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Grand New Flag

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Posts posted by Grand New Flag

  1. After Neelds second pre season there appeared to be no obvious signs that we would be so rotten at the seasons start.

    Neelds words were bullish at the start of the season and yet not one MFC insider announced any negativity about 2013. All expectations were we would win between 5 and 8 games and further improve in 2014. So why didn't anyone at the club including board level see any warning signs?

    We almost had a injury free list at the start yet no one including Neeld expected we would fall over so easily. Now we have to totally restructure and I have heard nobody take actual responsibility.

    Don resigns but does not apologise for such a mess. Everyone who will go will just walk away without anyone knowing exactly why we ended up in such a pathetic position. Who the hell is responsible and what did they do wrong. Does anyone know the actual reasons why the players are not improving under Neeld? Lots of questions but not many answers.

    I am not suprised by our performances, you will note that I voiced my concerns preseason. I expected us to have only won 1 - 2 games by this stage of the season, however, the pure intensity of our inept performances has even been worse than what I expected.

    As I have said over and over, there is no excuse for pathetic on field perfromances. Ultimate responsibility falls on our coach. How Neeld still has a job beyond a joke and highlights the other problems inside the club. He is a terrible coach, he has done untold damage. He is the wrong coach for the wrong club at the wrong time. He should have been shown the door at the end of last season. Simply all but 3 of our players have gone backwards despite being young, low draft picks and up and coming. No other club would still have him employed. We are showing all how weak we are.

    For the sake of our football club get rid of this dud Neeld, then we can start healing, then we can start to improve.

    There will be no improvment while he remains coach.

    • Like 1
  2. I simply can't understand how anyone can continue to support Neeld. I have read the pro view..... to me the arguments make no sense.

    We were again horribly out coached today. What I hated most was the change in game plan after Dawes went off. We went mega defensive in an attempt to restrict the losing margin (again to no avail), once again playing several players behind the ball. This..... the super flood, played under Neeld gives us no chance of being able to kick a winning score..... yet this was the tactic................. again!!!!!!!



    I am sure you all noted the drop of the head once the coach effectively raised the white flag.

    I have had enough of this! I hate going to games that the coach effectively gives up prior to half time. If we are to go down, lets go down fighting playing a game style that has the chance of putting some score board pressure on.

    There is no upside to keeping Neeld.

  3. Your support for Neeld is amazing.

    Yes, the sky is indeed falling in on the MFC. Mark my words, our future is far from safe. How people still assume everything will just be alright is beyond me. Once we are insolvent, the AFL can do what it likes with us. We are close to insolvent.

  4. How are we paying out the coaches contract? How are we paying for a new one who will possibly command a higher wage and higher wages from more established assistants?

    What is Kennett's ticket, mandate and solutions for our current situation?

    The cost to the club for complete on-field failure cannot be understated. Add to this the cost of losing players come season end and thus the likely continuation of on-field failure and you quickly can understand why it is more expensive to keep Neeld than dump Neeld.

    Neeld was the boards choice. They are responsible for him. They must pay the ultimate price for their utter failure. Outside of Debt Demolition (which was the great man) this board has horribly failed. We are on our knees under their watch. They must go.

    I agree we need to hear more about the Kennett push, but if done right.................. it genuinely excites me.

    • Like 2
  5. Fresh off "The Australian" website.


    If you did not think we were in danger of becoming extinct, maybe this article will help you wake up and smell the coffee.

    My solution:

    1. Get rid of Neeld now. The cost of doing this now will be far less than the cost of not doing this.

    2. Replace the board with Jeff Kennetts ticket.* (Assumes JK ticket of quality Melbourne Members and endorsed by PJ and AFL)

    Outside of this happening, I fear the worst.

  6. Reading all these posts, it's obvious the pro versus anti Jeff For Prez is split down the middle. I think his politics should be left completely out of the debate and centre purely around whether or not he can help lead us out of the deep mire in which we find ourselves with what he can bring to the table.

    We seem to have embraced Peter Jackson as an MFC outsider without question as a mover and shaker, and yet Jeff polarises like no other, save perhaps Eddie. A bull in a china shop approach yes, but a man who thrives on a challenge, as an ex Premier passionate about the Melbourne brand (the city - but we carry its name - he made a point of this) and he was president of a club with a demographic not dissimilar to our own. And as a previous non-supporter, like Jackson, he will see us with other eyes.

    What I think this club needs is exactly what outsiders like PJ and Jeff can bring - an outside perspective from hugely successful football environments that have tasted the ultimate. For the past 50 years, we have navel gazed from the inside to no avail with small smatterings of success along the way without having achieved that ultimate.

    We are constantly painted as beige with no personality and we stand for nothing. We have well meaning diehard supporters who are successful in business who are voted in to take on roles within the club and yet they continually fall short, apparently because of something called "our culture" of which they also become tarred because that is who or what we are.

    It is time to take on a completely fresh approach to fix something that has been broken for 50 years. If it takes non Melbourne supporters, like Jackson and Kennett to rebrand us, give us corporate governance, profile, gravitas, sponsorship, respect, even success (dare we dream) - then why not? We are severely lacking in all these areas. Kennett's performance on Footy Classified early this year was almost statesman like in its depth of understanding of the issues within the AFL and in his role at Beyond Blue similar understanding of the frailties of the human condition.

    Sure he is full of hot air, bluff and bluster and he has that great ability to put his foot in it, however he is a winner and a can-do person, with much clout and many contacts and along with Peter Jackson, knows what it takes to be successful. He will make the place hum again, which will draw in more supporters and support, which will encourage our players to want to stay and have players from other clubs wanting to be part of it.

    Our club has not hummed for a long time - and it is about time it did again.

    Excellent post.

    I am certain that if Jeff can bring on a competing board ticket, full of successful Melbourne members and get endorsement from the AFL he will successful force a EGM that he will win.

    I call of Jeff to do just that.

    • Like 1
  7. What about him reducing the powers of the auditor general (there was a reason why Billy was asked the question)? Casemix? Compulsory competitive tendering for councils? Stripping the right to sue employers for negligence? Giving us the sh****est public transportation system in Australia (something Labor never fixed)? Getting rid of state awards (also never restored by Labor)? Lack of transparency in bids for the Casino and the state emergency service? All 'growth' going into the metropolitan region while the bush got squat? Ringing any bells? 13 years is enough to whitewash the record for some people but for older stagers like myself, we remember all too well. I could keep going all day.

    Your answer as to why he got booted was half right but simplistic. It also is a cautionary tale for the MFC. Jeff ultimately lost due to his general arsehat style. Russell Savage, a member for one of the safest conservative seats in Victoria, and Craig Ingram, a man who had never voted Labor in his life, made it quite clear that they would never serve in a government run by Jeff Kennett. There were probably some issues they had with Jeff's policies towards the bush but the one that stands out to me is that Jeff called Savage an 'fwit' and treated him generally like crap. If the bloke had any decorum what so ever, he would have served at least 3 more years.

    O.K. I haven't forgot what I said... Time to move on.

    Edit: He called Savage an 'fwit' on the floor of the parliament and ordered coalition MP's not to socialize with him.

    This has no relevance. Jeff's specialty is turning basket cases organisations around. He did it with our state, he did it with the Hawthorn Football Club, he can do it for us. We need to let him. Remember we can always vote him out if he starts power tripping to the detriment of the club.

    Jeff is our best hope. He will increase the profile of the club, which increases media attention, which increases sponsorship, increases members, which increases player satisfaction with the club, this improves the chances of holding players and bringing new players in, which inturn improves performances. All of this improves the financial position of the club allowing it to spend more on the football department and thus further improving performance.

    Get it!

    Jeff would be the best thing ever to happen to our club........ in my life time.

  8. You can't have a club president who supports another club.

    It's like asking Putin to run for American president.

    It's folly, doomed from the outset.

    Complete rubbish. It's no different to having a player who once supported a different club. Football is professional, football is big business.

    Your ideals are something from a previous time.

    • Like 2
  9. Any member on this site who supports Jeff for President can and hand in their membership and close the door on the way out. I will not accept a Hawthorn supporter who advocates we relocate and or merge as President regardless of my personal opinion on Jeff and the skills he may or may not bring he is not wanted by me and I think the majority of dedicated passionate demons.

    If you want and example of this clubs culture problems that people have ranted about then you should have a good hard look at yourselves. Can you imagine Essendon fans or Collingwood fans supporting a Carlton supporter as their President?

    For all of McLardys possible errors or faults and am not convinced there have been that many he loves this club and feels our pain and I would keep him everyday rather than a Hawthorn person.

    This post is offensive.

    It's time you put your personal dislike of Jeffs political views aside for the good of the club. Football is big business, you must understand that if you can't compete off the field you will not be able to compete, have regular success on the field. At its most basic this is why the MFC has failed for 50 years.

    Jeff would be a godsend to this club. It does not matter that he is a hawthorn supporter just as it makes no difference that Juddy and Buddy were once Melbourne members. Get over yourself and support your club.

  10. Step one.... Replace CEO....

    Step two.... Replace president and board

    Step three.... Convince supporter/members that relocation is best for the club

    Step four.... Relocate club

    This is ridiculous scare mongering. This is exactly what Kennett would be doing everything in his power to stop from happening.

    • Like 1
  11. Those members who have personal dislikes of Kennetts political views need to put these to one side. Kennett is a rare beast who knows what to do and how to do it. He would bring unimaginable press coverage and interest to our club which would result in a much higher profile club. This in turn would result in higher sponsorship, better attendances, more members, player interest and success. He has a track record of making basket cases into success stories. Love him or hate him, the turn around in this states finances and economy while he was Premier was simply incredible. At the time Victoria around the world was known as "the economic miracle". Likewise he went in as Hawthorn President at a time that Hawthorn was considered a basket case financially with on-field weakness and turned it into a powerhouse. Simply Kennett would be the best possible candidate for President of the MFC.

    I have lost all hope with the current board. Their failure to fire Neeld, and except the tanking fine sums up their inept ability. The pathway they have put us on has brought us to our knees. There is more to a football club than just "Debt Demolition" which is their ONLY success.

    If there was to be a competing ticket for the board led by Jeff Kennett I would pin back my ears and campaign free of charge, member to member convincing them to vote for this ticket. It would indeed be a godsend.

    Go for it Jeff!!!

    • Like 5
  12. I am not sure who have their heads further in the sand.

    1) ALP Caucus members blindly following Julia Gillard off the political cliff to what will be the greatest landslide in Australian political history. Thus risking their own livelihoods and the future health of the once great Labor Party.


    2) Melbourne Football Club members and board blindly supporting the worst coach in the history of the game over the preverbal football cliff. Thus risking the very existence of the club they love. The once great Melbourne Football Club.

    Its mind boggling stuff.

    On the current path, both seem to be caught in the headlights. Both will end up in slaughter.

    Its too late for Gillard and the ALP, nothing can save them. However, the MFC can still be saved.............. time is quickly running out.

    • Like 1
  13. We will not move forward while Neeld is coach. We will not start healing until Neeld is gone. It sounds like they have decided Neeld is going but have not put a transition plan in place and only now are they working on this plan. This is not good enough, a transition plan should have been worked on since round 2.

  14. Well i think Dawes might at least show him how to work. That said Watts was on his bike a bit yesterday. The goals he kicked in the 3rd he had been up in the back half immediate before and had run the length of the ground back to our forward line. That said he was absolutely knackered and sucking the wind - good effort to slot it considering.

    But Jumbo i have to call it. I was wrong and you were right. He won't be our most important player this year (or probably ever on current performances) - not by a mile. No pushing for AA selection, now or perhaps ever. No Goddard quarter back role. Chalk it up as another completely 100% wrong call I made pre season. The flame of hope once again burnt my logic. I appreciate and respect the fact you have not crowed in any way.Respect

    I thought that even though he did a few ok things yesterday his intensity, tackling and desire was deplorable. I was of the view in 2011 that he would never make it if he didn't address that aspect of his game but felt he had improved his intensity to at least an acceptable level in 2012. Well he's gone all the way back. Some his efforts, or should i say half arsed efforts were pathetic yesterday. And even though i don't think Neeld has done him any favours the blame for his lack of intensity is squarely on Watts shoulders. If only he had a tenth of Puoplos desire - or Terlichs for that matter.

    What then to do with Watts. I favour him alternating between a high half forward and a wing and using his kicking skills forward of centre to snag one or goals a game and set up a few more. The rest of the time play as an outside receiver type with a license to take risks and kick into the corridor.

    Most agree his intensity is his issue, however I thought his intensity was pretty good yesterday. I do believe he is asked to play as an outside midfielder when not playing forward of back, and this is why he runs at full pace into a contest and then stops 2 meters from it. He has elite skills and is probably the most naturally skilled player at the club. With our lack of outside mids, if I was coach I would be instructing him to play as a receiver when playing in the midfield. He has played very little football in the middle, yesterday he seemed to be rotating between forward, back and midfield. I think he needs to learn better judgement on when to go and get his own ball, and when to wait on the outside of the contest. If you watch Chis Judd he does the same think, he runs full pace to the contest and then stands two meters from it most of the time, Carton would prefer the ball in his hands and thus have instructed him to play as an outside mid, but when he sees the opportunity to go, when its his time to go, he goes hard. It is this that Watts needs to learn. When to go, and only ever go as hard as possible.

  15. you mean like Sheedy...hows he going ? how did Pagan go at Carlton. How did unproven coaches Scott got at Geelong and Longmire at the Swans ?

    I am not saying for a minute that Neeld should stay and nor am I advocating an untested coach as a replacement. What I am preaching against is a "magic wand". We have a lot of very average footballers running around and no amount of messiah's are going to turn that around in a hurry and to quote - "anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron"

    Nut: No one hear thinks anyone has a magic wand. Most have their eyes wide open to where we are. Firstly we must stop going backwards, step two is to become competitive and start winning some games.

    I don't believe the board has any choice but to dismiss Neeld today. I will be shocked if it did not happen.

    I don't understand the blind faith showed by many who think Neeld deserves more time. We continue to go backwards, just because we have become accustomed to 15 goal losses does not mean they are ever expectable. We have a coach that has made 15 goal loses the norm. This cannot be tolerated.

  16. What equally makes me sick is that so called supporters wish the downfall of a club employee and rejoce

    That is what makes our club a joke to the competition - not the fact Neeld will get fired in due coarse but the fact supporters wish for it

    Talk about supporting 60 years of crap and counting

    Come on mate. No member of any club would except the appalling performances we have dished out since his arrival. If we do not get rid of him our club looks weak. No club would continue support for its coach who had failed at every aspect of his position. The coach after all is the person who is responsible for its on-field performance. He should have been fired at the end of last season.

  17. Remember you've got 2 other parties involved (Choco and Junior)...

    Good point! It would be in these guys interest to leak this if they have be interviewed for the job and indeed want the job. If the decision has been made (but not the timing) this leak forces the board to bring it to a head immediately

    Then again the leak could come from a board member who has similar strong opinions as my own, in that he must go ASAP, the future of our club is at stake.

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