  15. ... apparently already signed with St-Kilda.
  16. I knew someone who played with the late 80's and 90's. He loves joking around about that time... and "the Elephant Juice". "the elephant Juice"
  17. That was a picture of me, a few moths ago. ?
  18. So, we had no money... lost our zones, I presume, somehow... and we had lousy players social rooms... and lousy small Gymnasium. No Social facilities for supporters ? In short, we had terrible facilities, and then we were shipped of to Siberia, St-Kilda. Is it any wonder, we find ourselves right here, we we were, all those decades ago.
  19. Ohh, the Mcc did have money, Macca... but Mfc, didn't .
  20. How is it that they never got caught, Re drugs in they're blood tests ? something is crook in AFL world.
  21. He was one of my favs in his draft year. was that the $cully year? Rohan went at P6. His speed was a real weapon.
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