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Everything posted by DV8

  1. is he playing with injections to a foot ?
  2. what happened 'DD'.? I'm having computer trouble... and have to radio on. PC is bombarded with adds popups.
  3. I don't know about lung capacity... but it Would help with sleep-apnea.
  4. Port has a front running metality... and like us, they fail after being talked up... and win after being underdogs.
  5. That Pic was at the pre-season camp session up at Qld. Possibly their 1st session of this exercise.
  6. We want them trying too hard... at Training. To try to stretch their limits. That is how we improve. Especially at the elite level.
  7. It's a good sign, to see he is pushing himself right to his limits. I'm sorry he had a bad experience this time, but he has recovered well apparently, and trained since. It seems all the other players went thru this with no issues.?
  8. It's Ross the Boss. Does he need another Tall key back in the mold of Zac Dawson ? Maybe package OMc and Jeffy and our Rnd 2 Pick, and see if he falls, takes the goods ?
  9. Great news, 'D167'. Please let him know... low key, that we are all for him.. no expectations. And tell him to just go out there enjoy it. Be kid natural. Good luck to you both... and your family, and friends going in to watch him. .
  10. Normally I'd agree 'RN', if we were a power side like the Hawks were back in the 80's. When they played an average of 100 reserve grade games, most often. But we aren't atmo. Now let me qualify what I am saying. I agree with How Goody has gone about things with Weide,. over the past few seasons... were he would play him for 2 or 3 games in the seniors, then send him back. This is close to the method I am hoping to see with these kids now... and only now, the next month, as we are so low on numbers, because of injuries. Bringing the kids in, gives them a taste for it... and also stirs the excitement of the others in the reserves. They can see the opportunities are real, and alive. In about 4 weeks time, we will have maybe half a dozen senior players returning. The other thing it does, is it gives us the opportunity to drop some senior players, who are not performing... or out off kilter, in one way OR another. A friendly shot over their bow. Just to give them a firm little shake up. To get therm out of any lethargy.
  11. I class Keilty as a kid, Sparrow, Lockhart as well. o'Baker... and Spargo again, in a few weeks time. Play them, so we can see if they've got something to show... and where they are up to.
  12. cheers Jara. good luck with financing the CFA truck. It's said, the club is searching to build a home base/training/office... social base ? .................... This, Is my hope >>> My hope is on Olympic Boulevard, abutting the Richmond Railway Station... & opposite Gosch's Paddock. Straddling Olympic Boulevard. Built across Olympic Boulevard... and over to Gosch's Paddock. And built about 3 or 4 levels above ground. And one basement level. So the Nth side of the building would abut the Richmond Railway Station. and this section should be about 3 or 4, above ground levels... with basement level for cars, etc, Northern side of Olympic Boulevard. ... and the Southern side of building would be just overhanging the edge of Gosch's Paddock. I would think the section built across the roadway should be a lower in height profile.... so as to not fully obscure AAMI Parks beautiful design features. Possibly two levels across the roadway. One level of Glazedi-In indoor facilities, and an open-air rooftop area... so as to minimize the height of this part of the project. The Western side of the dee-velopment, ideally would overhang the nearest of the Clay tennis courts. https://www.google.com/maps/place/112+Olympic+Blvd,+Melbourne+VIC+3004/@-37.8245886,144.9846351,1247m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6ad642943affc621:0x23259ce926eaf48e!8m2!3d-37.8245886!4d144.9868238 Being in this location, beside the Richmond Station, is the fairest location to all supporters... Especially considering our regional supporters, who have hours to travel, To and Fro.
  13. Yes, but he's Tasmanian, 'BA'. He'd be in two minds... deciding whether to leave home.
  14. geez yeah. I'd forgotten that. Thanks for that 'pf'.
  15. What IF TMc, or the Pet, are outs ?
  16. Which half-forward do you think is keeping Fritta out of the F50, 'b181'.?
  17. ET. of the kids we took in, we won't know for at least another 12 months, the way they're shaping. I actually like the types we took, relative to the picks we had to use. IMO, its the previous two drafts, that left us wanting for run and dash.
  18. grasshopper... patience. I fear another out, in dee-tea-leaves.
  19. Play the kids... because we will soon run out of games, which we can play them in. With so many coming back in around 3 weeks time.
  20. DV8

    Gary Pert

    I would have loved this fella. It's a pity we don''t have many like those, these days... in this current simpleton/self, western world... all about taking now. My old next door neighbor, R.I.P. Paddy... was a veteran of conflicts in WW2... in Libya and Europe... did a number of tours of duty... and was advisor to Crawford Productions. Re "The Sullivans" TV show. .
  21. It wouldn't do the banana a whole lot of good either MD! LoL... You know, a slightly greener than Ripe... banana, put lightly thru the microwave, just to take chill off mind... is more comfortable for thee, who must be obeyed... and flavour seems better thus. ... and a good supply of tooth picks. ? Maintaining essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin, and B6. These all contribute to the proper functioning of the body and keeping you healthy. ... gotta keep the strength up.
  22. Vale` Mike... Vale` ... simply fantastic. I enjoyed footy, much much more, when Mike called the game... with his Simple joy of the game... and lack of, an in-your-face, Ego... vale` Mike Williamson. the best. .
  23. ... aren't we lucky the ladder is only one dimensional. and not like outer Space... where the Southern Cross may in reality be a Cross of the North, by another persons tongue.
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