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Grand New Flag

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Posts posted by Grand New Flag

  1. Comedy gold! As i've said before when you wrote the same drivel get rid of the 15 who want to go - not Neeld.

    The number of 15 comes from a well known football manager who looks after a number of Melbourne players who is a close friend. I am sure you understand why I can't name the manager. I ask you if what I say is true, does it change your view? A lot of talent wants out.

    As for your bet offer: I took odds of $7 but I would have taken $4 so why would I take even money. I do have a more mature idea though.

    If you don't want to read my threads. ........ don't read them. Pretty simple really.

  2. please dont encourage the idiot :huh:

    Mate no need for personal insults. I watch whats going on, I think it through and have a strong opinion. I feel the mass exitis and poor performance of at least half our team under Neeld is a valid point for discussion. I am extremly concerned about what is going on.

    In reality I accept that Neeld needs to be given to at least round 6 next year. It would also send a terrible message if we sacked him before this time. I just hope the board is already considering how and with who to exit him once the minimum time is up. This is my opinion.

    Yet instead of discussion and debate many here simply want to close down conversation to me and other on here with a similar view. Perhaps if you let the conversation flow rather than calling names and closing down debate I would not need to say the same thing again or as you put it cut and paste.

  3. Yep! This bloke has come into the place demanding this that and everything else without realising respect MUST be earnt!!

    Don't give a hoot if it's the president or the boot studder. In this day and age managing and inspiring people is the name of the game in any role!

    I agree and from what I see he has lost players because of the way he tries to present as an authoritarian without "Gravitas"

    Don't care if he coached the best mid field in the comp in a premiership year, don't care if he coached some surfies to a premiership. What I want to see is a people manager and inspirer. Sorry but cannot see it given the vids that have been presented so far on this site.

    Understand that although it appears the process for his appiontment was questionable not sure the current administration can do anything about it!

    One thing I am sure of never ever let Garry Lyon anywhere near the process of coach appointment as consultant or whatevever his role was again.

    Yep we have gone backwards massively! I can relate to Tex and his arguements .Massive test awaits next year, would not like to be zip 4 or so at start of year that result would be catastrophic for all concerned!

    I could not agree more. A coaches main role is to get the most out of his players. What ever way you look at it Neeld does not have the ability to do this. He has lost the playing group. I have it on good authority that 15 of our 45 are investigating their options to leave, the exitist will take years of recruiting to repair, we are destined to the bottom 4 for at least another 3 years. Neeld has destroyed their confidence and thus the players ability. What a disaster Neeld is.

    Neeld is the worst mistake our club has made since sacking Norm Smith. I have already put money on the Dees for the wooden spoon next year.

    The board must fire him leave and leave Neil Craig in charge before more players leave. Who in their right mind would want to come and play for Melbourne.

    I beg the board to fire Neeld.

  4. If this is true, then this is the last straw for me.

    I cannot express my anger enough with the MFC and Mark Neeld.

    I am doing my utmost to write this without swearing and abusing the above mentioned.

    As if coming 16th was bad enough after we were predicted to be pushing for finals at the start of the season.

    Then losing Jurrah for nothing. Really well managed there boys.

    Neeld completely stuffed Moloney's year up by trying to change his game plan to being more defensive. Moloney who at 28 years old and in his absolute prime and our reigning B & F winner. Where did that get Moloney and our club??? 16th and see ya later.

    Petterd... gone backwards under Neeld, who was on the verge of super stardom in my opinion.

    Bennell gone backwards.

    Trengove and Grimes named co-captains. Give me a break. Another terrible, terrible decision. Trengove gone backwards.

    There's a theme here.

    As for his pathetic game plan of hugging the boundary and kicking it into the pockets, well that really worked didn't it!!!


    How about kick it to the most dangerous spot in-between FF and CHF.

    Under Neelds guidance and fitness philosophy he demanded during last pres-season that players needed to build their aerobic capacity at the expense of everything else.

    All we heard about was that they were running running running.

    Well none of them put any bloody weight on.

    Morton is still a stick.

    Watts lost weight.

    Cook has not developed one iota and has ended up in the VFL reserves and now both parties want out. Awesome. Well done. Another first round pick stuffed up. Jack Darling says hi.

    The team has gone completely backwards under Neeld. Our game plan was pathetic.

    And now I read that he wants to get rid of Gysberts.

    Why? Seriously?

    Is he trying to ruin our club? Gysberts is a ball magnet. He was a gun in his first few games before injury.

    Gysberts needs to develop his body, just as Watts, Bennell, Cook, Morton and all our other stick figures.

    How the hell are they supposed to under Neelds fanatical aerobic regime of runnning running running.

    This is non-conducive to developing bodies and putting on weight.

    I want Neeld out before he ruins our club anymore.

    I want Gysberts to stay a Demon.

    On draft day I desperately wanted Tahlia, but that moron picked Gysberts.

    I haven' changed my mind on the pick, but i have conceded Gysberts was a decent pick and has massive upside once he develops a mature body.

    So on the day Tahlia wins the Rising Star award I read Neeld wants Gysberts out.

    I will not accept this under any circumstances. From my understanding Gysberts has been struggling all year with injury.

    He thrives and excels in the Demons team. He is one that steps up easily in the highest level.

    Was he given an opportunity this year by Neeld? No!!!

    I will absolute spew if Gysberts is sacked or traded. There is no way we will get what he is worth.

    Neeld has rocks in his head.

    There is no way we should be sacking two of our lowly draft picks without developing them properly. He has no idea what he is doing.

    What a pathetic year.


    And we added Mitch Clarke to our team.

    We went backwards enormously.

    Wake up people. Stop accepting this [censored] spin.

    He is absoluelty ruining this club and I want him out. I want Neeld sacked now.

    Tex you have my 100% support. Neeld is the greatest mistake this club has made since sacking Norm Smith. The spotlight should not be on our players, rather it should be on our coach. He must be sacked, this is a disaster.

    • Like 2
  5. I want to know who is the "well-known players (sic) manager" that Grand New Flag cites - that's a question worth asking, and Demonland appears to have a "put up or shut up" attitude to posters citing unnamed authorities. Perhaps someone might apply this rule to Olisik's last statement - tell us, Olisik, or shuttup trying to look like you have inside information and contacts that you don't have. But, having read Grand New Flag's post, I think the question should at least be asked of him - what manager? what players? If there is substance in this allegation, it

    I appreciate your comments Robbie. I am not sure which players want out but the player manager who told me ~15 had voiced a desire to move on came from one of Paul Connors player managers who looks after a number of Melbourne players.

  6. Carlton supports on bigfooty seem to think Carlton are keen on Petterd.

    Firstly Oli, just because you disagree with my opinion does not mean it is trash. You remind me of a ALP or Green supporter simply trying to close down debate on a subject that is of importance and should be discussed. It is not normal for one third of a list to want out. Questions should be asked.

    As for Pettard: Of Course Carlton are after him as several other clubs will be. He has the talent, and will be one of those who go on and develop into a good footballer of perhaps premiership player.

    Again the problem is Neeld. Pettard is a confidence natural player, Neeld failed badly to get the best out of this player with poor management techniques.

  7. Agree. It is interesting that Nick Maxwell says Neeld was fantastic and that "ALL" the players were very sorry to see him leave. Also that MM credited him with a lot of the Pies success. So for blokes who win a flag and work hard he is great and for some at our club, that has done nothing recently, has a pathetic culture and is a media laughing stock, he is an [censored].

    Redleg, I really hope you are right and are not suffering from a case of blind faith.

    Time will tell.

  8. OOC players are as follows: Batram, Bennell, Petterd, Strauss, Cook, Jurrah, MacDonald, Jetta, Davis, Spencer, Bail, Sellar, Moloney, Green, Rivers, Bate, and Dunn.

    The rest have contracts.

    Which important players will we lose?

    I think Dunn is a must keep. He goes hard, gives 100% is a lovely kick and would be in our best 22 if he was just let to settle in one position. His value as a utility is significant. He is experianced in playing almost every position on the field outside of ruck.... and I think he even played 2nd ruck once last year. I would be shocked if Dunn did not get a new contract.

    Sellar probably deserves a 1 - 2 year contract.

    Rivers is a must keep, but one hears he is walking out due to the coach.

    Struass deserves a new contract after coming back from a terrible injury.

    A case can be put forward to keep a couple of others on this list, but please remember we will also lose a number of contracted players who ask to be traded.

  9. Ricky is yet another talented player that has not been able to perform under Neeld. If he he was one of a few that struggled under the coach this would be normal and not a problem.. The problem is that at least half the list took steps backwards. Many like Moloney, Jarrah, Pettard, Morton, Frawley, Trengrove etc were simply a shadow of there previous performances. The lack of confidence led to lack of ability.

    Many of the 10 or so that walk out, or get delisted will go on to other clubs to have successful careers. My friends; please believe me when I say that the problem is not our list, the problem is the management of the list. In particular Neeld. Simply he has lost respect and confidence of the players, he does not get the most out of them and this is shown in their on and off field performances. I am told from a well known players manager that as many as 15 have indicated a desire to leave the MFC. That is one third of the list.

    Neeld will swing the axe as he must blame someone. If the teams performance this season is not his fault then it is the players fault. As such many will be sacked, many of which we will watch develop into great players, and a couple will even become Premiership players with other clubs.

    The real loser in this is the MFC. We lose our talented players as we have a coach who has no talent in getting his players to perform to their ability. We will not be able to replace these players with people who are more talented. We will end up having to replace them with players like Magnor and Couch. No disrespect to these guys they give 100% and I love it, but they will never be players that have the ability to win a Premiership.

    We are falling into the abyss. Precious few want to play for the MFC but no one wants to play for Neeld. Neeld is the issue. Keeping Neeld is costing us big time. We are now back to where we started in 2007. Neeld should be the person who's performance should be questioned, before the players.

    Please get rid of Neeld.

  10. another disaster that is 100% Neelds fault. Moloney is a life long Melbourne supporter and for him to quit you know there are massive internal problems. He should have been made captain after winning the B & F but instead was dumped from the leadership group. The biggest insult is two boys who have played 30 games each were given the job over him. Moloney lost his confidence and he became a shaddow of himself on and off the field. The rest is history.

    It is the coaches main task to get the most out of his players. Hallo this is why teams have coaches. Neeld does not get the most out of our players. Most of the list has gone several steps backwards under his rule.

    Neeld must be fired. He is the biggest mistake the club has made since sacking Norm Smith. Neeld is a complete disaster. Anyone who suggests otherwise is seeing the world in rose colored glasses as the pain of the reality is too hard to take. Wake up and smell the coffee supporters of Neeld. Pretending something that is not, blind faith against reality will only end up making the disaster more damaging.

    I beg the board. Please fire this joke of a coach.

  11. Worst season in my 36 years as a one eyed supporter. Perhaps Jurrah should not be blamed on Neeld, however, no one can deny Neeld has spectacularly managed to get at least half our list off side. AFL is a confidence sport which is said to be 90% above the shoulders. When players lose their confidence they lose their ability as seen with Cloak and Daws. Neeld has destroyed the confidence of so many players it is pressing and deeply concerning.

    Neeld is the Julia Gillard of Football. I count the days down until it is commercial that we can fire him just as I count down the days until the next election.

    Neeld is the worst mistake the MFC has made since sacking Norm Smith. Why our board did not extend Bailey for one more year, opening the door for Multhouse, Roos and Mathews I don't know. Tactfully we could have fired Bailey mid season and had the choice of 3 Premiership Coaches before other clubs like Carlton's season was over. I said this at the time, the board has been very dumb on this one. At least they are good at raising money.

    Neeld has to go.

  12. Ruthless =

    delistings - Jamie Bennell, Matthew Bate, Aaron Davey, Neville Jetta, Troy Davis, Cale Morton, Lucas Cook, Ricky Petterd & Jake Spencer

    (Brad Green retired).

    That's 10 off the list.

    Brent Moloney, Lynden Dunn, Joel Mcdonald all survive.

    Moloney has put himself up as the first free agent, has 4 or 5 clubs looking at him. He will not play for Melbourne again. He is gone.

  13. well excuse me for thinking that when you have essentially the same 22 vs 22 at the same ground, 36 games of football later, and we won by 96 on that day, that it is a possibility

    The problem my friend is that Neeld has destroyed the confidence and natural offensive flare of our group. We are a shaddow of the side we were last year. Never have I seen so many talanted young players playing as a shaddow of themselves. We have not recruited badly, most of of list were recruited with a pick that matched the concensus of all recruiters at all clubs. The problem is our coach, I hope that if there is not a massive improvement in the first half of 2013 that he is sacked. Simply a coaches main role is to get the most out of his players, Neeld has one way of another destroyed the confidence and thus ability of at least half the list. Neeld is a massive mistake...... perhaps the biggest since sacking Norm Smith.

  14. To All,

    I except that Neeld will be given his time to prove himself (as he should be). I except that the board can't realistically dump Neeld less than 12 months into a 3 year contact. However, the rest of my points stand firm.

    We all agree that out team needed to learn greater defensive skills, we mostly agree that our team needed more aggression, pressure and hunger. However, this has not been achieved and worse the cost is our offensive flare. Players that were recruited for a offensive role of spread, run and carry are now smashed by this forum and the coach as they have failed to quickly add this skill to their discipline. Half our list is a shadow of their ability and previous performance.

    The end result is the burning of their ability.

    Our recruiters have not got it wrong. It must be remembered that all recruiters list the top 100 players in their opinion. Most of ours have been recruited with a draft pick that matches the general consensus of all recruiters.

    Our problem is not the players. Our problem in my opinion is instaling confidence and self belief. This is the coaches responsibility.

    My view is we are burning our talent and its Neelds fault.

  15. It is clear that we have pushed Green towards the door. Knowing him personally I find it hard to believe that this was his decision. Retiring him is a massive mistake for a 30 year old who still clearly has the body and ability to go on at least 2 more years as a dominate forward. Expect to see him in different colours next season. Unfortunately both Bailey and Neeld in their overly aggressive attempts to rebuilt have forgotten the value of experience. Hell even if Green could not get a game he is worth a spot on the list as a mentor.

    One of our problems has been a massive lack of senior players. Simply Bailey dismissed too many too quickly and there was practically no one left to be mentors and show leadership to our young players.

    Don't underestimate this problem. It is very significant. Neeld has not learnt from Baileys mistakes.

    Moloney falls into the same category in many ways. His poor form and body language is a direct result of mentally struggling under Neeld (with about half the team). He knows his time is coming, he has seen rookies get the captaincy over him, he has been dumped from the leadership group despite seeing himself as the next captain and winning Bluey. Simply the management of this situation as with all the other senior players has been appalling. No wonder he is looking for another club (despite being a life long Melbourne supporter). When you consider it is said 80% of our game is above the shoulders it is little surprise that he has struggled for form. Neeld has mentally destroyed him.

    My friends, signing Neeld was the biggest mistake our club has made since sacking Norm Smith, primarily the job of the coach is to get the most out their players. Neeld has destroyed the self confidence and thus ability of at least half the team. Never before have I seen so many players at one time playing as a shadow of their ability. Worse still these players are mostly young. We are broken, it is Neelds fault.

    It is my view that the list is a good developing list. We have underperformed primarily due to lack of self belief and confidence which is a direct result of the coach and lack of senior players. No disrespect to Grimes and Trengrove but having them as captains over Moloney and Green is a disgrace and a decision which will only have negative effects on the senior players. Rivers is another that should be talked about in this group and is likely to be seen in different colours next year.

    Moloney should be offered a 1 -2 year contact and the contact of Neeld should be terminated. Like Gillard, he should resign in shame… but wont. Financially it is cheaper to dump him and pay him out than to lose the players, sponsors, and prime games and game times as a result of poor ladder position.

    I ask the board for the immediate sacking of Neeld for the financial security of our club.

  16. Personally I believe Judd. He made a mistake and deserves weeks but he did not do this with the pre-meditated intention to injure. It was sloppy not intentional. In my view this is a terrible case of trial by media. 2 weeks is about right, 4 weeks is a joke. There are too many people on this site who are still up-set for him not coming to Melbourne and too many people who have the most disgusting of Australian traits..... tall poppy syndrome.

    • Like 1
  17. I'm not sure where you got your mail from but it is simply not correct. Go to the Port website and watch the said interview. Not much else he could have said under the circumstances. And to say he owes Port nothing??? Well nothing can be further from the truth. If he decides to leave he will ensure that they are looked after.


    Boak's teammates are confident he will stay. Time will tell.

    What else are Port going to say publically? I can confirm that Port are seriously considering asking him to clear his locker this week. Jackson Trengrove and other players are right to cross examine Boak after his interesting public performance post the match. Don't really think you can go on what is said in an internal Port Adelaide interview posted on their website. Personally I beleive everything I read on the internet!!!!!!! Not.

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  18. I understand that Boak has probably played his last game for Port. Boak apparently performed poorly in interviews after Port was beaten badly in the SA derby. On several occasions he was asked to confirm his loyalty but all he did was confirm he has his eyes on Melbourne clubs. He could only muster "I'm happy playing here at the moment", and said many other things suggesting he had made a decision to leave.

    I also understood that Boak has a foot injury that requires surgery and would prefer to leave the club now, have surgery and be back ready for day 1 of pre-season training with his new club.

    Port now see the chances of Boak staying as zero and it is likely Primus will ask him to clean out his locker this week.

    Boak has made it clear he wants to move back to Melbourne for "family reasons" preferably to Geelong. However, Port owes Boak nothing and will thus take the highest bidder of any Victoria based club.

    Melbourne are in a position to offer far more than any other club to both in terms of picks to Port and financially to Boak should we decide he is our man.

  19. It's time we looked at the cold hard facts... The Melbourne Football Club has kept this bloke around the place for nigh on 5 years now and despite for all the patience we have had, he is taking us nowhere...

    You know who I am talking about....

    That's right. The Bugler. Damn, that stuff is grating. The bloke himself might be a perfectly nice guy but if we want the club to move away from this wanky, private school elitist image that is prevalent among fans of opposition clubs, stuff like this (and that stupid blazer) need to go. I sit near the cheer squad every home match and I know Melbourne supporters are no different to any others. If Melbourne wants to be known as a serious footy club that is more about substance and less about image (why the club wants to foster this image is beyond me), they need to cancel this pre-match 'entertainment'.

    To this end, I have started the following Facebook group: http://www.facebook....92595587502674/

    Please join. If we can get enough rank and file supporters to join, we might be able to get the attention of the higher ups.

    P.S. I am aware I am shamelessly promoting a group I have started so let's not start the pile on. I thought if I should make a first post, it should be aimed at provoking discussion and working towards a goal of some description. Whether or not you feel that goal is worthwhile is entirely up to you!

    P.P.S. I am also aware in the bigger scheme of things the bugler is only a small part of the problem. There are other underlying issues at the club but I reckon the sooner they shed crap like this, the sooner we will move away from being a club that, to paraphrase Mick Malthouse, is about anything but football.

    Complete rubbish, you should be ashamed of yourself. There are issues with our club, but alienating certain segments of our supporter base is only going to divide and split the club rather than unite it. The MCC and its members are one of these groups that add significant financial backing to the club, further the MFC was born and inside the MCC for over 130 years. Why alienate them or any member who happened to go to a private school? Jim Stynes spent his time as President undoing the damage crap like this creates. We are a diverse club with diverse supporters from almost all imaginable demographics. The MFC does not stand for one group or another, it stands for united supporters regardless of their demographic. Wearing a traditional blazer has no effect on whether we win a premiership like you suggest, but the financial support of certain demographics of our supporter base will. The MFC stands for all members and it is time you joined and embraced the diversity of the club or resigned your membership. There are plenty of other clubs to support. The club does not need idiots trying to divide it. It needs leaders from all demographics uniting its members and supporters to the one common cause…….. A PREMIERSHIP.

    • Like 1
  20. Too early for this thread.

    With all the emotion from our pathetic performances well over half the list has been named on this thread to be delisted or traded!?!?!?!

    Lets wait and see who stands up in the last 2/3rds of the season. After attending the a supporters night earlier this week I am far more confident of where we are headed. Neeld, Schwab, Misson and Argus all presented excellently. I am much calmer and understand the direction. I am certain things will start to click before seasons end.

    My biggest concern is re-signing the younger players.

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