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Grand New Flag

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Posts posted by Grand New Flag

  1. These discussions alone are enough to suggest that our club is falling apart, supporters are frustrated and we are not performing to an acceptable level.

    Say what you like, but many of us die hard fans have lost a lot of our love for this club since Neeld has come on board. I can only imagine how the players feel. Speak to the right people and you'll find out that many of our players, our better players, are as frustrated as us supporters and want out.

    Something has to give. Coaches are not bigger than our club and our club is bleeding.

    Keep him for the next 10 games or the rest of the season, it makes no difference, but come the end of the year, we need drastic changes. Again.

    I wish I knew how to fix our club, but I don't. But I do know that it's easier to change the coach than throw out an entire list of players, some of which are actually pretty good or at least has the potential to be.

    Our club is on a fast track to death. We need to change many things and we need to do it before it's too late, because the one thing we can all agree on, is that none of us want to see this club disappear into oblivion.

    I understand and agree, I am also aware of frustrated players who want out...... particularly our better players. If Neeld remains we will see a massive run come seasons end. My view is that a new coach must be brought in immediately. There is no point in holding onto a coach once you realise he is not the one. A change in style with a coach that is able to develop self belief and inspire our players is our best chance of saving the furniture come season end.

    Further the ~15 week tenure will give a fill in coach the opportunity to make his mark and potentially gain the role permanently (aka Roos). It is like an extended interview.

    What’s more the longer we have to get a new coach the greater advantage in securing a experienced, successful coach.

    Neeld must be shown the door as a matter of urgency. I am fearing what Carlton will do to us this weekend. Their midfield is very strong, their forwards extremely quick and dangerous once their midfield gets the ball with little pressure. I can't see us losing by LESS THEN 15 GOALS. Surely this will be the final act of this most hopelessly qualified coach Neeld.

    Melbourne cannot go for another untried coach. We can't afford the risk.

  2. Nothing to enlighten UH - just concerned about credentials and being anointed the chosen one.

    At least, at a minimum, 3 years away from being super competitive.

    Changing coaches will not work.


    We simply have no choice. Neeld was the wrong coach and a terrible coach. It's embarrassing! We must move on him NOW! Everyday he remains reduces our chances of regaining our mojo this season and thus retaining our better players seasons end.

    I beg the board. My knees are on the ground. Please accept the failure, accept the poor decision in coach and rid us of this spud TODAY. The club can't start healing until this is done!

    • Like 1
  3. We are the unfortunate laughing stock of the league. What has become the most embarrassing aspect is the maintenance of confidence from our board in our coach. Board: you are all from business royalty. None of you would accept this level of incompetence in your own business. It is time you stood up and ended this nightmare. Simply the idea of the post bailey coach was right, however everyone can see you made the wrong appointment. Please get I over your egos and I immediately fire Neeld . This is the best thing you can do for our club.

    • Like 3
  4. The disaster continues. Yesterday was bruise free, offensive only football, but much worse than Bailey. It appears Neeld has changed his game plan in a desperate attempt to save his career.

    Neeld should resign in shame, but considering he will not do what is best for the club, the board must fire him immediately. It has simply got to the stage that we simply have nothing to lose.

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  5. Finally some sense.

    People need to realise that we are a football side devoid of confidence. Neeld is simply attempting to restore it. Don't forget rounds 1-3...

    Too late, he has destroyed their self belief, natural flair and natural instinct. Yesterday was the most offensive, bruise free football I have ever seen. Worse than Bailey, bruise free. Neeld has done an about turn on tactics and style in a desperate attempt to save his career. It's a little like watching Julia Gillard. It's all too late. The players are not listening any more. They have been lost. The quicker move on the better.

    • Like 2
  6. On twitter

    @melbournefc: Neeld: We thought that under 5 goals on the road was a positive.

    No, not it is not, a 5 goal loss to a top of the table interstate team, maybe.

    A 5 goal loss to a team as bad as us who kicked poorly at goal and had over 100 possessions more is pathetic.


    Here, here.

    Our talent is not that bad. If the team is this bad it is the coaches fault. Losing Moloney (life long Dees supporter) and Rivers, Martin, Petard was these players losing confidence in Neeld, and thus the MFC. Make no mistake with this.

    Neeld should resign in shame. If the board don't fire him, the board must resign or they will face a humiliating spill.

  7. I am expecting a white knight to surface, someone will come in and unite the club. It could be a very highly regarded, and significantly wealthy businessman who recently sold his business and I am told is considering the challenge. Time will tell.

    In the language of Japanese the same word is used for disaster as opportunity. "Kiken".

  8. I think it is fair to say that the players have been overly defensive and have had no confidence to use their natural playing instinct. In my view this has been taken away by Neeld trying to drum in to them, defensive structure and defensive game plan.

    At this point of time the players urgently need to regain confidence. I don't think this is going to be regained in the Neeld defensive game plan. Neeld needs to let them off the hook for a few weeks. Play one on one, every player is accountable yet every player has the freedom to play offensive football, when in possession.

    If we play the Neeld defensive game plan next week, we will lose. Simply the game plan has too many holes and oppositions know how to overcome it. This combined with an inability of our players to execute that plan will result in a certain loss, and loss of confidence. If they are let off the hook, we could just jag another win. This is what the club really needs.

  9. If as rumoured Neeld was aware of the MFC relationship with Dent, and was also part of the ill-conceived, coverup, then the board must take the opportunity and sack Neeld. The best part is that bringing the game or club into disrepute would be a breach of contract and thus no payout would be required! The other employees who are also rumoured to have had knowledge of both Dank and the cover-up must also go, should rumours be true.

    Sorry, I actually hope the rumours are true.

  10. The Dank issue has hastened the need for quick transition.

    Our managers at the club thought it would be a good idea to be dishonest and unaccountable to the AFL, Members and Public. To me the lack of integrity and incompetence is nothing short of breathtaking. The dishonesty puts into question the statement that it was only vitamin B and C that was injected. Who on earth thought it would be a good idea not to be upfront with the AFL, when specifically asked? The board now has no choice but the sweep through the management of our club or resign. There will be no stability at our club until there is a clean out.

    I fundamentally disagree with those who believe Neeld needs more time…... look at the walkouts, look at the performances. It is not like we are simply losing games. Once you realise that your girlfriend is not the one, you have no choice but to breakup. It is the same with a coach, once you realise that the coach is not the one you must part ways, waiting is only wasting time. Our club is facing a mass exit-is of players come seasons end, they do not believe in our coach , our club or themselves. I was told by a recently retired player that many want out. Only change has the potential of saving the day. Only a new coach can install self-belief and reduce the likely run come seasons end. Win or lose this week, our board must clean out the poor performers, they must do it quickly, they must do it over a short period of time.

    Imagine being one of our players, knowing that players at MFC had taken jabs from Dent and knowing that the club had not come clean about this. Each week the club asks its players to play ACCOUNTABLE, HONEST football. Yet the managers of the club are setting an example of dishonesty, and no accountability. No wonder our players are having difficulty on the field...... no wonder they want out.

    I demand the board gets the broom, start with Neeld, but don't end there, get all the dirty work done quickly. The quicker this is done the quicker we can start healing.

    • Like 4
  11. . I

    I absolutely agree. And 2 more disasters as bad as R1 have proven your point.

    A couple of other points.I have had the opportunity to speak informally with several players. The suggestion that they are not trying is absurd. They are perplexed, confused, surprised how far off the pace they are but they are trying as hard as they can. Incidentally in our discussions there was no hint of disloyalty to Neeld.

    Secondly there is an increasing realization that the team is much worse than under Bailey. Why have the attacking aspects of the Bailey gameplan been lost?

    The distinctive feature--and perhaps the only positive-- is that within the ranks there is an experienced, successful coach in Neil Craig. Until his last year at Adelaide he was extremely successful. I believe he has said he won't coach. I would move heaven and earth to get him to--personally I would offer him until the end of 2014.

    The decision to appoint Neeld was not bad or stupid. Recriminations are of no use. But occasionally an appointment doesn't work. Look at TIm Watson at St K. But I now believe that with our list we need someone who doesn't need to prove himself, who doesn't need to suggest that the list he inherited was bad (although I like Neeld personally I'm disgusted at his insinuation that the previous admin was/is responsible for the club's plight--it isn't) and who can exert a mature influence over a list which can play. When much less experienced it won significant games.

    We have 18 rounds to go after this week. Make the move now. It's sad but must happen

    I also truly believe Neil Craig is the short term answer, and possibly the long term answer. I don't read anything into him publically saying he is not interested. Seriously what else is he going to say? If he says he is interested or says nothing when asked, he is suddenly undermining Neeld and is suddenly part of the problem rather than the solution. Graig saying he is not interested means nothing.

    Unless there is a miracle (which I hope there is), Neeld is a dead man walking. No doubt a transition plan is either being worked on or has already been established by the board. The question is when, not if.

  12. Suggest you all go on to Club website and have a look at the VFL goals kicked by Casey amongst them Hogans. This will make you all smile.

    Wow, this kid is worth getting excited about.

    This may sound over the top, but to me he looks like a mix between Locket and Carey.............. and weight for age THAT GOOD.

  13. Let me open with this. I have always admired Hird, a great player, decent human being and wished we had such a champion at our club.

    My gut instinct tells me the Essendon Football Club tried to be cutting edge with all this supplement stuff, however my gut instinct also tells me that The Essendon falls within the Too Big To Fail scenario.

    The Evans family are powerful in AFL circles, so is the Hird family.

    The current AFL CEO was appointed by the AFL Commission - Evans Snr was on the Commission.

    Current AFL Commissioner Kelty is very close to Hird and Evans and gave counsel to Hird in recent days.

    My gut instinct tells me a deal has been done and the EFC will get a slap over the wrist.

    Hird is a demigod in AFL circles and nothing will happen to him and he knows this. Forgive me for been a tad cynical about all this. Hird and the EFC are not bigger than the game itself but the outcome will show the opposite.

    Finally I reckon I am not the only one who thinks that this EFC group of players are surprising many with their amazing fitness levels over the past 2 years. Make what you will of that. I smell rats everywhere at this club.

    Thats the way it is.

  14. For the very few that haven't omitted Toumpas for this week, have a listen to Neeld's presser. He pretty much said he will be playing VFL next week. There's no way known he'll play.

    For the record I remember watching Pendles early on and thinking he was rubbish because he looked lost and caught with the ball everytime he got the pill. Now pendles is one of the best players to watch in the AFL. Not saying he will end up like pendles but I see a similar looking player with the Toump, give the kid time...he'll be alright

    I agree, I remember watching Pendles in his first season and Toumpas does remind me of him. Pendles was equally lost. Difference is that there were senior players and seasoned coaches able to develop Pendles. I fear he will not develop as he should under the current management.

  15. All three were running the tan this morning.

    I agree Watts has been treated terribly. Why would be want to stay at the club years end? Surely he will ask to be traded. Blame should primarily fall on Neeld. I believe Neeld is our primary problem. Our only hope is that he is quickly replaced with a coach who can install some confidence back into the group. A coach who can get his players up. Part of me wants us to lose next week so Neeld can be replaced quickly

  16. I blame Neeld for destroying their confidence, and failing to recognise that we primarily needed midfielders not tall forwards. Watts and Sylvia would both be awesome players in good teams. However if you can't get your hands on the ball, these guys skills can't be exploited. We are in real danger of losing both come seasons end. The loss of Watts would almost be a death bell to the MFC. We must get rid of Neeld to give us any hope of holding on to him.

    • Like 3
  17. Oh so right, we had the infamous 186 (first time I have ever used that) and Bailey was sacked, so the supporters said let's get a complete bastard in who is going to change everything, change the culture of the Club, get rid of the non performing senior players, clear out the downhill skiers, change the leadership group................it may take time but that's what we need.......we did....now that is wrong......next.....what do you want this time......just so we can revisit in a couple of years...........posts similar to yours really make me wonder whether Melbourne supporters who say they have supported for years do it on a week by week basis...do you want to get back on topic now

    Mate please don't question my love and support for the club it is very insulting. I don't question your support, I beleive you just like virtually everyone on here is a true support and deeply hurting. I simply disagree with what you say. What you say above is partially true in that what we needed after Bailey was tough coach. The problem was we made the wrong choice. It is one thing being tough, but toughness will not work unless you have the ability to inspire, to get the most out of your players etc. etc. Neeld does not have this ability, he has clearly lost the players and he must be replaced.

    By the way this has everything to do with Watts and whether he is in red and blue next season.

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