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Grand New Flag

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Posts posted by Grand New Flag

  1. I'm not supporting Neeld but I'm trying to be a realist. If we sack him now, can anyone calling for his head really tell me who is going to replace him? How the team will all of a sudden improve? And where the money for the change is going to come from?

    I think we have to keep him till seasons end because of these questions.

    I was screaming to sack him after the game yesterday but if you stop and logically think about it, with who and how can the club do it. I think the immediate changes need to be with the support staff. For example how long has Royal been at this club and what is he doing to improve us?

    Drastic changes aren't possible right now (as much as this pains me to say) so let's start attacking this cancer in manageable size portions.

    It has got to the point that we simply have nothing to lose by putting in a temporary coach and sacking Neeld. If we fail to do this imminently we will be looking at a mass walk out of players come seasons end. I promise this is the reality of the situation.

    • Like 3
  2. The added disappoint has been a return to Baileys "brusie free football". Our last few weeks have been a change in game plan, back to run and carry, but with very poor zone defence, rather than one on one used during the Bailey years.

    A Bailey style game plan but delivered with no confidence, no flare, no comitment and added confusion. I have never seen a game plan so consistantly and effortlessly opened up by the oposition.

    • Like 2
  3. Not this week.

    At worst, I can see him being a lame duck coach whilst back room dealings are made for the remainder of the season.

    No self-respecting career coach would want to take over this rabble of a playing group.

    Surely the board have been working on a transition plan since round 1, on the posibility this situation eventuated.

    • Like 1
  4. FFS, this is the worst coaching performance I have ever seen. The players are playing with no spirit, no confidence, and breathtaking incompetence.

    Please for the sake of our club, cut out the cancer, save our club, get rid of this hopelessly under qualified coach.

    I demand the board dump him forthwith,

    • Like 4
  5. Nope - will see out his contract....and there could be a late change in the line - up coming up.

    You would expect so. But there needs to be two late changes. Roden and Davey must come in. Sellar plus one more big must come out. Magnar would have been perfect in the rain.

    As for Neeld, if we hold this coach as you suggest, he will drive us off the cliff. I don't believe the board has suicidal tendencies. No coach has ever displayed such incompetence, and continued thrashings and survived.... Neeld will not survive.

  6. Another massive Neeld error. For several days the weather forecast has been for late rain. As I look at the radar it would seem that we are in for a very wet game. Simply we are way to tall for wet conditions. There is no excuse for this. It is an incredibly unprofessional error. My opinion of Neeld has again dropped. He is a disaster

    We will get smashed due to the midfield dominance of GC and lack of beneath the knees agility due to playing too tall for the conditions.

    Maybe this will be Neelds last.

  7. Crazy talk!

    Misjudged ideology. Neeld is a dud coach. Installing a culture and being able to coach is not mutually exclusive, to the contrary you can't install the culture of a profession football team if your on field performances are so far under an exceptable AFL standard that in nothing short of embarrassing. This will only build a culture of losing, a 2nd division culture where all you want as a player is put yourself in a position to be recruited by another club. This is what is the real danger. There will be no meaningful culture change while we are so pathetic on field. The players are divided and this is the coaches responsibility.

    I feel sorry for Neeld as he was given a job in a broken club that he was simply not qualified for. The task is well beyond him.

    Neeld is a big part of the problem, and is not the solution. He should fall on his sword or be promptly dismissed.

  8. haha always something new from the land of the jellyfish, today's delusion is that Neeld fails to recognise the superstar that is James Magner

    We all know MAgner's limitations. He is no superstar and will never be one. On current form he would however, be a useful and positive inclusion to the side. We are getting killed at clearances, we could really do with a big bodies clearance player.

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  9. There can be no other reason. It simply does not make any sense to not elevate Magner.

    If there was no restriction upon his selection he would have been in the team well before this.

    Balmy stuff.

    Mate if you are right, and finances are so short we can't pay someone to be promoted we are truly in a death role.

    Surely there is some other explanation. If the club was not intending to promote someone they would not have put Grimes onto the long term list.

  10. For those wanting Magner promoted, you're out of luck (me included) - just tweeted:

    "Neeld: we're not going to elevate a rookie for this week. It will be a weekly thing that we'll review."

    Absolutely disgraceful. What sort of message does this send Magnar? He has done everything right to be selected, the opportunity to promote finally arrives, we lose our two captain mid-fielders and then this? Casey have a bye............ FFS.

    Are we tanking?

    What is the logical explanation? This is so bizarre I feel that the club needs to make a better explanation than "we will review it each week".

    More crazy decisions by Neeld.

    • Like 1
  11. Neeld said so in his presser, which was tweeted by the club.

    Perhaps they're worried that if there are reports Magner is elevated we will be suspected for illicit drug use

    Good wit binman.

    So Neeld tweeted no one was being elevated, despite Casey having a bye? WTF????? Must be some mistake............. or was the mistake hiring Neeld as head coach?

    Something does not add up here. Why put Grimes onto the Long Term Injury list meaning he can't play, even for Casey for 8 weeks unless you intend to promote someone. 8 weeks is the maximum expected time of healing and he is our captain.

  12. I just read on the club website that Grimes has been put on the long term injury list. That being the case surely Magnar will be elevated before 6pm this evening and subsequently picked for the game on Sunday.

    Has the club said somewhere that they are not elevating him?

  13. Another problem of our coaches own making. No disrespect to our Captains, but they were too young and too inexperienced. One of Jones, Rivers, Moloney or maintaing Green for one more year was the answer.

    I think where would our club be today if one of the older guys were made Captain in 2012. The answer is a much better place than we are today.

    Neeld has got to go.

  14. Yeah, but we don't need it tomorrow.

    I fail to understand the benefit of holding onto someone when you know they are not the one. You break up with your girlfriend when you realise she is not the one, even if life is pretty good. Well life at MFC is not pretty good, we know Neeld does not have the skill set required for our situation. The players continue to go backwards, confidence and self belief are not improving, overall play remains shocking.

    Why would you keep him any longer? Why not try someone new, on a trial basis til seasons end. There is simply nothing to lose. Surley with a high degree of probability a new coach will get better perfomances than Neeld.

    I like Baghdad saw very concerning signs almost from day one. Neeld needed to be sent to management school before being given the job as he is no natural manager. Many of his mistakes are text book and something you woudl expect in the 2nd division of a country league. People will write studies in future years about this....... as what not to do.

    • Like 1
  15. What in the hell do you think that will achieve right now?

    What the hell do you think that keeping Neeld as coach will achieve? Have you been watching our games? Compare our games this season to the last 6 in 2011 (when we were suposed to be under-perfoming and rubbish). We re going backwards..... big time, keeping Neeld will result in the mass loss of players.

    I know as a fact Carlton are all over Watts. I here there are many that are over Neeld and over being a basket case and will ask for trade or take free agency come season end. This could be the begining of the end.

  16. Not sure how anyone could have left Dunn out of the top 6.

    Dunn was by far our best. Kept Judd to his career worst performance against Melbourne (63 DT points) and one of his worst dozen games overall (when not injured). At the same time Dunn got plenty of the ball, great goal, competed well, ran hard. I say it was the perfect tagging performance.

    Dunn deserved more credit.

    • Like 1
  17. The weekend may well have been seen as a borderline pass by those who wield the stick. The performance was still unacceptable but at least the club did not go further backwards. The players did give it a crack. If they did not Neeld was gone.

    However, make no mistake Neeld continues to remain one week from being fired................. and rightly so.

    Lets not get soft, lets not get emotional. Neeld is not our man. If Neeld was a player he would have already been shown the door. His performance as coach has been horrific. If we were not looking at a mass walk out come season end, I would be happy to give him until round 11. However, the risks are simply too high. Only a new coach with ample time to make a difference can stop the rot and give our players some self respect, self confidence, and give back their natural abilities. Only a new coach can save the furniture. You could easily see what Carlton’s game plan was, but apart from kicking long I had no idea what Melbourne’s was. This is not good enough.

    I see no reason why we can't get a coach that can continue to install a better culture AND is able to coach at the same time. These things are not mutually exclusive.

    On Trenners, he clearly has OP or some other injury that is debilitating his run and streagth. He must be rested until this is fixed. If that means a season on the sideline.....so be it, but it is simply unfair on the kid to have him in the side as captain, a shadow of the player he was at the tender age of 21. Poor coaching.

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  18. Man I am sick of the fact that the part of the season MFC supporters get most excited about is the draft. I enjoy the analysis but the fact that it is round 6 and we are already looking forward to the draft is pretty pathetic.

    True, but this what happens when you gpo down by 10+ goals every week. Its not the supporters fault it is the teams. If we performed better we would not even consider the draft until the season was over.

    Anyway I am expecting a priority pick, I am expecting 2 of the top 3 picks.

  19. Nate Jones simply outstanding.

    Dunn excellent work on Judd. Fantastic

    Viney good (terrible miss)

    Frawley best half since 2011. Keep it up.

    If they can play like that in the 3rd we will be a genuine chance. However our 3rd quarters......................

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  20. Happy with the intent. Despite bring down by 5 goal.

    Dunn excellent, outplayed Judd

    Would be a different score line if we had Dawes, Hogan and Clark in the forward 50. Thats where we have been let down.

    Carlton small forwards also chopping us up.

    We cant drop our heads today

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